Video Playlist: What’s Next? with Jordan Sekulow

What’s Up with Jordan Sekulow see’s him discussing all kinds of topics including impeachment, abortion, open borders, freedom of religion in foreign countries and more. (39)

What’s Next? Ep. 49: President Trump’s Executive Order to Protect Born-Alive Babies

The President has announced plans to sign an Executive order that will protect babies who survive botched abortions, and will also require doctors to provide them with medical care. It’s a significant step forward in the fight for life, but the fight continues. Watch today’s What’s Next? for more, and share with your friends.

What’s Next? Ep. 48: The Road Ahead for Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Nomination

As you know, President Trump has nominated Judge Amy Coney Barrett as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. So what’s next? The Senate will need to confirm her nomination – but will the Left try to stop her confirmation? Watch today’s new What’s Next? for more.

What’s Next? Ep. 47: Atheists Attack Pandemic Prayer

The Freedom from Religion Foundation is back at it again, threatening state and local officials for facilitating days of prayer during the Coronavirus pandemic. But as we have seen countless times, their threats are hollow. Hear more about what this fringe group is doing and how we are here to fight back. Watch and be sure to share this episode.

What’s Next? Episodes 45: Planned Parenthood Forced to Acknowledge Racist Roots

Margaret Sanger, the racist and eugenicist founder of Planned Parenthood, has been CANCELED. We have been telling you for years that Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood on the ideals of racism, and just now one Planned Parenthood affiliate has finally acknowledged her horrific past and is removing her name from its building. But that isn’t enough. We must never forget the evil that Planned Parenthood was founded upon, but also how they take unborn lives every day.

What’s Next? Episodes 44: School Choice: What it Means For Your Child

A student’s zip code should not dictate their quality of education. That idea is the basis of our new campaign, called the School Choice Initiative. On this episode of What’s Next?, we cover how our School Choice Initiative can give parents the power to choose which education option is best for their child. Watch and share this episode, and see how you can show your support by visiting

What’s Next? Episodes 43: Singing BANNED In California

In a blatant violation of religious liberty, California has BANNED singing and chanting in places of worship. What’s next? The ACLJ has filed a major lawsuit on behalf of churches that could go to the Supreme Court. Sign our petition and learn more about what we are doing at

What’s Next? Episodes 41: Church Ministry Faces Unlawful Discrimination

A church organization that focuses on men’s ministry, Vision Warriors, was discriminated against after a county official targeted them to be rezoned out of a location they had used for over 20 years.

What’s Next? Episodes 40: Extremists Try to Take “God” Out of an American Institution

Extreme atheists are at it again, this time trying to take God out of another sacred American institution – suing to have “so help me God” ripped out of our oath of allegiance for new citizens. Thankfully a federal appeals court threw out their lawsuit, but there is a chance that this case could be appealed to the Supreme Court. If that happens, we will defend “so help me God” just as we defend “In God We Trust” and Bible verses on monuments. Share this episode and stay tuned for more.

What’s Next? Episodes 39: Conscience Rights Violated

There are nurses who are opposed to abortion that have been forced to perform or participate in abortions. Another nurse with 40 years of experience recently had her job threatened if she publicly expressed her opposition to abortion. These are examples of violations of conscience protections. In this episode of What’s Next?, we show how we at the ACLJ are defending these nurses and standing up for life.

What’s Next? Episodes 38: Stimulus Bailout for Abortion

It’s unbelievable, but true. Some states want to take government-issued stimulus bailout money and use it to fund abortion. Receiving funding for help because of the pandemic is one thing, but using that money to fund Planned Parenthood is an entirely other situation. On this episode of What’s Next, we take a look at what’s happening with some states and local governments.

What’s Next? Episode 37: ObamaCare vs. Religious Liberty

Churches and religious organizations – like the Little Sisters of the Poor – should not be forced to participate in anything that violates their faith, like providing abortion-pills. Yet ObamaCare contains provisions that discriminate against religious liberties. Watch today’s “What’s Next?” to learn more about how the ACLJ is fighting for our churches and religious organizations – even at the Supreme Court.

What’s Next? Episode 36: Relief for Churches

Are churches and religious organizations eligible to receive the federal government’s Coronavirus relief package? For the first time ever, the answer is yes. Find out what this package means for churches and religious organizations in today’s episode of “What’s Next?“. Share this video for the benefit of friends and family who work in our churches.

