United States Parents Involved in Education (USPIE)

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United States Parents Involved in Education (USPIE) is a nonprofit, nationwide coalition that seeks to return education to its proper local roots and restore parental authority over their children’s education by helping parents and local communities to escape federal and other national influences. 

Grassroots leaders from around the country are working to 1) expose the lies being taught in government schools that harm children and threaten freedom, 2) encourage parents to take back responsibility to educate their children, 3) initiate and support efforts to return complete local control of government schools, and 4) encourage states to wean themselves off the federal education dole.

Visit USPIE.org


It is the vision of USPIE to create a culture where parents, empowered with the authority to choose what and how their children learn, are the undisputed, primary educators of their children; where local schools operate in support of families, and where education is unencumbered by federal mandates.


Respect for others, the truth, fiscal accountability and excellence undergird all USPIE’s efforts.


Respect for people, especially parents, is core to USPIE’s values. USPIE believes parents have the right and responsibility to raise their children and USPIE contends parents have the right to decide how their children should be taught and what they should learn. Moreover, USPIE understands the commitment to respecting parents is unique, as disrespect for parents, their values and their abilities is prevalent in government schools, with education bureaucrats and even with most elected officials. 

Visit USPIE.org


All of USPIE’s writings are thoroughly vetted and referenced for factual accuracy prior to publication. Of local schools funded by taxpayers, there is an expectation that truth will be taught, and when controversial topics are addressed, all sides of an issue will be presented without bias. 

Fiscal Accountability

As the only grassroots 501(c)(3) of its kind, USPIE seeks to market the organization with hands-on practices and state chapter involvement, and in the most efficient way. The facts are clear that USED is costly and ineffective with the $285 billion taxpayer dollars that it oversees. While it is estimated USED funds only 10% of K-12 education, it now controls most education content and policies with little accountability. Since USED’s inception, costs have risen over 400% while academic scores have remained flat. Parental and local control will improve accountability in education. 


Only through striving for excellence for children, their teachers and mentors can American communities and their families achieve the American dream by providing the best scholastic offerings and learning of content.  As communities and families participate more broadly in the values of respecting others, of honest evaluation of teaching content, and of financial accountability, USPIE expects better communications will develop between parents and teachers. Then, and only then, will excellence emerge. 

Visit USPIE.org

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