Video Playlist: American Thought Leaders – The Communist China Threat

This video playlist, American Though Leaders – The Communist China Threat, is brought to you by The Epoch Times, one of journalism’s top investigative newspapers within and outside of China. American Thought Leaders is hosted by Jan Jekielek.

How China’s Communist Party Squelches Academic Freedom Globally & How to Fight Back—Charles Burton

There is mounting evidence of the Chinese Communist Party’s infiltration of the West, from harassing academics to stealing sensitive technology to allowing the spread of deadly fentanyl. Most recently, Professor Anne-Marie Brady, a leading authority on Chinese communist influence, was put under investigation by her New Zealand university. The circumstances are suspicious, to say the least, and Brady has been a target of the Chinese Communist Party for years. In this episode, we sit down with China expert Charles Burton, a senior fellow at Canada’s Macdonald-Laurier Institute, who organized a letter signed by over 250 China experts and academics, showing support for Anne-Marie Brady and her work.

Gordon Chang: Communist China Fueling Unrest Ahead of U.S. Election

This was recorded on Oct. 5, 2020. In this ATL Extra phone interview, we speak with China analyst Gordon Chang about the Chinese Communist Party’s role in this COVID19 pandemic and in President Trump contracting the virus, how Beijing is interfering in the U.S. election, and why it’s a good decision to ban all Chinese Communist Party members from entering the U.S.

‘Invisible’ Threat: How Communist China Subverts Institutions & Freedoms in the West—Garnett Genuis

In this episode, we sit down with Garnett Genuis, Canada’s Shadow Minister for International Development & Human Rights and a member of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China. Last year, a Tibetan-Canadian student received a torrent of hate mail, harassment, and death threats after she was elected president of her university’s student union. In 2018, an official running for local office received a letter inviting him to visit China to represent his community in establishing a “friendship” with a Chinese city. These cases are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to foreign influence operations by the Chinese regime.

How China, Russia Could Cripple US Satellites & Paralyze the US Military & Economy—Brandon Weichert

In this episode, we sit down with Weichert to discuss his new book “Winning Space.” Russia and China have weaponized space and pulled far ahead of America in the space race, says geopolitical analyst Brandon Weichert. “The Americans had better start playing catch up, otherwise, we will face a space Pearl Harbor,” Weichert said. They already have the capacity to cripple American satellites, which would not only paralyze U.S. military operations. It would also prevent you from doing basic things like paying for gas with your credit card or getting directions on your GPS.

Communist China Exploits Gaps in US Military—Rebeccah Heinrichs | American Thought Leaders

For years, the Chinese Communist Party has aggressively sought to modernize its military, with a focus on anti-satellite weapons, hypersonic missiles, and cyberspace. “What China has been doing, really since the 90s, is invest heavily in the kinds of weapons systems specifically to target where the United States is weakest,” says nuclear deterrence and missile defense specialist Rebeccah Heinrichs. The goal is to push the United States out of the Asia-Pacific region and eventually supplant America. In this episode, we sit down with Heinrichs, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and adjunct professor at the Institute of World Politics, to discuss how the U.S. should tackle the national security threats posed by China and also by Russia.

00:00 China exploiting U.S. military weakness
4:47 Why is the no-first-use nuclear policy extremely dangerous?
6:55 U.S. withdrawal from the INF Treaty
9:48 How big a military threat is China to the U.S.?
13:44 Militarization of the South China Sea
28:22 Cyber warfare
34:10 Biden v. Trump policy on China
38:44 Abraham Accords
42:35 Is Trump tough on Russia?
46:50 Election interference

Sen. Ted Cruz on the Strategy to ‘Defeat’ China’s Communist Party | American Thought Leaders

“China and the Chinese government is the new evil empire,” says Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX). While engaging in crimes against humanity, the regime in Beijing has managed to subvert many aspects of American society, from Hollywood, to academia, to professional sports like the NBA. In this episode, we sit down with Sen. Cruz to discuss how the U.S. can build a comprehensive strategy to counter the Chinese Communist Party, following the footsteps of Ronald Reagan.

Corrupted by China: The College Board and K-12 Education

In exchange for generous Chinese government funding, the College Board has given China strategic access to American K-12 education. A new report from the National Association of Scholars, Corrupting the College Board, details how. Since at least 2003, the College Board has partnered closely with the Chinese government to design an AP Chinese Language and Culture course, serving as a recruiter for Chinese government initiatives, and helping the Chinese Communist Party design and gain control over American teacher training programs. As the administer of the SAT and the Advanced Placement tests, the College Board reaches more than 2 million students annually and exerts significant influence over schools, teachers, parents, and policymakers. In this event, reporter and author Rachelle Peterson, a senior research fellow at the National Association of Scholars, will present the findings of Corrupting the College Board. We’ll also hear from Jan Jekielek, senior editor of The Epoch Times; Rory O’Connor, president and chairman of Athenai Institute; and Bruce Gilley, professor of political science at Portland State University. We’ll discuss not only the College Board’s corruption by the Chinese government but also some key policy proposals to protect and restore the integrity of the American education system.

How Communist China Weaponized the Waters of Asia—Maura Moynihan on the Three Gorges Dam, Flooding

00:00 How communist China weaponized the waters of Asia
2:02 Floods in China & the Three Gorges Dam crisis
9:37 Inside Tibet
15:13 What would happen if the Three Gorges Dam breaks?
17:37 How the Chinese regime took control of the water of Asia
23:46 Militarization of the Tibetan plateau
30:47 How many dams has the Chinese regime built?
37:45 Why has this not really been reported?
43:05 The tragedy of Tibet
45:27 Trump admin sanctions
48:07 Is Tibet a lost cause?

Months of heavy rain have battered China with record floods. And there are growing fears that the Three Gorges Dam may break. It’s the world’s largest hydroelectric project, and it’s been marred by controversy for decades. A breach of the Three Gorges Dam would wipe out the homes of millions of Chinese. And it would likely destroy many of China’s pharmaceutical factories—which produce the majority of the drug precursors that Americans rely on. But the problem with Asia’s waters goes far beyond the Three Gorges Dam. To really understand what’s going on, we follow the water to its source. All the nine great rivers of Asia descend from the Tibetan plateau. After the Chinese Communist Party occupied Tibet, it has essentially monopolized these waters, according to longtime China and Tibet watcher Maura Moynihan. As she argues, whoever controls the water, controls the future.

Ambassador Sam Brownback: Communist China ‘Biggest Enabler of Human Rights Abuses Around the World’

The Chinese Communist Party touts itself as a global leader. And it is a leader. It’s leading the world in persecution, says Sam Brownback, the Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom. From forced organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners to forced sterilization of Uyghurs, the Chinese regime, in Ambassador Brownback’s words, has waged “War with Faith.” And it’s exporting its repressive model abroad, to the detriment of freedoms across the globe. But authoritarianism ultimately can’t defeat faith, Brownback says, in China or anywhere.

Orwellian Terror Grips Hong Kong—Leung Kwok Hung on the Security Law, Jimmy Lai Arrest

An Orwellian “reign of terror” has descended on Hong Kong, says pro-democracy activist and former legislator Leung Kwok-hung, also known as “Longhair.” Hong Kong authorities have arrested pro-democracy activists like 23-year-old Agnes Chow and Apple Daily founder Jimmy Lai; disqualified pro-democracy candidates; and postponed elections for a year, citing coronavirus dangers. For many Hong Kongers, including Leung Kwok-hung, it was shocking to see how swiftly Beijing pushed through the national security law. The law is many times more draconian than the proposed extradition bill that brought a quarter of Hong Kong’s entire population to the streets last year. Leung has been at the epicenter of the pro-democracy movement for years, and he’s well-known in Hong Kong for his unorthodox methods. He co-founded Hong Kong’s League of Social Democrats and served as a Hong Kong legislator for six years. Under the new law, he could be arrested for talking to us, but he’s chosen to speak out nonetheless.

China Sanctions, Hong Kong Media Mogul Jimmy Lai Arrested & TikTok Ban—Curtis Ellis

00:00 Linking economic engagement with human rights
12:26 “Distrust and verify”
22:27 Would Hong Kong-ers support economic sanctions?
26:43 Arrest of Hong Kong media mogul Jimmy Lai and his children
33:50 Trump admin looking at delisting Chinese companies
43:33 Banning TikTok & WeChat
48:44 If Twitter or Microsoft buy TikTok, will it actually be safer?
49:50 Reshoring pharmaceutical production

The U.S. recently banned the Chinese-owned WeChat and TikTok apps, sanctioned officials and a giant PLA-affiliated company for human rights abuses in Xinjiang, and made moves to crack down on Chinese companies listed on U.S. stock exchanges that don’t comply with U.S. audit standards. By linking trade with human rights, the U.S. is taking the lead in a global reset of relations with China, says Curtis Ellis, policy director of America First Policies.

Should the U.S. Decouple from China?—Dave Brat on CCP Weakness, Hong Kong | American Thought Leaders

Chinese companies listed on U.S. stock exchanges have a combined market capitalization of over half a trillion dollars. But they don’t comply with American financial regulations, because Beijing restricts access to full audits. Congressional members on both sides of the aisle have demanded more transparency, and the Trump administration has made moves to stop U.S. pension funds from investing in Chinese firms. So where is the U.S.-China relationship headed? Will the U.S. decouple completely? And why does it look like the Chinese leadership is getting nervous about their ability to maintain power? In this episode, we sit down with former congressman Dave Brat, dean of the Liberty University School of Business.

Whistleblower Dr. Li-Meng Yan Exposes the Chinese Communist Party’s COVID 19 Coverup

Since the outbreak began, over 18 million people have contracted coronavirus. The global economy is facing the worst crisis since the Great Depression. And statistics say over 700,000 people have died. But was all of this preventable? Dr. Li Meng Yan says that in December 2019 she was told by her supervisor at the Hong Kong School of Public Health to investigate the mysterious virus that had emerged in Wuhan, China. So what did she uncover? And what was the cost of speaking out?

Sen. Tom Cotton: Communist China Waging ‘Undeclared War’ on US, the West | American Thought Leaders

For decades, the Chinese Communist Party has been waging a secret war on the United States. Its tactics range from stealing U.S. intellectual property to gaining control of life-saving drugs. In this episode, we sit down with Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), an outspoken critic of the Chinese regime. He serves on the Senate Committee on Armed Services and the Select Committee on Intelligence.

Rep. Jim Banks Castigates China for Propaganda & Coronavirus Coverup | American Thought Leaders

The Chinese Communist Party has a massive global apparatus to spread propaganda, from paid inserts in The Washington Post and the New York Times to networks of Twitter bots. China Daily is one of nine Chinese outlets that have been designated as foreign missions by the State Department. Earlier this year, the Chinese regime launched an aggressive campaign to deflect blame for its coverup and weaponization of the coronavirus outbreak. In this episode, we sit down with Indiana Congressman Jim Banks, one of the first to demand reparations from the Chinese regime for its deadly coverup of the CCP virus.

Economic ‘Takedown’ of China’s Communist Party—Solomon Yue | American Thought Leaders

To an increasing number of people, America’s policy of “engagement” with China’s communist dictatorship has proven to be a deadly mistake. With Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s landmark speech on China and the closure of the Houston Chinese consulate, America appears to be entering a new era of US-China relations. According to Solomon Yue, the goal is not containment, but to bring about the demise of the Chinese Communist Party. In this episode, we sit down with Solomon Yue, Vice Chairman & CEO of Republicans Overseas and a Republican National Committeeman since 2000. He escaped China in 1980, after the Red Guards raided his home and threatened his life during the Cultural Revolution.

How China’s Regime Weaponized an Entire Society to ‘Eradicate’ Falun Gong | American Thought Leaders

In this episode, we sit down with Crystal Chen, a Falun Gong practitioner and torture survivor, and Levi Browde, the executive director of the Falun Dafa Information Center. Their stories and insights offer a window into the threat China’s ruling regime poses to not just Hong Kongers and the Chinese people, but also to the rest of the world.

0:00 21 years of persecution
1:42 Life before July 20, 1999
6:20 Appeal in Beijing
10:29 Jiang Zemin’s plan to “eradicate” Falun Gong
19:51 Forced organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners
27:49 How the regime demonized practitioners
33:34 What happened to Crystal’s family?
38:17 Implications of the Hong Kong security law
40:17 Gestapo-like police
42:15 Chinese regime’s influence on media globally
52:51 Hope for Hong Kong?

Beijing’s coverup of the coronavirus outbreak, its heavy-handed tactics in Hong Kong, and what some are calling a genocide of the Uyghurs have forced many people to awaken to the chilling realities of the Chinese Communist Party.
But practitioners of Falun Gong have faced this every day, since July 20, 1999, when the Chinese regime banned Falun Gong and sought to “eradicate” the popular spiritual practice. For the past 21 years, practitioners have been demonized, tortured, and even had their organs forcibly extracted.

Chinese Propaganda on US Campuses; China Stealing Research—Rachelle Peterson on Confucius Institutes

In this episode, we sit down with Rachelle Peterson, Director of Policy at the National Association of Scholars.

0:00 China “infiltrating the West”
1:01 Confucius Institutes are “nodes of influence from the Chinese Communist Party”
7:05 Censorship in teaching materials
9:12 Secretive contracts
17:37 Some Confucius Institutes are shutting down
20:22 Are some Confucius Institutes reappearing under a different guise?
24:40 Tracking foreign gifts and donations
29:01 Chinese espionage, theft, and the Thousand Talents Program

How has the Chinese Communist Party infiltrated American universities? How are Confucius Institutes involved?
While some Confucius Institutes are being shut down, is it possible some are staying, simply under a different guise?
And, how does the Chinese regime use the Thousand Talents Program and similar operations to steal American research?

Gordon Chang: On the Hong Kong Security Law, the India China Standoff, & Banning TikTok

In this episode, we sit down with political commentator and China analyst Gordon Chang, author of “The Coming Collapse of China.”

00:00 Intro
1:18 Impact of the Hong Kong national security law
9:15 Why hasn’t President Trump signed the Hong Kong Autonomy Act yet?
12:14 Should the U.S. ban TikTok & other Chinese-owned companies?
20:12 The W.H.O. “is not reformable”
28:02 China-India border clash
40:45 How can China regain the trust of America and the West?

Just over a week in, what do we know about the National Security Law imposed on Hong Kong by Beijing?
Why hasn’t President Trump yet signed the Hong Kong Autonomy Act?
How is the Chinese regime becoming increasingly belligerent internationally, from its border with India to the South China Sea?
And, how does the Chinese regime mine and use the data of Americans? Should the U.S. ban Chinese-owned apps?

Inside Communist China’s Takeover of Hollywood—Film Exec Chris Fenton | American Thought Leaders

In this episode, we sit down with film producer and media executive Chris Fenton, who has worked on blockbuster films like Iron Man 3, Point Break, and Looper. He’s the author of the book Feeding the Dragon.

00:00 China’s condition for Iron Man 3
2:08 What did it take to get Iron Man 3 screened in the Forbidden City in Beijing?
11:03 How Hollywood panders to the Chinese regime
23:23 The Chinese regime doesn’t like time travel in movies?
27:31 A U.S.-China divorce
39:38 How does CCP propaganda work?

Just what does it take to get a Hollywood film screened in communist China?
How has the Chinese regime subverted Hollywood into its propaganda apparatus?
And, why did a self-proclaimed globalist who managed to get Iron Man 3 screened in Beijing’s Forbidden City have a change of heart, and realized he was “pandering” to China’s Communist Party?

“All-Out Assault on Hong Kong”—Benedict Rogers on Communist China’s Hong Kong Security Law

In this episode, we sit down with human rights activist and writer Benedict Rogers, founder of Hong Kong Watch. He is also the co-founder and deputy chair of the United Kingdom Conservative Party’s human rights commission.

Just what does the newly passed National Security Law mean for freedom in Hong Kong? Will Hongkongers be arrested for talking to journalists and activists in the West? Could Christians, Falun Gong practitioners or other religious believers be persecuted? And, how should the world respond to a potential mass exodus from Hong Kong?

U.S. Should Sanction All Members of China’s Communist Party—Elmer Yuan on COVID 19, HK Security Law

In this episode, we sit down with Elmer Yuen, CEO of Golden Bridge Technology Inc.

How can the U.S. effectively hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable for its abuses, from the coronavirus coverup to its encroachments on Hong Kong? Why is the Chinese leadership choosing to impose the National Security Law on Hong Kong even though it will likely hurt China’s economy? And, through the eyes of a Hong Kong businessman, how is the Chinese regime actually waging war on the U.S. and the free world?

Sen. Marsha Blackburn: The Tentacles of Communist China, from Confucius Institutes to Hong Kong

In this episode, we sit down with U.S. Senator from Tennessee, Marsha Blackburn.

Just how are the Chinese regime’s encroachments on Hong Kong, esp. with the pending National Security Law, part of its pursuit of global dominance?
How does the Chinese Communist Party use its control of active pharmaceutical ingredients as leverage against the United States and other countries?
And, how can the United States and its people hold the Chinese authorities accountable for their role in the coronavirus pandemic?

Marxist Influence on the George Floyd Protests, Riots & Communist China’s Hidden War—Joshua Philipp

In this episode, we sit down with Joshua Philipp, an award-winning investigative reporter at The Epoch Times and host of the show “Crossroads.”

8:04 The Chinese regime’s “Three Warfares” doctrine
21:28 Communist China using the George Floyd protests in its propaganda
35:10 Relationship between the George Floyd protests in America and communist ideology?
52:44 Agitators are taking advantage of well-meaning protestors for their own political agenda & altering the definition of racism
57:43 What is agitation propaganda?
1:05:04 How communism works through promoting hatred and division to eliminate any middle ground
How is the Chinese regime forcing nations to choose between the China and American models, and punishing countries like Australia and the UK that fail to comply with its demands?
How is the Chinese communist party exploiting the protests and riots in America following the killing of George Floyd for propaganda?
How has the concept of racism in America been altered by far-left radical groups to fuel the race-equivalent of communist class struggle?

Will we see a mass exodus from Hong Kong?—Activist Wilson Leung Talks China, Hong Kong Security Law

In this episode, we sit down with Hong Kong commercial lawyer and pro-democracy activist Wilson Leung.

3:17 Current status of the national security law
4:34 What does it mean to criminalize “foreign interference”?
9:39 “Patriotic education” in Hong Kong
14:49 Will there be a mass exodus from Hong Kong?
19:03 Western companies toeing the line of the Chinese regime
22:22 How would the national security law potentially endanger foreigners in Hong Kong?
36:30 Can the international community deter the Chinese regime?
With the impending new Hong Kong national security law, will there be a mass exodus from the city? How are Hong Kong-ers navigating this difficult situation?
How might the new law criminalize interactions with foreigners as “foreign interference”?
And, why is a sizable portion of the Hong Kong population sympathetic to Beijing?

Communist China Using George Floyd Protests for Propaganda—KT McFarland | American Thought Leaders

In this episode, we sit down with KT McFarland, author of “Revolution: Trump, Washington and ‘We The People.’”

2:19 Foreign powers stoking the tensions of George Floyd protests?
7:52 Beijing weaponized coronavirus?
9:35 Chinese regime exploiting George Floyd protests for propaganda purposes
14:47 The Trump administration’s new three-pronged approach towards China
30:02 Is the U.S. giving up on the W.H.O.?
34:13 What was it like witnessing Flynn’s call with the Russian ambassador become the centerpiece of “Russia collusion” allegations?
Just how is China’s Communist Party exploiting the political unrest in America that followed the killing of George Floyd?
How is the Chinese regime seeking to emerge from this pandemic as the dominant global power and becoming increasingly belligerent in Hong Kong and the South China Sea?
And, for former Trump Deputy National Security Adviser KT McFarland, what was it like being thrust into the “Russia collusion delusion” as she calls it, and watching Michael Flynn’s now infamous call with the Russian ambassador become a centerpiece of the allegations against the Trump campaign?

Did Communist China Miscalculate with the Hong Kong Security Law?—Brian Kennedy On HK & Coronavirus

In this episode, we sit down with Brian Kennedy, Chairman of The Committee on the Present Danger: China, President of the American Strategy Group, and senior fellow as well as former President of The Claremont Institute.

5:06 How can the U.S. put meaningful pressure on the Chinese regime?
8:50 “Something more than a Cold War” possibly on the horizon?
15:42 The Chinese regime’s threat to withhold life-saving medicines from the U.S.
21:03 Communist China intentionally chose to let the virus spread globally?
33:08 Could the Chinese regime be readying for real war?
36:32 Communist China’s building a first-class military
41:35 Did the Chinese regime miscalculate in cracking down on Hong Kong?
In the midst of this coronavirus pandemic, why has the Chinese Communist Party chosen this moment to push ahead the Hong Kong security law?
Is it trying to send a message to the US and the world? Is a more serious confrontation approaching?
And how can the US put meaningful pressure on the Chinese regime?

On Social Media Bias, Trump’s Executive Order & the China Data Threat—FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr

In this episode of American Thought Leaders 🇺🇸, we’ll sit down with Brendan Carr, one of the five commissioners leading the Federal Communications Commission, which regulates radio, television, wire, and satellite communications in America. He previously served as General Counsel of the FCC, and chief legal advisor to the Commission.

We’ll discuss President Trump’s recent social media executive order, which may force social media giants like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube to relax their content restrictions, especially on political speech, lest they risk losing significant liability protections. Days ago, Twitter added a new “fact-checking” label on two of Trump’s tweets, to which he responded by accusing the company of election interference. Trump called for new regulations under section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act to make it that social media companies that engage in “censoring” or “political conduct” will not “be able to keep their liability shield.” Section 230 largely exempts online platforms from liability for content posted by their users. And with the deteriorating situation in Hong Kong, we’ll also discuss the current administration’s new stance towards communist China, especially as it relates to telecommunications and companies like Huawei or China Mobile.

Hong Kong on Verge of Losing Freedoms to Communist China—Hong Kong Lawmaker Alvin Yeung

In this episode, we sit down with Hong Kong lawyer and Legislative Council member Alvin Yeung, who is also the current Leader of Hong Kong’s pro-democracy Civic Party.

2:13 Significance of the “national security” law
5:15 End of “one country, two systems”?
12:77 Chinese regime trying to bypass the legislature entirely to enact the law
17:59 Pro-democracy lawmakers being physically removed from the Legislative Council chamber
23:31 What should the international community do?
What exactly is at stake for Hong Kong with the “national security” law, which was recently rubber-stamped by China’s National People’s Congress?
Has Hong Kong lost its autonomy, as US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently announced? And, how is China’s Communist Party expected to circumvent Hong Kong’s legislative council to ultimately enact the law?

Emily Lau: Hong Kong Dealt ‘Fatal Blow’ by Communist China’s National Security Law

In this episode, we sit down with Hong Kong’s “Iron Lady” Emily Lau, the former chairperson of Hong Kong’s Democratic Party. She was the first woman directly elected to Hong Kong’s Legislative Council in 1991, and she also sits on the board of directors of the China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group.

1:56 Significance of the “national security” law
7:33 How is this related to the extradition bill?
10:32 The Chinese regime choosing to “kill the goose that lays the golden eggs”?
11:32 Impact on Hong Kong as an international financial center
28:16 Kids in school uniform being arrested
32:36 What should the international community do?
35:34 Should the U.S. revoke Hong Kong’s special trading status?
How will the national security law being pushed by Beijing impact Hong Kong rule of law and its role as a major financial center?
Does Great Britain have a special responsibility to help the people of Hong Kong?
And how can the international community effectively put pressure on the Chinese Communist Party to change its course?