What’s Next? Episode 35: Abortions Are Not Essential

If abortions are considered essential healthcare in the time of a pandemic – what’s next? The federal government has stated that elective procedures – like abortion – should cease during this time of crisis in America. But Planned Parenthood claims abortion is essential and is even suing some states who stand against their horrific plans. Learn more in this episode of What’s Next and share with your friends.

What’s Next? Episode 33: Victories for Liberty in 2020

What’s next in 2020 for the ACLJ? We are in the trenches, fighting for the free speech and religious liberties of Americans who have had their freedoms threatened. We are aggressively fighting for your constitutional rights. Find out more about these cases in today’s “What’s Next?”.

What’s Next? Episode 32: Critical Fight for Life of Babies with Disabilities

Babies who may be born with Down Syndrome are in danger. Some states allow selective abortions, meaning that these babies could be KILLED because of their perceived disabilities. But we’re standing up for these precious babies and taking this case to court. Learn more about this case and what the ramifications could be on today’s episode of “What’s Next?“. Share with everyone you know.

What’s Next? Episode 31: Pro-Choice = No-Choice

We are fighting back against pro-choice policies in states like California. Learn more on today’s episode of “What’s Next?” and be sure to share.

What’s Next? Episode 30: Critical Fight for Life in Virginia

Unborn lives are at risk in Virginia. Lawmakers in Virginia want to amend their state Constitution to allow abortions up to the moment of birth. If this is allowed, then what’s next? In today’s episode, we take a look at the fight for life that is raging inside Virginia. Be informed – watch this episode and share with your friends.

What’s Next? Episode 29: Critical Fight for Life in Virginia

Unborn lives are at risk in Virginia. Lawmakers in Virginia want to amend their state Constitution to allow abortions up to the moment of birth. If this is allowed, then what’s next? In today’s episode, we take a look at the fight for life that is raging inside Virginia. Be informed – watch this episode and share with your friends.

What’s Next? Episode 28: The Left Makes Military Service a Political Weapon

The Left is pushing the idea of a “draft” as a political scare tactic. But this is a myth. America has a thriving and specially trained military to protect us. There is no “draft.” Even forcing Americans to serve as part of Selective Service requires an act of Congress. Learn more on today’s “What’s Next?“

What’s Next? Episode 27: Top Iranian Terrorist Killed

Qasem Soleimani, the number one Iranian terrorist and head of the extremist Quds Force, was killed on the orders of President Trump. Today on “What’s Next?,” we explain how the United States legally had the right to order this strike. We also talk about what happens next and the message that this action sends to the world. Share this video and stay tuned for future episodes of “What’s Next?“.

What’s Next? Ep. 26: Christmas Displays and the Constitution

What does the Constitution say about public Christmas displays and where they can be? There are many myths, so what’s the truth? Watch today’s episode of “What’s Next?” for all the facts you need to know this Christmas season. Please share this episode, and have a Merry Christmas.

What’s Next? Ep. 25: War on Christmas in the Workplace

As Christmas approaches, you may have questions regarding your rights regarding Christmas in the workplace. We at the ACLJ have argued 5 cases on this issue of free speech and religious expression in the Supreme Court. We have the answers you need. Watch and share this latest “What’s Next?“.

What’s Next? Ep. 24: Defending Religious Liberty at Home

Religious discrimination, right at your door. When a Jewish woman posted a mezuzah with Scripture verses on her apartment door, her landlord demanded it be removed. The ACLJ stepped in to correct this flagrant violation of her religious liberty. Watch today’s “What’s Next?” for the whole story.

What’s Next? Ep. 23: Deadly Rocket Attacks “Raining” Down on Israel

We all check the weather app on our phones. But imagine receiving an alert on your phone for incoming rocket attacks. The citizens of Israel experience deadly rocket attacks far too often. Israel is our nation’s greatest ally in the Middle East, and the ACLJ will continue to defend its interests and its people.

What’s Next? Ep. 22: Virginia Government Finds “Jesus Loves You” Offensive

It’s unbelievable. The commonwealth of Virginia went after a real estate agent for simply expressing her religious faith. We are representing the agent, standing up for her religious liberty. Learn more in this episode of “What’s Next?“. Share this episode with your friends.

