As the Chinese Communists’ Economy Tanks, Beijing Wants the US to Bail It Out Again, Even as It Undermines the Dollar, Threatens War
WASHINGTON — The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is in growing economic crisis. Its real estate bubble has burst. Its banks are saddled with unmanageable debt. Its youth unemployment is staggeringly high. Its exports are down. And it is said to be looking for a trillion dollar bailout.
The CCP appears to expect the United States to ride to its rescue — as America has repeatedly done in the past. That expectation is all the more outrageous insofar as the Chinese Communists are simultaneously subverting the dollar as the world’s reserve currency, pursuing other vectors of unrestricted warfare against this country and preparing for an actual shooting war with us and our friends and allies.
Unfortunately, between Beijing’s “old friends” on Wall Street and its “controlled asset” in the White House, Xi Jinping has reason to believe that the U.S. will bail out the Chinese Communist Party yet again. Leading financiers like Larry Fink’s BlackRock and MSCI — both of which are under investigation by the House Select Committee on the CCP for their fraught dealings with the PRC — and the Biden administration are among the “captured elite” unfailingly responsive with “other people’s money” to Chinese demands. While the Wall Street Journal reports today that “Wall Street titans’ dreams of riches from China appear to be slipping away,” Xi is presumably banking on those financial mavens’ past pursuit of personal enrichment achieved with “other people’s money” to see him through the present crisis.
The Committee on the Present Danger: China (CPDC) webinar, “Take Down the CCP, Don’t Prop it Up: No More Bankrolling Our Mortal Enemy,” explores the evidence that another U.S.-sponsored Beijing bail-out is in the offing. And why, under no circumstances — and certainly not the present ones — should Wall Street or Washington be further underwriting an enemy that is simultaneously seeking our economic and national destruction.
The webinar took place on Thursday, August 24 from 1-2:15pm ET.
WHAT: A CPDC webinar | Take Down the CCP, Don’t Prop it Up: No More Bankrolling Our Mortal Enemy
WHEN: 1:00-2:15 pm ET, Thursday, August 24, 2023
Moderator: Frank Gaffney, Founder and Executive Chairman, Center for Security Policy; Vice Chairman, Committee on the Present Danger: China
William Walton, Host, “The Bill Walton Show”; former CEO, Allied Capital; former President, Council for National Policy
- Topic: “The Sorry History of U.S. Bail-outs of the Chinese Communist Party”
Stephen Soukup, Senior commentator, Vice President and Publisher of The Political Forum; Senior Fellow at Consumers’ Research; author, “The Dictatorship of Woke Capital”; veteran financial analyst with Prudential Securities and Lehman Brothers
- Topic: “Has Wall Street Learned Its Lesson in China, or Will It Continue to Risk ‘Other People’s Money’ There?”
Dr. Bradley Thayer, PhD, Director for China Policy, Center for Security Policy, author, “Understanding the China Threat”
- Topic: The Strategic Folly of Bailing Out the CCP Again — Especially Under Present Circumstances”
Hon. Nazak Nikakhtar, Esq., former Under Secretary for Industry and Security and former Assistant Secretary for Industry & Analysis, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce; former Adjunct Professor, Georgetown University Law School
- Topic: “The Biden Administration’s Efforts to Bail-out the Chinese Communist Party”
Kevin Freeman, CFA, Host of “Economic War Room with Kevin Freeman”; President, National Security Investment Consultants Institute; author, “Secret Weapon,” “Game Plan” and “According to Plan”
- Topic: “How to Take-down, Not Prop-up the CCP”
Stephen K. Bannon, Host, “War Room Pandemic”; former Chief Strategist to the President; filmmaker, “In the Face of Evil”; freedom-fighter
- Topic: “Don’t Even Think About Bailing Out the CCP”
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