Truth Be Told Podcast: “Team Sanity”

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The Right Wire Report presents the Truth Be Told Podcast with Bekah Lyons. The Truth Be Told Podcast discusses the important political and cultural issues of the week and provides analysis that will give a different perspective and how these stories will affect us all in the near future. Now, wake up and start acting. The topical notes for this November 26, 2022, “Team Sanity” episode include:

  • Collective Group Think Is Insanity:
    • Ghent University professor Mattias Desmet on Tucker Carlson Today discussing mass formation psychosis – see here.
    • New Thinking on ‘Mass Formation’ (Psychosis) article – see here.
    • A list of examples of collective groupthink presently – see here.
    • Finding America’s moral compass article – see here.
  • Covid Complicit Cover Up:
    • Where exactly are we combating a real virus called Sars-Cov-2? See here.
    • The vast majority of Covid deaths are now occurring in vaccinated people – see here and here.
    • WHO release campaign to censor misinformation – see here.
    • The truth about Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine – see here.
    • Watch Dr. Scott Atlas sums up Fauci’s Legacy of “Massive Harm” – see here
    • New Emails Reveal Fauci, NIH Officials Considered Warning FBI About Potential Lab Leak – see here.
    • Oregon Corrects False Information On Child COVID-19 Hospitalization Rates – see here.
    • Now a sudden surge in RSV – see here.
  • Quick Hits (round-up of important headlines):
    • Russia updates herehereherehere, here, and here.
    • Martin Armstrong’s documentation-laced article on the history of Ukraine – see here.
    • SBF of FTX will speak at the NYT event with Zelensky – see here.
    • NATO alliance unraveling? Turkey strikes a US-trained facility in Syria – see here.
    • COP27 was a farce ending in tears, rifts, and frustration – see here.
    • Chart of the Day: COP27 – Another Historic Gobbledygook Climate Change Agreement – see here.
    • The UK is also the third-worst performing nation of all the G-20 countries worldwide, with only Russia and Sweden seeing a bigger decline in GDP, at 5.6 percent and 0.6 percent – see here.
    • Bolsonaro sues Brazil courts to invalidate over 250,000 votes – see here.
    • Foxconn Offers Workers $1,400 To Leave China iPhone City After Mass Chaos, covid lockdown to cover? See here.
    • Does the Fed signal a dovish pivot? Economic downturn ahead for USA – see herehere, and here,
    • Rent delinquency rates have escalated for the second month in a row in the U.S., breaking a new 2022 record: 41% of small business owners could not pay their November rent in full and on time – see here.
    • Why Is The US Losing Oil Refining Capacity? See here.
    • Mass Shootings/ Gun Violence:
      • Recent incidents updates – see here, herehere, here, and here.
      • Biden calls for assault weapon ban, again – see here.
      • Handguns, not AR-15s, are used in nearly two-thirds of the nation’s gun murders – see herehere, and here.
      • Per population stat using the definition of a mass shooting, it is the black male, not white male, who is committing the most mass shootings – see here, here, and here.
      • Fudging statistics by leaving out that many of the 600-plus labeled mass shootings in 2021-22 are, in fact, drive-by, drug-related, gang-related, or just pointless sports/party gatherings – see here and here.
      • Mass shootings makeup 3.49% of all gun-related murders – see here.
      • Crime stats – murder rates are up 50% since 2015 – see here and here.
    • Midterm clean-up – see here and here.
    • A national poll released Wednesday shows that former President Donald J. Trump is the frontrunner for the 2024 Republican nomination over his potential primary opponents – see here.
    • Twitter: Amnesty begins next week as Musk indicates reinstatement for suspended accounts en masse – see here.
    • Fired Twitter Moderator Reveals “Worries” Over Platform’s Free Speech Future – see here.
  • Culture Wars:
    • A recent ad campaign that appeared on Fashion House  Balenciaga’s Instagram page featuring its new “Objects” collection displaying young children with bondage-clad teddy bears, submissive collars, and legal documents of a court case about kiddie porn – See here, and here.
    • The leftist propagandists are out in full force to shutdown and demonize anyone who points out that encouraging child mutilation in the form of transitioning in pre-pubescence, exposing children to sexual indoctrination in Drag Shows, indoctrination of LGTBQ agenda in school-age children,  and promoting kiddie porn in ad campaigns – is hate speech and anti – LGTBQ plus. Even promoting mass murder! This is another example of collective groupthink and mass formation psychosis in play.
    • After Tucker highlighted the story, a few outlets picked it up, and Balenciaga deleted that Instagram claiming it was only the photogs choice. YET then chose to keep up an equally disturbing ad campaign, such as a scene that subtly references child pornography, and the occult can be easily visualized – see here.

Truth Be Told Podcast: “Team Sanity” November 26, 2022:

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses