What Really Happened on January 6: A Walk Through What Was Never an Insurrection

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See pagination at the bottom of page for more articles on J6.

GATEWAY PUNDIT reporters look at January 6 and how the Democrats are weaponizing the U.S. government against patriotic Americans.

“January 6 Was a Trap – It Was a Set-Up” – J6 Political Prisoner Donald Hazard Speaks Out After He Is Sentenced to Nearly 5 Years in Prison (July 26, 2023)

DEVELOPING: Trump May Be Indicted in Jack Smith’s January 6 Investigation as Early as Tomorrow: CBS News (July 24, 2023)

American Patriot Activist Kirstyn Niemela Stands as a Striking Example of Political Persecution in Post-January 6 America (July 20, 2023)

January 6er Ronnie Sandlin Sentenced to Over Five Years in Prison After Refusing to Cooperate with Feds – Claims Inhumane Treatment and Raises Alarm About Prisoner Abuse from Correction Officers (July 18, 2023)

Police Helped Elderly Pastor And His Son Find the Bathroom In The Capitol Building On January 6, Now They Are Facing 3 Years In Prison: ‘This is Outright Intimidation Tactics’… ‘You Have No Rights’ (July 15, 2023)

FBI Director Denies Presence of Undercover Agents at U.S. Capitol on January 6, Despite Evidence to the Contrary: “Wray Will be Held Accountable for This Lie” (VIDEO) (Jul 12, 2023)

BREAKING: Latest SCOTUS Filing Has Potential to Impact Hundreds of J6 Cases – Lawyers Seek to Toss Controversial 1512 Obstruction Charges Against January 6 Defendant Jake Lang (July 9, 2023)

Tucker Carlson Reveals Chief of Police at the Capitol Told Him the January 6 Crowd Was “Filled with Federal Agents” – Was NEVER Aired by FOX (VIDEO) (July 7, 2023)

January 6 Legal Fund Gives FULL TRANSPARENCY Report to Public – Has Assisted Persecuted Defendants with Over $200,000 in Donations – Please Donate to This Worthy Cause (July 7, 2023)

J6er and Antifa Member Jayden X, Who Orchestrated Utah’s ‘TERRIOTEST’ Plan to Storm the Capitol on January 6, Is Living And Working as A War Correspondent in Ukraine… NOT IN JAIL (June 30, 2023)

Giuliani Interviewd by Jack Smith’s Prosecutors in Trump January 6 Case in DC (Jun 28, 2023)

LEAK: Secret Service Agents Forced to Testify Before January 6 Grand Jury in Jack Smith’s DC Case (Jun 26, 2023)

EXCLUSIVE: Independent Filmmaker Threatened by IRS — Refused to Provide Video Footage to January 6 Select Committee or Department of Justice (Jun 24, 2023)

Infowars Host Owen Shroyer Pleads Guilty to “Role in January 6 Riot” — Statement of Offense Details Complete Absence of Criminal Conduct (Jun 23, 2023)

ANOTHER LEAK: Jack Smith Trades Immunity For Testimony From ‘Dueling Electors’ as January 6 Case in DC Heats Up (Jun 23, 2023)

January 6 Legal Fund Started by Jake Lang Gives FULL TRANSPARENCY Report to Public – Has Assisted Persecuted Defendants with Over $200,000 in Donations – Please Donate Today (Jun 23, 2023)

Look Ahead America Offering $1,000 Rewards for Asking Presidential Candidates About January 6 Prisoners (Jun 17, 2023)

Jack Smith Quietly Ramps Up January 6 Case Against Trump in DC as Second Federal Indictment Looms (Jun 16, 2023)

‘NEGLIGENT HOMICIDE’… Emergency Medicine Specialists Expose Cops’ FAILED Attempt To Revive Roseanne Boyland On January 6: ‘The Way This Code Was Run This Patient Had No Chance To Survive’… ‘I’ve Never Seen Anybody Do That’ (Jun 14, 2023)

“I Believe Ashli Babbitt Was Murdered that Day” – GOP Rep and Former Sheriff Speaks Out at Rep. Matt Gaetz’s Hearing for January 6th Victims (Jun 14, 2023)

IT WAS ALL A LIE: Here are Six Videos that Show Capitol Police Moving Barricades, Opening Sets of Locked Doors, Waving in Trump Supporters on January 6th (Jun 06, 2023)

LIVE-STREAM VIDEO: Former US Capitol Police Lt. Tarik Johnson Blows the Whistle on January 6th at 7 PM ET (Jun 01, 2023)

“Our Young People Have Good Sense!” – College Grads Humiliate Liz Cheney After She Smears President Trump and Brags About the January 6th Committee Witch-Hunt (VIDEO) (May 29, 2023)

Corrupt DC Judge Mehta Lectures Oath Keeper Founder Stewart Rhodes Then Sentences Him to 18 Years in Prison for January 6 (May 25, 2023)