Facing Expulsion for Calling Out University Ties to China’s Regime—Drew Pavlou on China Human Rights

In this episode, we sit down with Drew Pavlou, who was elected Senator at the University of Queensland representing the undergraduate student body.

How is it that Drew Pavlou, a 20-year old student who peacefully protested his Australian university’s ties to the Chinese Communist Party, is now facing expulsion?
Why do Drew and his lawyer describe his recent disciplinary hearing as a “kangaroo court”?
And, what compels him to keep going, despite being slandered and receiving death threats for his human rights advocacy?

USAID’s Bonnie Glick: Trump’s Ultimatum to the WHO for COVID 19 Failures; China Debt-Trap Diplomacy

In this episode, we sit down with Bonnie Glick, the Deputy Administrator of the US Agency for International Development (USAID). She has worked in the foreign service at the State Department, in the private sector at IBM, and in the world of development non-profits as a Senior Vice President at Meridian International Center.

How is the Chinese Communist Party exploiting poor, but resource-rich or strategically situated countries using debt-trap diplomacy?
What role is the US playing in the global response to coronavirus?
And, how do authoritarian regimes like China, have an outsized influence in international organizations like the WHO and the UN Human Rights Council?

How Communist China Infiltrates U.S. Campuses & Steals Research, Covid 19 & Beyond—Cabot Phillips

In this episode, we sit down with Cabot Phillips, the Editor-in-Chief of Campus Reform, a college news source and conservative watchdog to America’s higher education system.

What exactly are Confucius Institutes, and what role do they play in spreading Chinese communist propaganda on college campuses?
How does the Chinese regime systematically steal research from American universities and co-opt professors and students?
And, how does the Chinese Communist Party exploit America’s sensitivity about race and xenophobia, especially now during this coronavirus pandemic?

Victor Davis Hanson: On Flynn Case, Coronavirus Economy, China’s Culpability & Trump 2020 Prospects

In this livestream episode, we sit down with classicist and military historian Victor Davis Hanson. He is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, farmer, and author of “The Case for Trump.” We’ll discuss the continually unfolding scandal surrounding surveillance of the 2016 Trump campaign, the broader ramifications of this global coronavirus outbreak on the US economy and the US political landscape, the culpability of China’s communist regime, and what role the media has played in all of this.

Rep. Mark Green: Reshoring Supply Chains from China & Protecting Companies Struggling Under COVID 19

With the Chinese Communist Party taking advantage of this coronavirus outbreak to buy struggling companies worldwide, what can be done to protect American companies? Given the dangers of relying on supply chains and manufacturing in China, especially now, how can companies be encouraged to relocate to the U.S.? And what can be done to facilitate a successful economic and social recovery in America? In this episode, we sit down with Tennessee Congressman Mark Green (R-TN). He serves on the House Committees on Oversight and Reform and Homeland Security, and was also recently named to the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis.

Frank Gaffney: How China’s Communist Party Exploits American Pension Funds & Coronavirus Outbreak

Just why is it dangerous for US pension funds to be investing heavily in China? How is this endangering US national security? How are Chinese companies able to get away with not providing any information about financial risk? And, how has the Chinese Communist Party sought to benefit from this global coronavirus outbreak that it caused? In this episode, we sit down with Frank Gaffney, Vice Chairman of the Committee on the Present Danger: China. He’s also the Executive Chairman of the Center for Security Policy and host of Secure Freedom Radio.

Morgan Ortagus: State Department Demands Full COVID 19 Transparency from China’s Communist Party

What exactly is the U.S. Department of State’s position on the origins of the Wuhan coronavirus? How has this pandemic effectively become a “test case” of democratic versus authoritarian governance? And what should the relationship between China and the United States look like in the future? In this episode, we sit down with Morgan Ortagus, spokesperson for the U.S. Department of State.

Amid Coronavirus Trump Admin Gives Rare Speech Urging China’s People to Own Their Future—Steve Yates

What is the significance of deputy national security advisor Matthew Pottinger recently giving a speech from the White House in fluent Mandarin? How does this coronavirus outbreak expose the dangers posed by China’s communist regime and its authoritarian system? And, with mounting global criticism of the Chinese regime, will this be a Tiananmen-like moment for China, with countries around the world sanctioning the regime for its massacre of student protestors? In this episode, we sit down with Steve Yates, CEO of DC International Advisory. Fluent in Mandarin, Chinese, he previously served in the White House as deputy assistant to the Vice President from 2001 to 2005, with a focus on national security affairs.

USCIRF’s Tony Perkins: China’s Surveillance State & Threats to Freedom of Religion Globally

6:00 Alarming trends in India
16:44 China’s surveillance state, persecution of Uyghurs, Falun Gong practitioners, and Tibetans
24:51 China’s appointment to an influential UN Human Rights Council panel
26:39 Impact of this coronavirus pandemic on global religious freedom
29:05 Positive developments in Sudan
33:21 Rising anti-Semitism in Europe?
40:02 Recommendations

Religious freedom is a universal human right, yet in many countries around the globe, people can’t practice their faith freely. Is this increasingly becoming the case in India, the world’s largest democracy? Why are the Chinese regime’s surveillance technologies not just a threat to religious minorities in China but also free people globally? And among countries known for their egregious violations of religious freedom, how has Sudan recently made a turn for the better? In this episode, we sit down with Tony Perkins, Chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), and president of the Family Research Council. He also hosts the nationally syndicated radio show, Washington Watch. We discuss USCIRF’s new 2020 annual report.

