Truth Be Told Podcast: “WWIII Masterclass” January 28, 2023

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The Right Wire Report presents the Truth Be Told Podcast with Bekah Lyons. The Truth Be Told Podcast discusses the important political and cultural issues of the week and provides analysis that will give a different perspective and how these stories will affect us all in the near future. Now, wake up and start acting. The topical notes for this January 28, 2023, “WWIII Masterclass” episode include:

  • The Truth Said Out loud:
    • German foreign minister declares war on Russia – see here.
    • NYT – “Putins War But Americans Are Not Innocent Bystanders” – see here.
    • A group of 50 prominent foreign policy experts that included former senators, retired military officers, diplomats, and academicians, sent an open letter to President Clinton outlining their opposition to NATO expansion. See here.
    • TRANSCRIPT: 2007 Putin Speech and the Following Discussion at the Munich Conference on Security Policy – see here.
    • Biden’s own CIA Director has been warning about the provocative effect of NATO expansion on Russia since 1995 – see here.
    • It has long been clear that Nato expansion would lead to tragedy. We are now paying the price for the US’s arrogance and ignoring red lights flashing – see here.
    • US-Backed, Nazi Right overthrow of the elected Ukrainian Government – 2014 Color Revolution of Dignity and the Maidan protests. Learn more here and here.
    • Massive censorship keeps the general public ignorant of the context and issues. Western governments and multinational corporations attempted to co-op Ukraine as a proxy state – see here.
    • Ukraine owes billions of dollars in foreign debt to international financial institutions, banks, and hedge funds – see here.
    • Ukraine corruption scandal – see here.
    • Zelensky wide-scale corruption – see here.
    • Addressing a Chambers of Commerce, Zelensky thanks BlackRock, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and others for their support of Ukraine. Adds that sending Ukraine heavier weapons, like Abrams tanks, represents a “big business” opportunity for US corporations –  see here. Note: added 10 secs of a horrifying Ukranian conscription scene.
  • Macgregor’s Reality Check:
    • Col Macgregor’s video – see here.
    • Doomsday Clock advances – see here.
  • Quick Hits (round-up of important headlines):
    • Terrorist Kills 8, Wounds 10 in Jerusalem Synagogue Attack on International Holocaust Day – see here.
    • The Mainstream Media Admits That We Are Facing “The Worst Food Crisis In Modern History” – see here.
    • Classified records found at former VP Pence’s home – see here.
    • Illegal border crossings surge to highest of Biden’s term – see here.
    • Border deaths during Biden’s tenure highest – see here.
    • Debt Ceiling debate – see herehere, and here.
    • Speaker Kevin McCarthy shows teeth – see here.
    • Rona Mcdaniel secures 4th term as GOP Chair with votes to spare – see here
    • Donald Trump Jr. interviews Speaker McCarthy on both a big picture and granular level to highlight the political intent of the new Republican congress- see here.
    •  Musk meets with McCarthy – see here.
    • Tesla’s record revenue earnings – see here.
    • The latest Twitter file drop shows prominent source media/politicians used for Russia disinformation was a fraud – see here.
    • A cottage industry of “fact checkers” and “misinformation” experts has emerged to advance the left’s mission of silencing dissent to its agenda around the world. Analysis of the funding of these organizations leads back to a familiar figure, left-wing billionaire George Soros – see here.
    • The White House and European Commission entered into a first-of-its-kind agreement to speed up and enhance the use of artificial intelligence to improve agriculture, healthcare, emergency response, climate forecasting, and the electric grid – see here.
    • Tucker Video: Project Veritas Pfizer Sting Exposes Profound Questions That Must Be Answered – see here.
    • Covid updates – here, here, and here.
    • Paul Pelosi hammer attack bodycam released – see here.
    • Watch “Will You Go To Hell For Me” – see here.
    • Horrific bodycam video shows five Memphis cops kicking Tyre Nichols in the head, hammering him with a baton, raining punches down, pepper spraying, and taze-ing him as he screams ‘mom, mom’ in a brutal five-minute beating – before he died in hospital – see here. Tyre Nichols protests start to turn VIOLENT as activist smashes up NYPD cruiser and cops make arrests in Times Square – while thousands descend on Memphis, Washington DC, and Atlanta – see here.
  • Culture Wars:
    • Burberry has launched its online Valentine’s ad campaign featuring striking images of same-sex couples kissing and being intimate and a gender-neutral couple displaying their double mastectomy scars – see here.
    • “People Have Periods.” Ad campaign promoting transgenders – see here.
    • The “Queen of Pop” is back again with a blasphemous photoshoot for Vanity Fair – see here.
    • A new demonic-looking statue has been placed on top of a Manhattan Courthouse to honor the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg – see here.
    • Creepy – Pfizer’s new Covid-19 booster jab ad featuring Martha Stewart shows the Pfizer COVID booster shot can take out COVID variants. A lie – see here.
    • Let’s come full circle. When you degrade culture and reduce it to narcissistic circle jerks and sexual deviancy/hedonism, no respect for the sanctity of life, bankrupt the working class, and manipulate the masses through propaganda, war, and loss of liberties – what you end up with is raw rage looking for vengeance. Listen to the sounds of Canada’s Prime Minister Trudeau being swarmed on the street by hundreds of protesters shouting Tyrant and F-you – see here. Imagine millions in countries across the globe coming for their leaders – a micro example of what elites fear most.

Truth Be Told Podcast: “WWIII Masterclass” January 28, 2023:

By Bekah Lyons

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