“FREEDOM!” – “QAnon Shaman” Jake Chansley Released From Halfway House, Speaks Out On His Freedom and The Power of Forgiveness – VIDEO (May 25, 2023)

DC Prosecutors Ask for Prison Time and $25,000 Fine for J6 Defendant Who Committed NO VIOLENCE But Posted Tweet on Police of “Attacking, Injuring and Murdering Innocent Protesters” on January 6 (May 20, 2023)

EXCLUSIVE J6 FOOTAGE | Defense Attorney Exposes THE EXACT MOMENT the Government Waged Attack: ‘I’ll Tell You Exactly Where Sh*t Went Crazy’ – With VIDEO PROOF – MUST SEE! (May 17, 2023)

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against DC US District Attorney And January 6th Lead Prosecutor Matthew Graves (VIDEO) (May 16, 2023)

J6 Political Prisoner on GOP Cover-Up: ‘Hey Kevin McCarthy, Where The Hell Is The F**** Footage From January 6 That You’ve Been Promising Everyone?’ (May 13, 2023)

VIDEO: CNN AUDIENCE APPLAUDS as President Trump Promises to Pardon January 6 Political Prisoners Early On in His Administration (May 10, 2023)

Good God: Proud Boys Members Guilty of Seditious Conspiracy by DC Kangaroo Court – Face 20 Years in Prison – After FBI Planted Evidence in Their Chatroom (May 4, 2023)

Fake News ’60 Minutes’ Runs Entire Segment on Ray Epps Without Showing HIS CRIMINAL ASSAULT CAUGHT ON VIDEO – Eight Other Men Are Serving Years in Prison Today for Standing Next to Epps and Committing Same ‘Criminal’ Act (April 24, 2023)

New Video Shows Ray Epps Confronting Police on January 6 – And Clearly Shows Police Instigating and Initiating Violence and Attacking Peaceful Crowd (April 21, 2023)

Jan 6 Mom’s Eyewitness Account —“ALL I WANTED TO DO WAS GET MY SON OUT OF THERE!” — SON FACES DECADE IN PRISON & Trial Starts TODAY (April 17, 2023)

Where Is the House GOP? Where Are the Jan 6 Videos? Where Is the Real Jan 6 Investigation? Where Is the Investigation into the Corrupt DC Attorneys? (April 14, 2023)

PLEASE: Email YOUR Words of Encouragement to the Proud Boys on Trial in DC Kangaroo Court! Defendants Await Verdict Next Week! EASY INSTRUCTIONS IN ARTICLE! (April 13, 2023)

‘Hope for a Hero’ is Fading: US Army Veteran Chris Alberts Pleads to God as Jury Trial Begins – Faces Charges for Same ‘Crime’ As Antifa Trans Activist Who Was Caught and Released That Day (April 13, 2023)

This Easter Please Remember Jeremy Brown Sentenced to Over 7 Years in Prison for Refusing to Work as an Undercover Operative for FBI on January 6 and Then Later Releasing Audio of His Meeting with FBI Agents (April 9, 2023)

Picture from Jan 6 Resurfaces – Three Individuals with “Civil War” Shirts Now Suspected of Being Deep State Plants (April 8, 2023)

DC Appeals Court Sides with Corrupt DOJ – Says It’s OK to Charge Jan 6ers with Obstruction Who Did Not Obstruct (April 8, 2023)

Infowars Reporter Sentenced For Simply Filming January 6th Protests After FBI Discovered He Was In Possession of Video Showing Murder Of Ashli Babbitt (April 8, 2023)

Jeremy Brown Sentenced to 7 Years and 3 Months in Prison for Refusing to Work as an Undercover Operative for FBI on January 6 and Then Later Releasing Audio of His Meeting with FBI (Apr 7, 2023)

BREAKING! JANUARY 6TH INFILTRATION FROM HOMELAND SECURITY?! Proud Boys Defense Attorney Says 19 DHS Undercover Informants/Agents Infiltrated on January 6th! (Apr 6, 2023)

“Where Are the Subpoenas? – Did They Forget What the January 6 Committee Did to Us?” – Kash Patel Calls on GOP Lawmakers to Subpoena Bragg and His Cronies (VIDEO) (Apr 5, 2023)

Partner From Law Firm That Represents DNC and is Suing Trump Over Jan 6 on Behalf of Democrats in Congress Arrested for Possessing Child Porn (April 1, 2023)

Election Fraud Witness Sentenced to Prison for 46 Months for Jan 6 — Never Entered Capitol — Please Help This Grandpa and Vietnam Veteran Howard Richardson (March 31, 2023)

Florida Man Dies While Waiting for Trial in January 6 Case (Mar 27, 2023)

20 CONFIRMED INCIDENTS AND OPERATIONS: The DOZENS of Feds, FBI Agents and State Operatives Who Infiltrated the Trump Crowds on January 6th at the US Capitol and Led the Protests (Mar 26, 2023)