The CCP Method: The coronavirus outbreak is the latest wakeup call

LEARN WHY the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has lied, is lying, and will continue to lie to protect its regime, and how it has been attempting to deceive, infiltrate, and dominate the world. Originating in China, the coronavirus got out of control because the CCP hid it and lied about it. Can something worse happen? Maybe. What if it is not a pandemic that may eventually pass but a fatal threat to our security, freedom, and way of life? After the disastrous Cultural Revolution, the Chinese Communist Party, or CCP, pretended to reform itself so it could attract foreign investment. Now, it is done pretending. It’s critical the world understand the regime’s agenda, tactics, and how to deal with it or we risk being caught underfoot by the imminent dangers it presents. The coronavirus outbreak is the latest wakeup call. With its growing clout the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has bared its claws. From its military expansion abroad to its control of more UN organizations; from its infiltration and coercion of international businesses, universities, news media, movie studios, and governments, to its public assaults on organizations and individuals who dare to criticize it, the CCP is attacking the vital organs of the free world like a political incarnation of the deadly coronavirus.

China’s Communist Party Is Brazenly Subverting Democracy in the Wake of Coronavirus—Sen. Roger Roth

2:18 On receiving a bizarre letter from the Chinese consulate
5:08 The Chinese Communist Party’s subversion of democracy
11:59 Confronting the Chinese regime’s lies and abuses
16:32 WHO complicit
22:13 Distinguishing between China, the Chinese people, and the Chinese Communist Party

How was a Chinese consulate letter to a Wisconsin state senator a blatant attempt to subvert US democracy? How is the Chinese Communist Party responsible for the deaths and economic devastation caused by this global coronavirus, or CCP virus, pandemic? And why does Wisconsin State Senator Roger Roth recommend lawmakers publicly call out the Chinese Communist Party, while at the same time standing in solidarity with the Chinese people? In this episode, we sit down with Sen. Roger Roth, President of the Wisconsin State Senate and an Iraqi war veteran.

Coronavirus Origins, China’s “Bat Woman,” and the CCP’s Coverup—Joshua Philipp

1:04 Motivations for making a documentary on the virus’ origins
3:28 Exploring the evidence – Wet market? P4 biolab? Natural v. manmade?
12:04 What happened to “Bat Woman” Shi Zhengli?
18:37 Chinese regime propaganda surrounding coronavirus

Where did Wuhan coronavirus, or CCP virus, really originate? Why was the wet market—the supposed source of the virus—destroyed? And what actual evidence is there connecting COVID 19 to the P4 bio lab in Wuhan? In this episode, we sit down with Joshua Philipp, a senior investigative reporter at The Epoch Times and host of Crossroads. He stars in the new Epoch Times documentary “Tracking Down the Origin of Wuhan Coronavirus.”

Confronting China’s Coronavirus Propaganda & Huawei, and Boosting America-Led 5G—FCC’s Brendan Carr

3:33 How the Chinese regime exacerbated this global pandemic
4:44 Clamping down on Huawei, ZTE, and other companies with intimate ties to the Chinese regime
13:53 CCP propaganda outlets and mouthpieces in the US
15:53 Why “fact-checkers” can be problematic
22:46 Expanding telehealth and telemedicine for Americans during this pandemic
27:42 The dangers of Huawei technology & the push to develop America-led 5G

Just how does challenging Chinese Communist Party officials on Twitter fit into Brendan Carr’s job as a commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission, or FCC? Why is Huawei’s 5G a major data security threat? What steps are being taken to boost America-led 5G development? And, how are telehealth and telemedicine being rapidly expanded during this coronavirus pandemic? In this episode, we sit down with FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr, who previously served as General Counsel of the FCC, and chief legal advisor to the Commission.

How Communist China Subverted the UN & WHO, & How Taiwan Beat Coronavirus—J Michael Cole | CCP Virus

3:00 Mounting discontent towards the WHO’s handling of the pandemic
6:49 Breaking down Taiwan’s incredibly effective response to CCP virus
17:09 The Chinese Communist Party’s influence operations and political warfare
31:41 Concerns surrounding Dr. Tedros, the head of the WHO
34:15 Mapping out the Chinese regime’s subversion of the United Nations
40:14 So what should democratic countries do to curb this threat?

What can the US, Canada, and the rest of the world learn from Taiwan in dealing with communist China, especially during the COVID 19 pandemic? What accounts for Taiwan’s success in containing the CCP virus, despite Taiwan’s exclusion from the WHO and proximity to mainland China? And, how has the Chinese regime subverted the WHO, the UN, and other international organizations? What can democratic countries do to counter this threat? In this episode, we sit down with J. Michael Cole, a senior fellow with the Global Taiwan Institute in Washington, D.C., the Macdonald-Laurier Institute in Canada, and the Taiwan Studies Programme at the University of Nottingham in the UK. He is also a former analyst at the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) in Ottawa.

Bringing Supply Chains Home & Making China’s Leaders Pay for Coronavirus Pandemic—Rep. Greg Steube

How would the “Chinese Government COVID 19 Accountability Act,” recently proposed by Congressman Greg Steube, help America recover from the coronavirus pandemic? How is COVID 19, or CCP virus, waking Americans up to the threats posed by the Chinese Communist Party? And is China now undercutting produce prices in the US? In this episode, we sit down with Florida Republican Congressman Greg Steube, who serves on the House Judiciary, Oversight and Reform, and Veteran’s Affairs committees.

How to Hold the Chinese Regime Accountable for COVID 19; Growing Racism in China—Dr. Anders Corr

2:12 How the Chinese regime has subverted the WHO
14:41 Holding the Chinese regime accountable for its handling of CCP virus
19:17 Military build-up in China
31:22 Why the US should decouple from China
37:17 Government discrimination and racism towards blacks in China?
49:20 The Chinese regime’s stranglehold on the UN

Given global distrust of the WHO, what steps could the WHO take to regain legitimacy? In practice, how could the US and other nations actually force the Chinese regime to pay damages for its coverup and handling of the CCP virus? How is the Chinese communist regime becoming more belligerent in Asia and in the South China Sea? And why has there been a recent rise in racism and government discrimination against foreigners in China? In this episode, we sit down with Dr. Anders Corr, publisher of the Journal of Political Risk and founder of Corr Analytics, which provides strategic analyses of international politics.