What’s Next? Episode 21: U.N. Working Group Calls for the Release of Christian Pastor in China

Pastor John Cao has been imprisoned in China for his Christian faith since March 2017. But now he’s getting help – from the U.N. We have been representing Pastor Cao’s family and fought for his freedom. Now, the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention says what we’ve said from the beginning. Pastor Cao should be freed and returned to his family in America. Get his story out there. Share this episode of “What’s Next?” today.

What’s Next? Episode 20: Impeachment: Constitutional Process or Political Weapon? Part 2

Churches and religious organizations – like the Little Sisters of the Poor – should not be forced to participate in anything that violates their faith, like providing abortion-pills. Yet ObamaCare contains provisions that discriminate against religious liberties. In part two of our “What’s Next?” discussion of impeachment, we explore past incidents that would qualify past Presidents as “impeachable” under the guidelines of the current impeachment hearings. Watch along, share this episode, and stay tuned for more “What’s Next?” episodes every week.

What’s Next? Episode 19: Impeachment: Constitutional Process or Political Weapon? Part 1

Impeachment. Everyone from the news media to Congress is talking about it, but what does “impeachment” mean? And more importantly, could the President be impeached? On today’s “What’s Next?“, we explore the definition and history of impeachment, and what exactly that means for the President. Watch along, share this episode, and stay tuned for more “What’s Next?” episodes every week.

What’s Next? Episode 18: They Fight For Us. We Must Defend Them

Our military fights for us. Now it’s time for us to fight for them. On today’s “What’s Next?“, we discuss how we are going to the International Criminal Court to fight for the rights of our brave U.S. soldiers. This is the biggest international case we have undertaken. Share this episode of “What’s Next?” and join us as we defend those who defend us.

What’s Next? Episoode 17: American Pastor Detained in India

Pastor Bryan Nerren is an American pastor currently detained in India because of his Christian faith. You can help bring him home. On today’s “What’s Next?“, we tell the story of Pastor Nerren and his family, who desperately need help. We are fighting for his release but need your voice. He needs to come home before Christmas. Share this episode and sign our petition at

What’s Next? Episode 16: The Shocking Business of Abortion – Selling Babies’ Body Parts

A Planned Parenthood abortionist admitted under oath that she said “I want a Lamborghini” as “compensation” for “fetal tissue.” It’s completely shocking. On today’s “What’s Next?“, we discuss the details that have been unearthed during our trial against Planned Parenthood.

What’s Next? Episode 15: Religious Liberty Under Attack in Public Schools

Children are having Bibles taken away and disciplined for sharing their faith at school! A fourth grader had his Bible forcibly removed at school. Another child was told by his teacher to stop talking about his faith in class. There are sadly more cases like this, but the ACLJ is heavily engaged and fighting back. You can help. Share today’s “What’s Next?“. Encourage anyone you know to reach out to the ACLJ if their religious liberties have been violated.

What’s Next? Episode 13: Churches Under Attack By Local Government

What’s up with the animosity of local governments towards churches? On today’s “What’s Next”, we’re discussing discrimination by local governments against churches and religious organizations. In New York we won a case simply by reminding the locality of the applicable federal. In Florida we are working with a church, but the government has not yet backed down. The ACLJ will continue to fight for the rights of churches and religious organizations in and out of court.

What’s Next? Episode 12: Stop Forcing Churches to Disregard Their Faith

It’s hard to believe. Churches and religious organizations are being forced – by the government – to disregard their faith. On today’s “What’s Next?“, we’re discussing how the U.S. Department of Labor has proposed a new rule that will protect churches and religious charities. We must support this rule. We must always fight back.

Whats Next? Episode 8: Comey’s White House Spies

James Comey had spies in the White House. It’s true. There were spies planted in the White House, effectively keeping former FBI director James Comey informed on highly confidential information. In today’s “What’s Next?“, we tell you all that you need to know about the deceit and corruption happening in our government, and how we’re fighting back. Be sure to share this episode and stay tuned for new episodes of “What’s Next?” every week.

What’s Next? Episode 7: Doctors and Nurses FORCED to Perform Abortions

Doctors and nurses in America are being forced to perform abortions. The ACLJ is fighting back – and winning – in these cases. But there are so many more medical professionals in our country who still need help. If you are being forced to participate in abortions against your will, we can help. Visit today.