TUCKER Shows MSNBC Video of Trump Supporters on Jan 6 Throwing Things at Capitol Police – They Were Doing This Because Police Were Killing Rosanne Boyland (Mar 24, 2023)

“Are you lost Dad?” Jan 6 Dad Speaks for First Time Since Jury Slaughter in DC Kangaroo Court and Prison Surrender — PLEASE HELP MARKUS MALY AND HIS FAMILY (Mar 24, 2023)

Jury Acquits Oath Keepers Member On 3 Felony Counts, Mistrial Declared On Last One In Jan 6th Case (March 23, 2023)

SHOCKING REPORT: DOJ Embedded an FBI Informant Inside the DEFENSE TEAM of Non-Violent Jan 6 Prisoner and Former US Marine Zachary Rehl (Mar 22, 2023)

Tucker Carlson Unknowingly Shows the Death of Trump Supporter Rosanne Boyland on January 6th on the US Capitol Steps (VIDEO) (Mar 22, 2023)

WAYNE ROOT: By Arresting Trump, Democrats Want Either Civil War, Martial Law, or Another January 6th. Here is the Strategy to Protect Trump and Save America- without Ever Risking your Life or Arrest (Mar 20, 2023)

DOJ Releases Statement on Sentence of “Leading participant in violent mob” on Jan 6 Who Smashed Capitol Window, Sprayed Cops In Face With Pepper Spray… Neglects to Mention He Encouraged Others to Attack Cops, Voted For Obama TWICE and Did NOT Vote For Trump (Mar 20, 2023)

Empire State Shilling: Manhattan DA’s Office is Exporting Prosecutors for Jan 6 Cases —MORE POLITICAL TROPHY HUNTING (Mar 20, 2023)

IT WAS A SET-UP! Feds Knew of Registered Trump Protests on January 6 Outside the US Capitol – Later They Entrapped THOUSANDS of Trump Supporters in ‘Restricted Area’ Where Protesters Had Permits to Rally (Mar 20, 2023)

HE HAS THE PROOF: DC Gulag Political Prisoner and Decorated Army Special Forces Soldier Jeffrey McKellop Reveals Extent of Government Agents at J6 Capitol Protest – IT WAS A COMPLETE SET-UP! (Audio) (Mar 17, 2023)

Biden’s DOJ Tells Court More Than 1,000 People Could Still Face Charges in Connection with January 6 (Mar 16, 2023)

McCarthy’s Approval Surges After Release Of Jan 6th Tapes, Trump Praise – Far Higher Than RINO Paul Ryan’s At Similar Point Mar 16, 2023)

HUGE: “THEY LIED ABOUT EVERYTHING” – 96-Page DC Police Report UNCOVERED – Shows Govt Knew MAGA Was Coming on Jan 6 and Entrapped Them ALL (Mar 15, 2023)

“Jan. 6 I Think Is Probably Second Only to the 2020 Election as the Biggest Scam in My Lifetime” – Tucker During Interview with Jan 6 “Political Hostage” Daniel Goodwyn (Mar 15, 2023)

EXPLOSIVE: The 2020 Election Steal Required an “Emergency” on Jan 6 to Complete the Coup (Mar 14, 2023)

UPDATE: 42 January 6 Defendants Join Gateway Pundit in Our Official Request to Speaker McCarthy for January 6 Government Footage (Mar 14, 2023)

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: GOP Rep. Eli Crane Discusses January 6 Tapes And His Endorsement For President Trump in 2024 – Says He Was NOT ALLOWED To Visit The J6 Prisoners (VIDEO) (Mar 13, 2023)

UGLY PEOPLE: Bitter Jimmy Kimmel Mocks Tucker Carlson and January 6th Political Prisoners at Academy Awards (VIDEO) (Mar 13, 2023)

Trump Curse? Signature Bank FAILS! Same Woke Bank that Closed President Trump’s Accounts Two Years Ago Over January 6 Riot (Mar 12, 2023)

“Ray Epps CLEARLY Was Working for Somebody…The Core Claims About Jan 6 Were a Lie” – Tucker Carlson Discusses the Truth About the Jan 6 Files with Clayton Morris at Redacted (VIDEO) (Mar 12, 2023)

Jan 6th Song Featuring President Trump and J6 Political Prisoners Soars To #1 On iTunes (Mar 11, 2023)

New GOP Congress Gains Access to Jan 6 Committee Files – One File is Missing – Why and Where Is It? (VIDEO) (Mar 11, 2023)

PURE EVIL: FBI Raids Home of Jan 6 Protester – Forces His 13-Year-Old Son to Stand on Front Porch with His Hands Up (VIDEO) (Mar 10, 2023)

9/11 First Responder NYPD Policewoman is Now a Convicted Felon for Entering Capitol & Shaking Tambourine on January 6th! FOUND GUILTY ON SEVEN COUNTS BY D.C. Jury! ROSARY BEADS WERE CONFISCATED AS EVIDENCE! (Mar 10, 2023)

