Vaccine Induced AIDS is a Thing Now

The outstanding news podcaster Liz Wheeler took to the internet Friday to stream her live broadcast on the “X” social media platform because her topic was so hot and contrary to the mainstream narrative her usual popular channel on YouTube would ban it. She would have been banned not because what she was reporting wasn’t true but because YouTube’s standards protect Big Pharma and Dr. Anthony Fauci as well as his COVID-19 pandemic and response narrative.

Wheeler came out with a BOMBSHELL report out of Yale Medical School that offered both 2 important points of information to the public but especially those who received one of the four COVID-19 vaccines of 2020 Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, and AstraZeneca. The report seemed to apply mostly to those who received the mRNA experimental gene modification vaccines of Pfizer and Moderna.

The first important point the Yale Medical School offered was that if you said you felt like you had life-changing symptoms of “long COVID” your thoughts and symptoms should not have been dismissed or gaslit by the Big Pharma protected community. Long COVID symptoms are a real thing.

The second important point the Yale Medical School offered was that if you received an mRNA gene modification variety of the COVID-19 vaccine you may now have what is determined to be “vaccine induced AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)”.

BOMBSHELL: COVID MRNA jab causing vaccine-induced AIDS?

Wheeler put her breaking bombshell news on her Liz Wheeler Show this way:

“A bombshell new study from Yale Medical School finds that people suffering from what’s known as long COVID are actually suffering from mRNA vaccine injuries.

So let’s start with long COVID. Long COVID is a condition where you got COVID-19, you contracted the COVID-19 virus and it never goes away. It either never goes away or it’s some kind of autoimmune response where you have symptoms that you didn’t have before you contracted COVID long afterwards.  And people who have been suffering from long COVID have been incredibly dismissed in our nation. If you say you have long COVID you get the same kind of, ‘Uh right, sure!’, as people who say, ‘Oh, I suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome.’ It has a stigma, a stigma that was invented by the pharmaceutical companies, a stigma that was invented by public health officials and doctors who stand to profit from the COVID mRNA vaccines. Long COVID, you’re gaslit. You’re dismissed, you’re ignored, you’re ridiculed if you say you have long COVID.”  

Wheeler goes on to use the example of fellow podcaster Megyn Kelly who she reported has been going through a long COVID experience. She then goes on:

“According to this new study from Yale Medical School finds that these people are suffering from what’s called ‘vaccine induced AIDS’. Yes! AIDS! It’s called ‘VA’, stands for ‘vaccine induced AIDS’. So not only were we as a nation collectively forced to take an experimental vaccine, under threat of ‘You will lose your job if you don’t take this vaccine,’ we were lied to about it by those forcing us to take it. We were told it would stop us from the contracting COVID-19 virus. Or, it would stop us from transmitting the virus so that granny doesn’t die. Well, no, it didn’t do either of those two things.” 


My own story about the COVID-19 pandemic is interesting.

In December of 2020 my wife was working as a corporate accountant from home remotely feverishly working to get through her year-end accounting cycle. She became sick but still managed to sit at her computer dutifully and work on. She would call and check in with her General Practitioner Doctor now and again who would send me running up to the local pharmacy for different medications for my wife to take.

At one point I smiled at the 4 young women behind the pharmacy counter and said, “Get this! My wife is one of those people who gets the flu vaccine every fall and now she is at home sick with the flu for a week. I never get those vaccines and here I am fit as a fiddle!”

The four girls uniformly wore frowns on their faces at the same time as the one closest to me whispered to me, “We never take those things either.”

My humor was gone after that day for many weeks as my wife was admitted into the hospital the next day having COVID-19. I was not permitted to see her or be with her for 10 days thereafter as I remained healthy.

One night I was sitting at our local craft brewery by myself with early onset survivor’s guilt when a young lady happened to sit down next to me and listened to my story. It turns out she was a registered nurse.

After I concluded my story she said to me, “You probably don’t know this but let me ask you anyway; do you know what your blood type is?”

I responded, “I do know because my Mom was a nurse, my Dad a fireman/paramedic, and as a kid I was hospitalized a lot for a variety of issues. I am A negative.”

She smiled and said, “That is so weird. We were just talking in the nurse’s lounge how this virus is just like the AIDS virus as it does not seem to impact people with negative blood types as much as all the others and we were wondering why that is. It is like you guys have natural immunity.”

I said, “Wow, you’re kidding!”


She said, “No, I am not kidding. You do know that Dr. Anthony Fauci developed HIV and AIDS as his first gain-of-function virus, don’t you?”

I did not.

She said, “Yeah, when you go home, Google a search string ‘1979+Anthony Fauci+HIV/AIDS’ and see what you get.”


I then told her something she did not know due to her youth, “When I went to college my mother, who was a school nurse at the time, read a professional magazine called ‘RN Medical Journal’. She told me not to have sex with any girls because there was a new venereal disease coming home with the soldiers of Vietnam that doesn’t even have a name yet (HIV/AIDS) and they believe it came from the Africans eating uncooked monkey brains in the jungle where they consider it a delicacy. Now, all these years later we got Fauci trying to lay blame on the Chinese eating bat soup! That guy is starting to sound like a real Dr. Mengele (Nazi doctor of Hitler) to me. ”

The last point I tell people who then sit there with their mouths on their chests is this:

“Nobody ever dies of AIDS just like nobody ever dies of COVID-19. Both of these viruses are man-made viruses designed to weaken your immune systems whereby you contract pneumonia and that is what kills you in the end.”

The very few people stupid enough to challenge me with something like, “Well you are not a doctor and I will take my medical advice from a doctor and not you!”

Get this return from me, “Well two problems with your thinking there; Dr. Fauci is not a virologist, fit to study viruses and I am not a liar with an agenda other than to tell the truth so…”

I will conclude this with something Elon Musk once said on his “X” social media platform, “My pronouns are prosecute Fauci.”

And finally, God bless Robert F. Kennedy Jr., as our new United States Secretary of Health and Human Services. May he root out the corruption and wickedness of his department! I hope and pray he reads this TRUE news story and listens to Liz Wheeler herein.

© 2025 by Mark S. Schwendau

Mark Schwendau
Mark Schwendau
If there is a "CONSPIRACY" THEORY Mark Schwendau won't miss out telling you about it. He is a retired college technology educator and author in Illinois. He holds a BS degree in technology education and a MS degree in industrial management. He has had news articles published in online news journals such as Communities Digital News and Independent Sentinel. His opinions are his own as assured by the First Amendment of the Constitution.


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