What’s Next Episode 6: Crisis at the Southern Border

There is a crisis at our border! Most people realize this, so why are some on the Left trying to stop the President from securing the border? We’re filing briefs to support our border security, and we’re winning. Watch and share this brand new episode of “What’s Next?“.

What’s Next? Episode 5: Millennials are Shifting the Pro-Life Movement

Millennials are shifting the pro-life movement. Planned Parenthood is running to courts across the country to maintain taxpayer funding for abortions. We are fighting for Life alongside the Pro-Life Generation. Watch and share this brand new episode of “What’s Next?“.

What’s Next? Episode 4: Anti-Semitism in Congress

Israel is under attack in Congress. On this episode of “What’s Next?“, we discuss how we have to fight back against those with anti-Semitic views, like Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib. Be sure to share this episode and sign our petition:

What’s Next? Episode 3: Doctors and Nurses FORCED to Perform Abortions

Doctors and nurses are being forced to perform abortions, even if doing so goes against their personal beliefs. On this episode of “What’s Next?“, we discuss how we are fighting back against the abortion industry. Be sure to share this episode and stay tuned for more.

What’s Next? Episode 2: Memorial Cross Victory

The Bladensburg Memorial Peace Cross continues to stand. In this episode of my new series, “What’s Next?“, we take a look at the attacks that threatened the cross and the recent major victory that protects it. Share this episode and stay tuned for more.

What’s Next? Episode 1: “In God We Trust” Under Attack

WATCH: “In God We Trust” is constantly under attack. In the first episode of my new series, “What’s Next?”, we discuss how we are defending our American Heritage. Share this episode and stay tuned for more.


Trump’s Team Really Blew it with National Prayer Service

Trump and family listened to woke bishop deliver a stunningly political sermon calling for him to show mercy on illegal immigrants and transgender children.

Biden’s Last Minute Illegitimate and Illegal Pardons

In last hours of his presidency Biden (or his handlers) “preemptively” pardoned Dr. Anthony Fauci, Gen. Mark Milley, and members of the J6 Select Committee.

Techno-Slop: It’s What’s For Dinner, Decrees New York Times

“Finish your techno-slop, Timmy, or you won’t get any dessert [more techno-slop, but with a dollop of high-fructose corn syrup].”

Eight Years Later, The Trump Honeymoon Arrives

The Trump honeymoon, the one the President should have received after his first election in 2016, has finally arrived, eight years late.

Report: RFK Pressures Trump to Ban Direct-to-Consumer Pharma Advertising

Talk is cheap . So I’ll believe the MAHA agenda is real when I see it bear fruit — not in word, but in deed — with eyes wide open.


The Significant Biden Executive Orders Rescinded by Trump on Day One

Trump rescinded more than 70 executive actions of his predecessor on his first day in office on Jan. 20, mere hours after the official swearing-in ceremony.

Trump’s Border Czar Confirms Deportations Have ‘Already Started’

Trump’s border czar Tom Homan said U.S. immigration officials started carrying out deportations, targeting illegal immigrants who are a threat to public safety.

Trump Fires 4 Presidential Appointees, Says ‘Many More’ Terminations to Come

President Donald Trump announced the firing of four high-profile appointees early Tuesday morning, according to a post he made on Truth Social.

Trump Orders Termination of Electric Vehicle Mandate

Trump ordered removal of incentives for electric vehicles and promoted market choice for consumers as part of executive orders issued his first day in office.

ACLU Sues Trump Over Order Ending Birthright Citizenship

Groups sued Trump and his administration on over his order ending birthright citizenship for certain individuals born in the United States in the future.

Trump Withdraws US From WHO on First Day in Office

Trump issued an executive order withdrawing the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO) and halting U.S. funding to the United Nations body.

Trump Signs Executive Order to Terminate Biden’s DEI Agenda

President Donald Trump took action to fulfill his promise to dismantle the diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) agenda of the Biden administration.

As Chinese Regime Ramps Up Cyberattacks, Experts Call for Quad Nations to Close Gaps in Counterespionage Strategy

The United States, India, Japan, and Australia are key targets for the CCP’s hacking efforts, but gaps impede effective counterespionage, analysts say.

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