Here Are Five Horrific and Unforgettable Videos of January 6 Police Violence That Were Not Yet Picked Up in Tucker Carlson’s January 6 Capitol Hill Coverage This Week (Mar 10, 2023)

January 6 “Insurrection” versus Georgia’s Recent Political Upheaval (Mar 10, 2023)

Former J6 Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson Claims He Didn’t Have Access to January 6 Footage (Mar 9, 2023)

House Republicans Launch Investigation Into January 6 Committee (Mar 9, 2023)

Elon Musk Mocks Chuck Schumer After He Lashes Out Over Jan 6th Footage: “Do You Want Us To Remove This Video?” (Mar 9, 2023)

Gateway Pundit and 42 January 6 Defendants File Official Request with Speaker McCarthy for January 6 Government Footage (Mar 9, 2023)

“They Should Be Tried for Fraud and Treason” – President Trump on Jan 6 Committee Members Who Hid Video Exonerating Jan 6 Victims (Mar 8, 2023)

TGP’s Cara Castronuova on the STONE ZONE Proves She Knows More About Jan 6 Victims than Almost Anyone (Mar 8, 2023)

“The Real Villans Here Are the Federal Judges in Washington DC” – Julie Kelly on How Courts Have Severely Abused Jan 6ers (Mar 8, 2023)

Jonathan Turley Reveals How the Justice Department Can Claim It Was Not Required to Produce Jan 6 Footage in “QAnon Shaman” Jacob Chansley Case (Mar 8, 2023)

HUGE! Tucker Carlson’s Team Reveals Video Footage Shown By Jan 6 Witch Hunt Committee Was DOCTORED…Inserted SCREAMS and Other Crowd Mayhem Sounds [VIDEO] (Mar 8, 2023)

Crooked Little Adam Kinzinger Attacks Tucker Carlson for Releasing Jan 6 Video – Rick Grennel Sets Him Straight (Mar 7, 2023)

President Trump Had 1.1 Million People at His 2020 Rallies with No Violence – On Jan 6 with Ray Epps and Others Present There Was Violence – Who Paid Them to be There? (Mar 7, 2023)

NEW: Speaker McCarthy Says CNN Did More Damage Than Tucker – Then Reveals New Information About January 6 Committee (VIDEO) (Mar 7, 2023)

McConnell Says It Was a “Mistake” For Tucker Carlson to Show January 6 Footage That Government Fought to Keep Hidden (VIDEO) (Mar 7, 2023)

Karine Jean-Pierre Reacts to January 6 Footage Released by Tucker Carlson: “Worst Attack on Our Democracy Since the Civil War” (VIDEO) (Mar 7, 2023)

Documentary Filmmaker Ken Burns Says Tucker Carlson Releasing January 6 Footage is “A Huge Threat to Our Republic” (VIDEO) (Mar 7, 2023)

Elon Musk Blasts January 6th Committee for Misleading the Public: ‘Deeply Wrong’ (Mar 7, 2023)

President Trump Had 1.1 Million People at His 2020 Rallies with No Violence – On Jan 6 with Ray Epps and Others Present There Was Violence – Who Paid Them to be There? (Mar 7, 2023)

Trump Reacts to January 6 Surveillance Footage Released by Tucker Carlson (Mar 6, 2023)

BREAKING: Tucker Carlson Shows Evidence that Capitol Policeman Sicknick Was Healthy and Walking Around After Being Accused of Being Murdered (VIDEO) (Mar 6, 2023)

BREAKING: Tucker Carlson Releases Evidence Showing Ray Epps Perjured Himself in Sworn Testimony to Jan 6 Committee (VIDEO) (Mar 6, 2023)

WOW: Rasmussen Poll Results Show Over 60% of Likely Voters Believe Undercover Government Agents Provoked Jan 6 Riots (Mar 2, 2023)

J6 BOMBSHELL: DOJ VIDEO Shows Capitol Police Holding Open “Upper West Terrace Doors” On Jan 6… Over 250 Individuals Allowed to Walk Into Capitol by Police Then Later Arrested and Abused (March 1, 2023)

FBI Arrests Jesse Rumson after 2 Years – The January 6th Protestor Who Dressed as a Panda (Feb 28, 2023)

UPDATE: 33 January 6 Defendants Sign Petition to Speaker McCarthy to Release J6 Footage to Gateway Pundit and J6 Families (Feb 27, 2023)

Mike Lindell Says He Plans to Sue Speaker Kevin McCarthy For Only Providing the Full January 6 Footage to Tucker Carlson (VIDEO) (Feb 24, 2023)

Jan 6er JEFF SABOL Goes Missing After Raising Complaints of Jail Abuse – PLEASE HELP JEFF BY DONATING BELOW (Feb 24, 2023)

