Tucker: Incompetent ruling class in America

Tucker Carlson explains how the incompetent ruling class in charge of America have squandered the great nation “for short-term profits, bigger vacation homes, and cheaper household help”.

Tucker Carlson: Good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson Tonight. The story of American decline is the story of an incompetent ruling class, so if your many self-serving explanations for the truth is, it’s that simple. The people in charge inherited in industrial superpower with unchallenged military dominance. In a little more than a generation they squandered all of it. In exchange for short-term profits, bigger vacation homes, cheaper household help, they wrecked what they did not build. They outsource entire sectors of our economy to China. They imported to surf class to drive down wages, and they crippled the middle class while doing it. They ran up trillions in unpayable debt. They turned the finest universities in the world into a joke. They watch from their decadent little bubbles of affluence as family’s, faith and public decency died in this country, and they laughed because they didn’t care. How people this awful wound up in charge of a nation is great as ours is a question historians will have to answer and they will someday. But at this point it’s clear the population has grown tired of it. Donald Trump’s election is one clear sign of that, the rise of Bernie Sanders is another. The ruling class, in other words, is losing its grip on power and they can feel it. They can smell it, it terrifies them. Their first response was denial, it always is. They retreated into fantasy. Why can’t we just elect Joe Biden and make it 2009 again. Well, that didn’t work and when it didn’t, they reverted to their governing instinct, which is authoritarianism. They stopped trying to convince the public of anything and instead decided to scare them. Fearful people are easier to control. You saw it on the front page of their newspaper this morning, New York Times, “Law makers are warned that Russia is meddling to re-elect Trump,” read the headline. Inside the story there was nothing, no evidence, no detail, not even a coherent set of accusations, but it was enough to alert the morons on cable news that it was time to do their job, which is now and always to run interference for the people in charge. Now remember as you watch the following clip that most of the people on television have no idea what they’re saying even if they’re saying it. Their just reading the scripts that were written for them by some 23 year old Women’s Studies major from Wesleyan who knows even less than they do. So as you watch try not to judge them too harshly.

It’s official Russia has endorsed the re-election of President Donald Trump who is trying desperately right now to keep that matter secret.

If the Russians are attacking our election processes and their doing so to benefit Donald Trump, I didn’t frankly the president welcomes it, he wants it.

Through, as bad as it is that the Russians are back at it trying to help Trump get reelected, it’s far worse that the president of the United States is, is trying to cover it up.

The president is a Russian operative. That sounds like the description of a bad Hollywood screenplay, but it is real and it is Vladimir Putin’s greatest achievement.

This is one of those shocking news days, if you retain the capacity to be shocked in the Trump era, by the Trump regime, which might be better labeled the Trump-Putin regime.

Tucker Carlson: the President of the United States has colluded with Vladimir Putin to steal an election, no not the last one, though that one, but the next one too. Be afraid, says Don Lemon, be very afraid. Yet the public doesn’t seem especially afraid. Maybe they’ve heard it before somewhere. Their lack of panic is deeply distressing to the Democratic party which is counting on another Red scare sometime between now and November. So Brian Williams, trusty Brian Williams, stepped into scold America for not being more terrified.

We begin tonight with sad word that funeral services are pending this evening after the death of outrage earlier today. Outrage officially died of exhaustion, though buoyed at the very end by the one bright spot, the realization that it’s close relative, apathy, survives and is thriving.

Tucker Carlson: Got that! Screw you America. You ought to be falling for it a second time. How dare you. You can see the frustration on their faces. And, on the other hand, you think they might take the time to come up with a new hoax occasionally. Why can’t they invent Argentine sappers once in awhile, or saboteurs from Malawi, something new and interesting. But no, like a robot vacuum cleaner stuck carving circles under a chair they’re going to keep doing the same thing over and over and over till the batteries run out. And now they’re trying it on Bernie.

Now, you might ask the question, some people have, would they want Trump over Bernie Sanders? Sanders, of course, a Democratic Socialist has, you know, more ideologically in tune with the old Russia anyway and remember of course the Russians did favor Bernie Sanders in the primary in 2016 over Hillary Clinton.

Tucker Carlson: Bernie Sanders? He’s a Putin stooge too? We thought he was a Brezhnev stooge, whatever. He’s colluding with the Russians. He’s got to because he’s not with the program. Just this afternoon The Washington Post reported that quote “Bernie Sanders was briefed by U.S. officials, Intel officials, that Russia is trying to help his presidential campaign end quote. Now, that happen weeks ago, he learned about it weeks ago. But the Sanders campaign never leak the story. Now on the eve of the Nevada caucuses, someone from the so-called intelligence community did leak it, just as they repeatedly leaked selective information in the first Russia hoax, in an effort, of course, to derail Donald Trump whose policies they disagree with. Do you see what’s going on here? Yes you do. Our democratic system is in fact under attack, that much is true. But its that the Russians who were attacking, it’s not even the Chinese. Its being attacked by her own ruling class. They’re undermining democracy because they have no choice. If they left it up to voters to decide where to go next, they’d be out of a job tomorrow because they’ve been terrible stewards of this country, someone will be in jail. So they’ve got to subvert our system, their livelihoods depend on it.

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