Kyle Bass: US & China Fallout & Recovery from COVID 19; Hong Kong Looming Banking Crisis | CCP Virus

2:54 Timeline of the Chinese regime’s cover-up of COVID 19
9:57 Western democracies rely on supply chains in China for critical products, including medicine
14:44 What will economic recovery from COVID 19 look like in the US?
21:52 The US should decouple from China
26:40 The Chinese regime depends on US dollars for its survival, and the US govt can use this in its favor.
26:47 Hong Kong will likely be hit by a devastating banking crisis this year
56:43 How should the US reform its system to level the playing field with China?

With countries around the world in quarantine or lockdown mode to deal with the Wuhan coronavirus or CCP virus pandemic, what can we expect in terms of economic fallout? What evidence has emerged showing the Chinese Communist Party is culpable? What will happen to the US, Chinese, and Hong Kong economies as the pandemic wanes? And why is Hong Kong’s situation particularly perilous? In this episode, we sit down with Kyle Bass, the founder and chief investment officer of Hayman Capital Management, a Dallas-based hedge fund. Bass is a founding member of the Committee on the Present Danger: China, and he is also Chairman of the Board of The Rule of Law Foundation.

Investigating Covid 19 Origins; “New Cold War” with Chinese Communist Party—Bill Gertz | CCP Virus

2:08 Origins of Wuhan coronavirus?
4:12 Possible lab leak?
15:09 Breaking down the Chinese regime’s suppression and coverup of critical information
23:08 Political infighting within the Party elite?
24:27 Chinese regime flexing its military muscle in the South China Sea and around Taiwan
26:31 Why would the Chinese regime send faulty medical equipment globally?
41:15 Recommendations for US policy

Why is it so important to understand the true origins of Wuhan coronavirus, or CCP virus, and any connection it might have to biolabs in Wuhan? Is the United States and the Chinese communist party in a new Cold War? How is the Chinese regime a more sophisticated adversary than the Soviet Union? And how has the world fundamentally failed to understand the true nature of the Chinese communist party? In this episode, we sit down with Bill Gertz, national security correspondent for the Washington Times and author of “Deceiving the Sky: Inside Communist China’s Drive for Global Supremacy.”

Amid COVID 19 Fallout, US Should Pivot Towards Taiwan & Away from China—William Stanton | CCP Virus

03:14 How Taiwan successfully contained the CCP virus to less than 400 cases total in Taiwan
06:47 Did Taiwan’s exclusion from the WHO ironically actually work in its favor?
09:15 The WHO’s head Dr. Tedros claims he was the target of racism from Taiwan
23:55 US policy towards China has been misguided and mistaken for decades
32:13 US policymakers underestimated Taiwan
43:38 Chinese regime flexing its military muscles around Taiwan and the South China Sea
47:21 US and the West should establish closer ties with Taiwan

What explains Taiwan’s success in containing coronavirus, or CCP virus, despite Taiwan’s close proximity to mainland China? How has the Chinese Communist Party influenced the WHO? Over the past several decades, how has US policy towards China been mistaken and shortsighted? How would the U.S. and other free countries in the West benefit from a closer relationship with Taiwan? In this episode, we sit down with Dr. William Stanton, who served for 34 years as U.S. diplomat, including two assignments at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing. His final posting was as Director of the American Institute in Taiwan, the equivalent role to Ambassador. Now he is Vice President of the National Yang-Ming University of Taiwan.

Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak Reveals “Lethal” Threat of Chinese Communist Party—Alan Leong | CCP Virus

5:43 How was Hong Kong able to successfully contain the virus, despite its close proximity to mainland China?
11:49 Taiwan’s exclusion from the W.H.O perhaps a blessing in disguise?
13:28 Dr. Tedros, head of the W.H.O, accused Taiwan of being racist toward him.
17:04 The Chinese regime is taking advantage of the pandemic to expand its grip on Hong Kong
29:29 The CCP is trying to reintroduce national security laws in Hong Kong
50:35 What would happen if the Chinese regime has its way in Hong Kong?

With the world focused on the coronavirus pandemic, how is China’s communist regime taking advantage of this crisis to expand its grip on Hong Kong? How exactly has Hong Kong managed to contain the coronavirus, or CCP virus, to relatively few cases? How is the Chinese leadership’s encroachment on Hong Kong’s rule of law and freedoms a reflection of its global ambitions? And, what can we expect if the regime has its way? In this episode, we sit down with Alan Leong, a longtime proponent of Hong Kong democracy and rule of law. The former head of the Hong Kong Bar Association, he also served on the Hong Kong Legislative Council for 12 years. In 2014, he helped lead the Umbrella Movement and currently serves as Chairman of the pro-democracy Civic Party.

[CCP Virus] How the World Is Being Manipulated By Covid 19 Propaganda From China—Michael Waller

7:18 The ever-changing propaganda of the Chinese Communist Party
9:34 CCP releases a propaganda book about Xi Jinping’s successful fight against COVID 19
13:16 Breaking down how the Party line evolved over time
25:46 False story of US hijacking shipments to Canada and Europe
34:19 “We should all be united in blaming the CCP” for the virus, instead of blaming each other

Just how are Americans and the West being manipulated by the Chinese regime and its coronavirus propaganda? What does this ever-changing propaganda tell us about what’s actually happening in China and its leadership? How is the Chinese Communist Party feeding off of partisanship in American politics? And what is the real story behind the fake news about “the US hijacking mask shipments”? In this episode, we sit down with Dr. J. Michael Waller, a disinformation and propaganda expert who is a Senior Analyst for Strategy at the Center for Security Policy and a founding editorial member of NATO’s Defense Strategic Communications journal.