CONFIRMED: As We Suspected All Along, New Video Proves Capitol Police on January 6 Started Firing on the Innocent Crowd Without Warning and Against the Law, Injuring Numerous Individuals (SHOCKING VIDEO) (Feb 23, 2023)

January 6 Prisoners and Their Families Petition Speaker McCarthy to Release the 41,000 Hours of Capital Video to The Gateway Pundit Investigative Team and J6 Families (Feb 22, 2023)

HUGE: House Speaker McCarthy Handed Over 41,000 Hours of Jan 6 Video to Tucker Carlson (Feb 20, 2023)

“Do Your Non-Uniformed Guys Have Any Identifiers” – SHOCKING Capitol Police Video Uncovered from Jan 6 Shows Undercover and Armed DOJ Onsite – IT WAS A SETUP (Feb 18, 2023)

GOVERNMENT ENTRAPMENT: Proud Boys Set Up! Love Interest Sent Enrique Tarrio Incriminating “1776 Returns” Document at the Behest of FBI-DOJ Before January 6! – NEW INFORMATION REVEALS DOCUMENT WAS AUTHORED BY US GOVERNMENT ITSELF! (Feb 13, 2023)

NASTY Rep. Jamie Raskin Who Is Part of Gang Criminally Persecuting Jan 6 Prisoners Complains About Imprisoning Political Enemies (Feb 10, 2023)

House Republicans Warn Pelosi They Will Fly Her Back to Testify Before Congress on Her Role in Failed Security on January 6 (Feb 9, 2023)

Biden Honors Paul Pelosi During SOTU, Blames January 6 and Trump for Attack at His Home (VIDEO) (Feb 7, 2023)

J6 Defendant Victoria White – Who Was Pummeled in the Face by Police with Their Bare Fists and Batons Over 40 Times on January 6 – Arrives in DC for Upcoming Trial This Week (Feb 7, 2023)

Exclusive: Jan 6 Defendant Jon Mellis Leaks Footage from Inside the DC Gulag to Gateway Pundit – Prisoners Are Forced to Drink Dirty Brown Water (VIDEO) (Feb 6, 2023)

EXCLUSIVE: Never-Before-Seen Video of ROSANNE BOYLAND’S LAST HAPPY MOMENTS ALIVE ON JANUARY 6th – Before She Was Killed – Say Her Name #RosanneBoyland. DON’T LET THEM COVER-UP HER DEATH (Jan 27, 2023)

CLEAR Video of Rosanne Boyland as She DIED on Steps of US Capitol on January 6 (Jan 26, 2023)

Seven Days Isn’t Enough: Reflections After Sentencing for My ‘Crimes’ On January 6th (Jan 25, 2023)

Three Active Duty Marines Arrested on January 6 Related Misdemeanor Charges (Jan 21, 2023)

January 6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang Releases Second Documentary from Prison Cell: “Freedom Isn’t Free – The First Battle of the Second American Revolution” (Jan 19, 2023)

Tragic. Newly Released Video Shows Trump Supporters Dragging Rosanne Boyland’s Lifeless Body after Police Killed Her on January 6 (Jan 18, 2023)

TGP EXCLUSIVE: 11 FACTS on the Dozens of Federal Operatives Who Infiltrated the Trump Crowds on January 6th at the US Capitol (Nov 16, 2022)

13 FACTS on the Dozens of Federal Operatives Who Infiltrated the Trump Crowds on January 6th at the US Capitol (Jan 16, 2023)

Nasty Democrat Rep. Jamie Raskin Claims Biden’s Stolen Classified Documents Are Fine And Then Jumps the Shark and Claims President Trump Attempted an Insurrection on Jan 6 (Jan 16, 2023)

EXCLUSIVE: Experts Believe GOP-Led House Has Constitutional Right to Set Innocent Jan 6 Victims Housed in the DC Gulag Free (Jan 15, 2023)

MUST READ: Journalist Reveals Senate Passed Secret Measure In December That Further Confirms Pelosi Was “Queen of the Mob” On January 6th (Jan 12, 2023)

Is the International Media and Global Socialist Movement Trying to Make Brazil’s Sunday Protests Their Jan 6 Event and Reichstag Fire? (Jan 10, 2023)

Angry Leftists Go Nuts After Elon Musk Reinstates General Flynn on Anniversary of Jan 6 Protests Where 4 Trump Supporters Were Killed in DC (Jan 9, 2023)

MORE ON HAKEEM JEFFRIES: Minority Leader Claims “Substance Over Slander” After Lying About 5 Police Officers Who Died on Jan 6th (Jan 7, 2023)

Attorney David Clements Discusses Brunson Brothers’ and Mail-In Ballots Cases on Jan 6 at the Supreme Court in DC (Jan 7, 2023)

Tucker Carlson Discusses Relentless Media Lies About Jan 6 Protests on Second Anniversary of Historic Day (Jan 7, 2023)

