Webinar | A new U.S. Civil War: ‘Made in China’? 

Is the CCP Preparing for War on the Homefront Disguised as Patriots’ Response to Biden’s Serial Provocations?

In his widely viewed interview last week, Tucker Carlson asked Donald Trump — twice — a question that is more and more on Americans’ minds: “Is there going to be a civil war?” While the former president basically deflected the question, he did note that “there’s a level of passion that I’ve never seen. There’s a level of hatred that I’ve never seen, and that’s probably a bad combination” — an assessment on which they concurred.

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The concern is heightened by, among others, the following factors: the Marxist revolutionary moment in which we find ourselves; the Left’s doctrinal attachment to civil war to achieve its ends; the growing number of official actions seemingly calculated to provoke patriotic Americans — including, of course, Trump’s four simultaneous prosecutions; the Marxist playbook’s use of false-flag operations; and the role of Alinskyite “middle-level violence” in political warfare to jujitsu adversaries into providing pretexts for crackdowns.

The Committee on the Present Danger: China’s (CPDC) previous webinars offer some additional “dots” requiring connecting to the foregoing. In addition to the Chinese Communist Party’s obvious interest in gravely weakening, if not actually destroying, this country and its contribution to the rampant cultural Marxism now advancing that agenda here, America needs to consider the other steps the CCP has assiduously taken to subvert this nation from within.

To cite but one of many examples, we have the ominous spectacle of thousands of military-age, unaccompanied, fit and similarly outfitted Chinese men pouring across our open southern border. Credentialed observers have assessed them to be PLA special operators. If so, they have presumably been trained in sabotage, assassination, espionage and other disruptive activities that would be invaluable if coordinated with the People’s Republic of China combat operations elsewhere. They would also be consistent with the strategy of the “People’s War” the CCP publicly declared against us in May 2019 in the pages of People’s Daily.

The question that occurs is: Could such actions be executed in ways that would allow the weaponized security agencies of a Biden administration — which has done nothing to stop this literal Chinese invasion and, in fact, exacerbated it by dispersing these (and other illegal immigrants) all over the country — to assert that they have been perpetrated by some or all of the following: MAGA Republicans, conservatives, gun-owners, Christians, traditional Catholics, veterans or other American patriots it has already pilloried as “potential violent extremists,” “domestic terrorists” and “enemies of the state”?

It is also urgent to assess whether, if attacks are stealthily launched here, we will be able to tell the truth? And what we must do now to contend with the full-blown homeland/national security and constitutional crisis that might be upon us at any time.

This CPDC webinar explores these profoundly important topics and their ominous implications.

When: Wednesday, August 30, 2023 – 2:00pm-3:30pm PM EST


  • Frank Gaffney, Founder and Executive Chairman, Center for Security Policy; Vice Chairman, Committee on the Present Danger: China.


  • Brian T. Kennedy, Chairman, Committee on the Present Danger: China; President of American Strategy Group; Former President, Claremont Institute
    • Topic: “The Strategic Overview: A U.S. Civil War with Chinese Characteristics?”
  • Robert Spencer, Director of Jihad Watch; Shillman Fellow, David Horowitz Freedom Center; author, “The Sumter Gambit: How the Left is Trying to Foment A Civil War” (Bombardier Books, January, 2023)
    • Topic: “The Sumpter Gambit: The Left’s Pursuit of a Civil War”
  • Charles “Sam” Faddis, Former Career Clandestine Service Officer, Central Intelligence Agency; Army veteran; author, “The Decline and Fall of the CIA”; editor, AndMagazine at Substack
    • Topic: “The CCP’s Insertion of People’s Liberation Army Elements, the Parlous State of U.S. Counterintelligence and the Potential for False-Flag Operations”
  • Trevor Loudon, Author and filmmaker, “The Enemies Within” and “The Enemies Within the Church”; “Feinstein’s Spy: Russell Lowe and San Francisco’s Pro-China Left”; “Security Risk Senators: Part 1”,” “Security Risk Senators: Part 2,” “House UnAmericans: PART I: ALABAMA dist 7 – CALIFORNIA dist 18;” contributor, The Epoch Times
    Topic: “The Enemy Within: America’s Captured Elites, Weaponized Security Agencies and the Prospects for Fifth-Column Action”
  • Natalie Winters, Executive Editor, War Room Pandemic; former correspondent, The National Pulse
    Topic: “Team Biden’s Serial Provocations and the Prospects for an ‘End of Elections’ and the Seizure of Power via Civil War?”
  • Lieutenant Colonel Tommy Waller, U.S. Marine Corps (Ret.), President and CEO of the Center for Security Policy (CSP, SecureFreedom.org) 2023, CSP Director of Infrastructure Security until 2021
    • Topic: “America’s Critical Infrastructure and Other Vulnerabilities to Hostile Action Here and How They Can, and Must, Be Mitigated”
Committee Present Danger China
Committee Present Danger Chinahttps://presentdangerchina.org/
The mission of the “Committee on the Present Danger: China” helping to defend America through public education and advocacy against dangers posed by the PRC.


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