Was Hurricane Helene Both Geoengineered and Steered?

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses

There is a fascinating story exploding on the Internet on various platforms. The story holds that hurricane Helene which recently did massive damage to many southern states was both geoengineered and steered. In other words, it was a manmade disaster.

“HURRICANE HELENE, Act of Nature? – Frequency Transmission w/ DANE WIGINGTON” – Truths Unlimited

Over 4 million homes and businesses remained without power as of Thursday in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia. The death count as of Thursday was over 200 with more than 100 still missing.

People with decades of experience in storm weather observation have said they have never seen anything like this before. Experts feel they have never seen anything like hurricane Helene before because it was manmade, or at least man-influenced, weather manipulation. Forget what you’ve heard about hurricanes being “natural disasters” or a “consequence of global warming”. Hurricane Helene could well be the first obvious experiment of the global elites’ weather modification capabilities.

Hurricane Katrina vs Hurricane Helene

Some experts are saying Helene was geo-engineered using frequency transmission technology like NEXRAD, in conjunction with Doppler, and HAARP. For years our government has been experimenting beyond the eyes of the media and public in weather manipulation. They have been experimenting with tools like High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), geoengineering, and cloud-seeding to control the weather. Some are speculating they are manipulating storms like Helene to sow chaos and push the climate change narrative. Experts claim geoengineering has no influence on hurricanes while over water, but once they are over land, they can take control of them.

R​ecord flood crests have been measured in at least eight locations in North Carolina and Tennessee, including the Pigeon River in Newport, Tennessee, French Broad River at Rosman, North Carolina, and the Swannanoa River at Biltmore (near Asheville), North Carolina. Some forecasters reported a record 4 inches of rain fell in a short amount of time and those rains were accompanied in many instances with a straight line wind shear. Winds were measured at 140mph in Florida as Helene made landfall and as high still as 70mph as far north as Indianapolis according to Weather.com.

There is a story of suspicion that Helene was created by Military and Corporate Cloud Seeding, HAARP experiments, by Influential elites who had planned it prior to the hurricane forming out over the Atlantic. Satellite footage allegedly showed planes flying ahead of the storm’s path suggesting they were seeding the air with nanoparticles of particulates to react to frequency transmissions. Helene may have been used as a weather weapon of geoterrorism.

Weather experts allege Helene didn’t devastate Florida and the Carolinas by accident. They hold it was a geoengineered conspiracy to create mass hysteria about climate change to enable more government overreach. They ask, “Why else would massive rainfall, flooding, and dam failures all strike in key regions simultaneously?”

The reason why they use the term “key regions” is not without merit either. As always, there is an interesting back story.

So in order for this to be categorized as something other than just a “conspiracy theory” but more of a “crime with motive”, it turns out there are rich lithium deposits in the exact area where hurricane Helene struck, Cleveland County, North Carolina. It turns out the homeowners there in Kings Mountain did not want to sell their homes to the two major companies that wanted to buy them out. Those companies were none other than Blackrock and Vanguard.

“WARNING! This Is Why Hurricane Helene Destroyed North Carolina!” – Minutes of Horror

Geoengineering and weather modification had been a reality for some time. Our government can create, diminish, and steer hurricanes, and they’ve had the capacity to do so for decades. The mainstream media won’t tell you this. They want you to believe in the narrative of the “existential threat of climate change”, a convenient scapegoat to enable future carbon taxes, land grabs, and draconian regulations for Americans. The same globalist elites who stand to profit from the renewable energy craze are the same ones pushing this false narrative.

In 2009 Dr. Richard Spinrad, (PhD.) who was the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) assistant administrator for the Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR) wrote in a memo to HSARPA:

“While OAR recognizes that weather modification, in general, is occurring through the funding of private enterprises, NOAA does not support research that entails efforts to modify hurricanes.”

Are BlackRock and Vanguard two such “private enterprises” Spinrad is referencing here?


Some are saying hurricane Helene hit Florida as a Category 4 hurricane out of 5 and was downgraded to a “Tropical Storm” by the time it hit North Carolina. In 2018 hurricane Florence went through western North Carolina after entering as a Category 1 level hurricane and killed 15 people and did $22 billion in property damage. Helene will be North Carolina’s most costly and deadly hurricane in state history.

Mentally challenged people or political shills will say this is just a crazy conspiracy theory but, unfortunately, for them, there is historical proof that proves this to be more than a theory.

In 1947 General Electric (GE) scientists were in a top secret government program called “Project Cirrus” that seeded hurricanes to steer them? After seeding a hurricane with dry ice it took an immediate sharp left turn towards the southeastern US. This was done almost 80 years ago!

There was another government program conducted from 1962-1983 that seeded hurricanes to a substantially higher degree to “learn whether the force of the storms can be diminished”. This program was called “Project Stormfury”. It’s completely rational to think that they have improved their methods in the many years since then!

The Environmental Modification Convention (ENMOD), formally the Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques, is an international treaty prohibiting the military or other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects. It opened for signature on 18 May 1977 in Geneva and entered into force on 5 October 1978. This convention bans weather warfare, which is the use of weather modification techniques for the purposes of inducing damage or destruction. The Convention on Biological Diversity of 2010 would also ban some forms of weather modification or geoengineering.

So was Helene a violation of this treaty? Satellite video imagery with mysterious radar signals turning off to the east of Helene while lighting up with more rigor to the west of it would seem to indicate so. Also there is imagery in these videos of a mysterious ray such as a laser rays which remains unexplained.

Like I said, the Internet is abuzz with interesting information going viral!

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