EXCLUSIVE: J6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang Releases New Book “Patriot Prisoner” From the Depths of Solitary Confinement on the 2nd Year Anniversary of Jan 6 Protests – FIRST CHAPTER INCLUDED (Jan 6, 2023)

Political Prisoner and FBI Target Jeremy Brown Speaks from His Prison Cell on January 6 – Two Years After a Million Patriots Met in Washington DC to Protest The Stolen Election – Prayer Vigil Tonight (Jan 6, 2023)

LOCK THEM UP: January 6 Committee Traitors “Inadvertently” Expose 2000 SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS of Republicans and Their Family Members (Jan 6, 2023)

JANUARY 6TH HERO OF THE YEAR: A Special Tribute to Ashli Babbitt’s Mom from America’s Political Prisoners! BEAUTIFUL VIDEO and LETTERS!! (Jan 6, 2023)

Army Vet Christopher Alberts Clubbed in the Back of the Head on Jan 6 – Then Feds Arrest Him, Lie to the Court, and Are Caught Hiding Video – PLEASE HELP CHRIS ALBERTS! (Jan 5, 2023)

Wife of Jan 6 Political Prisoner Speaks Out After He Is Beaten and Blinded in One Eye by Prison Guards – Asks Americans for Their Support (Jan 4, 2023)

WHAT ARE THEY HIDING? Jan 6 Committee Sealed All Important VIDEOS and Documents for 50 Years – So They Can Continue to Lie About J-6 Protests and Fed Involvement (Jan 3, 2023)

January 6 Book Released: FIRSTHAND TESTIMONY of Harrowing Tragedy from the J-6ers Living It! “The American Gulag Chronicles: Letters from Prison”- Please Purchase a Copy to Support Political Prisoners of Biden Regime! (Jan 2, 2023)

Archbishop Vigano Calls on Faithful to Fast for Three Days for Jan 6 Political Prisoners – On January 3rd, 4th and 5th (Jan 1, 2023)

EXCLUSIVE: Ray Epps J6 interview Reveals He Had Dinner AZ Acquaintance Night on Jan. 5 – Epps Told Him to Storm the US Capitol on January 6 (Dec 31, 2022)

HUGE: House Republicans Find Text and Email Evidence that Pelosi Staffers Secretly DECREASED Security at US Capitol for Jan 6 – While at Same Time Pelosi Was Organizing Film Crew that Day (Dec 30, 2023)

“You Have Turned the Government Against the People, and I Think it’s Disgusting.” Christina Bobb to the “Inquisition” in Her Jan 6 Interview (Dec 30, 2023)

MORE PATRIOTIC THAN EVER! Jan 6er Bobby Gieswein turns 26 today!— Spending His Second Birthday Behind Bars Waiting for Trial! Please Donate to Bobby Here (Dec 29, 2023)

OUT WITH A WHIMPER: Disbanding Jan 6th Panel Drops President Trump Subpoena – Trump Responds (December 29, 2023)

Mnuchin Discussed the 25th Amendment Removal of Trump with Pompeo After January 6 Capitol Protest (Dec 28, 2022)

68-Year-Old Female Massachusetts Doctor Arrested For Allegedly Assaulting Police Officer During January 6 Capitol Protest – Nearly 2 Years Ago (December 27, 2022)

Please Remember the January 6 Political Prisoners and their Families This Christmas (Dec 25, 2022)

Jan 6 Commission Neglects to Mention 3 of 4 Trump Supporters Killed by Police That Day – And Only Mention Ashli Babbitt in Passing – And No Mention of Attempted Murder of Derrick Vargo Who Was Pushed Off 2-Story Ledge by Police (Dec 24, 2023)

President Trump on the Jan 6 Committee Report – They Didn’t Address the Election or the Role of Federal Agents (Dec 23, 2022)

Jan 6 Report Hides Any Mention of Pipe Bomber Who Was Cause of Shutting Down Congress That Day (Dec 24 2022)

The Final Report from the Corrupt and Unconstitutional Jan 6th Committee Includes One Glaring Omission (Dec 24, 2022)

Here It Is: Sham January 6 Committee Recommends Banning Trump From Public Office in Final Report (Dec 23, 2022)

January 6 Committee Now Sharing Evidence with Special Counsel Jack Smith in Effort to Take Down Trump (Dec 22, 2022)

LOYAL January 6th Girlfriend Hasn’t Seen Her Boyfriend in Almost Two Years – WATCH INCREDIBLE AND INSPIRING INTERVIEW WITH STEVE BANNON ON THE WAR ROOM! (Dec 22, 2022)

BREAKING: House Republicans Locate Emails and Text Messages Implicating Pelosi in Failed Jan 6 Capitol Security Operation (Dec 21, 2022)

Attorney Jonathan Turley: Jan 6th Panel’s Trump Referral Not A Compelling Criminal Case (Dec 21,2022)