[CCP Virus] Curtis Ellis: How China’s Communist Party “Infected the World” With its Malign Ideology

2:21 The CCP virus exposed the dangers of over-reliance on supply chains in China
8:23 The Chinese regime has been hoarding medical equipment and using them for propaganda purposes
10:58 Some people claim America should “thank China”
13:49 How the Chinese Communist Party has “infected” America and the world
25:17 The Chinese regime believes this to be “a fight for their very survival”
36:25 Lobbyists like Big Pharma are pushing back against a potential “Buy American” executive order

Why has the Chinese Communist Party been buying up, hoarding, and restricting the export of medical supplies, even those manufactured by American companies in China? How is this related to the regime’s propaganda efforts? How has the Chinese Communist Party “infected the world” and co-opted international organizations like the World Health Organization? And, why exactly is the Chinese regime such a big advocate of globalism, especially at the time of the coronavirus pandemic? In this episode, we sit down with Curtis Ellis, a senior policy director with America First Policies and a senior policy advisor with Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

[CCP Virus] US Law Firm Sues China’s Regime for Covid 19 Coverup—Berman Law Group

03:23 How would a lawsuit against the Chinese regime actually work?
10:52 Breaking down the Chinese regime’s coverup and mishandling of the outbreak
18:59 Why can’t we trust official statistics coming out of China?
26:38 What kind of precedents are there to holding a sovereign state accountable?
34:01 What leverage could a judge use to actually force the Chinese regime pay?
37:53 What can the average person do to support this effort?
49:51 How much in damages are they seeking?

Should the Chinese regime be compelled to pay legal damages for mishandling and deliberately covering up the CCP virus, or coronavirus, outbreak? In practice, how could the Chinese regime actually be held accountable? What precedents are there? What could be used as leverage? In this episode, we sit down with Jeremy Alters, the Chief Strategist and (non-attorney) spokesperson of Berman Law Group, which is filing a class-action lawsuit against the People’s Republic of China, for how it handled the CCP virus, or Covid 19 outbreak. Alters previously launched and won a major class action lawsuit against Chinese manufacturers of defective drywall. In his legal career, Alters has settled cases and achieved verdicts totaling over $4.5 billion dollars.

Gordon Chang: Did Communist China Downplay Covid 19 to Allow For Its Global Spread?

In this episode, we sit down with Gordon Chang, a political commentator, China analyst, and author of “The Coming Collapse of China.”

4:32 Did the Chinese regime intentionally downplay the CCP virus so it could spread worldwide?
13:02 A second wave of infections in China?
16:50 The Chinese regime’s big propaganda push
21:20 Why it’s critical to bring supply chains out of China
27:04 Big Pharma’s pushback against a potential “Buy American” executive order
32:11 The People’s Liberation Army is becoming increasingly belligerent while the rest of the world is distracted?
34:47 Is the Chinese Communist Party nearing collapse?
48:41 Is saying “Chinese virus” racist?
How did the actions of the Chinese Communist Party directly lead to the global CCP virus, or COVID 19, pandemic?
Has the US reached a “Pearl Harbor” or “Sputnik” moment with respect to the Chinese regime?
Could it be possible that the severity of the COVID 19 reality in China was intentionally downplayed to allow for the global spread of the virus?
And, with the world focused on the pandemic, how is the People’s Liberation Army becoming increasingly belligerent?

How to Recognize Fake News & Propaganda from China About COVID 19—Sarah Cook

In this episode, we sit down with Sarah Cook, a Senior Research Analyst for Freedom House focusing on China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. She also directs Freedom House’s China Media Bulletin, a monthly digest with news and analysis on media freedom in China.

01:24 The evolution of propaganda from China about the CCP virus
24:01 Lots of Western media and organizations continue to take the Chinese regime at its word
27:44 China’s state-run media publish paid inserts in major Western media outlets
33:09 Conflicting narratives within Chinese propaganda?
38:53 How can we deal with and counter propaganda and disinformation from the Chinese regime?
41:36 Incredible citizen journalism within China, despite the censorship
54:43 What can the typical person do? How is the Chinese Communist Party spreading conspiracy theories and propaganda about the CCP virus, or coronavirus, pandemic?
How is it using internet bots and Russian-style disinformation to manipulate public opinion globally?
And why is it important to distrust official data and talking points coming from China, especially when it comes to COVID 19?

COVID 19 Pandemic Shows Why It’s Dangerous to Rely on China for Medicines—Rosemary Gibson

In this episode, we sit down with Rosemary Gibson, senior advisor at the Hastings Center and author of “China Rx: Exposing the Risks of America’s Dependence on China for Medicine.”

02:55 What would happen if China stopped all drug exports?
04:53 Why is Big Pharma lobbying against a “Buy American” executive order?
11:29 The terrible, hidden costs of having global supply chains in China for medicines
22:06 Pharmaceutical companies are unwilling to explain where their products are made
27:56 “The free market will not fix this” because Chinese companies are massively subsidized.
31:13 The US must rebuild its manufacturing capability for medicines How is it possible that the global supply of medicine components is almost entirely controlled by China?
How is this being used as leverage against other countries, especially the U.S.? What would happen if China decided to stop exporting drug ingredients, especially now, during the CCP virus, or coronavirus outbreak?
Why are special interests like Big Pharma lobbying against a potential “Buy American” executive order?
Is it possible that medicines manufactured in the US could actually be produced cheaper than using global supply chains, as most are today?

How the Coronavirus Outbreak Impacts Religious Freedom, Notably in China—Nadine Maenza

In this episode, we sit down with Nadine Maenza, Vice Chair of USCIRF.

01:46 Double lung transplants in China for CCP virus patients?
08:13 What is the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF)?
11:45 Protecting freedom of religion during times of public emergency
15:35 Why is USCIRF especially concerned about China?
17:35 How is the CCP virus impacting religious freedom globally?
27:21 An incredible place of religious freedom can be found in Northeast Syria?
Why did the recent double lung transplant on a coronavirus, or CCP virus, patient in China, catch the attention of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF)?
How is the coronavirus pandemic affecting religious minorities in countries with poor human rights records?
Why is USCIRF particularly concerned about religious minorities in China?

EPOCH TV, The Epoch Times’ new video streaming platform, is for people who want truthful and uncensored news. Our content includes in-depth news analysis, interviews, and investigative documentaries.


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