“Carries Just as Much Legal Weight as a Letter Written in Magic Marker by Bozo the Clown” – Liberal Writer Shreds Jan 6 Committee “Referral” on President Trump (Dec 20, 2022)

“Why Didn’t Unselect Committee Report on Rigged and Stolen Election – THE REASON FOR THE PROTEST” – President Trump on Deep State and Jan 6 Committee (Dec 20, 2022)

“When They Come After Me, People Who Love Freedom Rally Around Me.” – President Trump Responds to Garbage Criminal Referrals from Corrupt Jan 6 Committee (Dec. 20, 2022)

BREAKING: Sham January 6 Committee Approves Criminal Referrals Against Trump (Dec 19, 2022)

Chairman of Jan 6 Select (Witch Hunt) Committee Withdraws Subpeona Against Verizon For Mike Lindell’s Phone Records After He Sues Nancy Pelosi (Dec 14, 2023)

EXCLUSIVE: “Jake Was There, He Knows It All and that’s Why He’s in Jail Now” – Jan 6 Inmate Jake Lang Calls TGP’s Joe Hoft from Jail (Dec 14, 2023)

Ali Alexander Releases Statement After January 6 Committee Drops Subpoena for His Phone Records (Dec 13, 2022)

Exclusive: ‘Then Sue Me!’ Jail Superintendent Hell-Bent on Abusing Inmates Still In Charge and Jan 6er James Grant Needs Help (Dec 9, 2023)

January 6 Committee to Make More Criminal Referrals to DOJ: Chairman Bennie Thompson (Dec 6, 2022)

January 6 Police Snub McConnell, McCarthy During Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony (VIDEO) (Dec 6, 2022)

Jan. 6 Defendant Ryan Samsel’s Court Case Begins Today, Listen In – Was Set-Up by Ray Epps at January 6 Protests …Update: DOJ Postpones Trial and Suspends Ryan’s Phone ‘Privileges’ for 6 Months (Dec 2, 2022)

President Trump Delivers Special Message to January 6th Political Prisoners (VIDEO) (Dec 1, 2022)

J6 Political Hostage Jon Mellis Speaks Out – Jan 6 Detainees Have Been Sexually Assaulted and ‘Ziptied In the Middle Of The Night’ – Coming Up on Two Years of Isolation and Abuse (Dec 1, 2022)

MUST SEE: Jake Lang’s Latest POWERFUL Jan 6 Political Prisoner Video – FINALLY THE TRUTH! (Nov 30, 2022)

TGP EXCLUSIVE: 12 FACTS on the Dozens of Federal Operatives Who Infiltrated the Trump Crowds on January 6th at the US Capitol (Nov 30, 2022)

59-Year-Old Woman Follows Crowd into US Capitol on Jan 6 – Loses her Business and Sent to Medium Security Prison Where She Was Abused – Prayed the Rosary for Comfort (Nov 28, 2022)

Jan 6th Staff Reportedly Upset With Liz Cheney Over Her Fixation With Donald Trump (Nov 24, 2023)

New Video of Ray Epps on Jan 6 Uncovered by Jason Goodman at “Crowdsource the Truth” – Epps Brushes Past Another Man Making Hand Signals (Nov 24, 2022)

DEVELOPING: Justice Department Seeking to Question Mike Pence in its Criminal Investigation Into January 6 (Nov 23, 2022)

Steve Bannon: “McCarthy’s Already Committed to MTG That Nancy Pelosi Is Going to Be Deeply Investigated – And Everything Democrats Knew” in Run-Up of Jan 6 (Nov 21, 2022)

Sorry Liz Cheney: After Reinstating President Trump’s Twitter Account Two of His Tweets from Jan 6 Tell the Real Story (Nov 20, 2022)

AOC Gets Fact Checked by Twitter Users on Her Lies About January 6 in Response to Elon Musk’s Poll to Reinstate Trump’s Twitter (Nov 19, 2022)

TGP EXCLUSIVE: 11 FACTS on the Dozens of Federal Operatives Who Infiltrated the Trump Crowds on January 6th at the US Capitol (Nov 16, 2022)

Corrupt Jan 6th Committee Releases Statement Threatening President Trump for Not Complying with their Subpoena (Nov 14, 2022)

MUST SEE January 6th Documentary to Premier TONIGHT ON NEWSMAX!! ‘Shame of a Nation’ Reveals Civil Rights Violations of Jan. 6 Defendants! (Nov 12, 2022)

BREAKING: President Trump Files Lawsuit to Block Subpoena from January 6 Committee Prior to Monday’s Appearance (Nov 11, 2022)

Nancy Pelosi Sits Down With CNN and Compares Husband’s Attack to January 6th (Nov 8, 2022)

WATCH: “I Wasn’t Anywhere Near The Capitol On January 6” – Kari Lake Smacks Fake News CBS Hack When Asked About Vicious Attack Ad Blaming Her For The Death Of A Capitol Police Officer Who Died AFTER J6 (Nov 4, 2022)

Jan 6 Protester and Green Beret Jeremy Brown Who Was Arrested for Turning Down FBI Request to Work as Operative on Jan 6 Is Offered a Plea Deal by Corrupt DOJ — Turns It Down (Nov 3, 2022)

Government Testimony Raises More Questions Than Answers in Oathkeepers Trial (Nov 3, 2022)

PROOF that Pelosi and Democrats Set Up Legal Protestors Who Were Issued Permits on January 6th by denying Trump’s Already Authorized National Guardsmen (VIDEO) (Oct 30, 2022)

MSNBC Reporter Asks Trump Supporters Stupid Question About Jan 6, Gets Humiliated on National TV – Has No Idea About What Really Happened that Day (Oct 24, 2022)

AMAZING UPDATE: J6 Defendant Treniss Evans Started Singing Anthem During Trump Rally in Solidarity with Jan 6 Political Prisoners (VIDEO) (Oct 23, 2022)

Crazy Liz Cheney Says January 6 Committee Will NOT Allow Trump Testimony to Be Televised – Says He Will Testify Before Her Under Oath (Oct, 23, 2022)

EXCLUSIVE: Roger Stone on Jan 6 Accusations – “A Nothing-Burger with a Side of Lies” (Oct 21, 2022)

BREAKING: Corrupt Jan 6 Committee Subpoenas President Trump (Oct 21, 2022)

Jan 6 Political Prisoner Pete Schwartz Calls Gateway Pundit from His Prison Block – You Won’t Believe How the Corrupt DOJ Is Screwing With This Man! – Please Donate Below (Oct 21, 2022)

AJ Fischer Introduces InvestigateJ6 Website – Americans Deserve to Know What Really Happened on January 6th – Please Donate Below (Oct 19, 2022)

Peter Strzok to MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace: “9/11 is Nothing Compared to January 6” (VIDEO) (Oct 17, 2022)

It’s Really Bad – Even State-Run Comedians at Saturday Night Live Make Fun of Sham Jan 6 Committee (Oct. 16, 2022)

President Trump Sends Letter to Jan 6 Committee – “We Demand Answers on the Crime of the Century!” (Oct 14, 2022)

President Trump Loves the Idea of Testifying Before Sham Jan 6 Committee Per Source Close to the President (Oct 13, 2022)


BREAKING: January 6 Committee Unanimously Votes to Subpoena Trump (Oct 13, 2022)

January 6 Committee and Liz Cheney to Hold Hearing today on “Clear and Present Danger” of 74 Million Trump Voters (Oct 13, 2022)

Psaki Blasts Wisconsin Democrat Senate Candidate Mandela Barnes For Focusing on January 6 Ahead of Midterms (VIDEO) (Oct 09, 2022)

Texas CHRISTIAN FAMILY OF FIVE Set to Be Sentenced Next Week for January 6th Participation! PLEASE HELP THIS FAMILY OF PATRIOTS! (Oct 09, 2022)

New Info on Jan 6 Pipe Bomber Shows that the Reported Bomb Was Placed Next to Security Guard But Not Noticed for Hours (Oct, 6, 2022)

“If A Prosecutor Ever Did That, They’d Be Disbarred.” – President Trump Reminds Americans of Attorney Alan Dershowitz’s Comments on Jan 6 Committee (Oct 4, 2022)

In Riveting Interview: J-6 Victim Victoria White Describes Unbelievable Bare-Fisted Beating by DC Police on Jan 6th and the Nightmare that Followed — MUST SEE VIDEO (Oct 4, 2022)

Bill Barr Confronted Over Refusal To Help Jan 6th Prisoners (Sept 27, 2022)

Jan 6 Committee Subpoenas Dirtbag Robin Vos to Testify on His July Phone Call with President Trump (Sept 26, 2022)

Nasty Rep. Jamie Raskin on Jan 6 Committee Claims He Doesn’t Know Who Ray Epps Is – After Standing Up for Epps Earlier (Sept 25, 2022)

LIVE-STREAM VIDEO: January 6th Solidarity Truth Rally – Saturday, 1-5 PM in Washington D.C. for the US Political Prisoners — Mike Lindell, Jim Hoft, Cara Castronuova, etc. (Sept 24, 2022)

BREAKING: Obama Appointed Federal Judge Denies AZGOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward’s Lawsuit To Prevent T-Mobile From Providing Phone Records To Liz Cheney’s Jan 6 Committee (Sept 23, 2022)

LOL! Jan 6 Witch Hunt Committee Member Jamie Raskin Defends “Poor” Ray Epps…”Leave that guy alone!…He’s just trying to survive, and he’s on your side!” [VIDEO] (Sept 23, 2022)

REMINDER: January 6th Solidarity Truth Rally – Saturday, September 24th, in Washington D.C. for the US Political Prisoners — Mike Lindell Now Expected to Speak! (Sept 23, 2022)

Exclusive: 10 FACTS on the Dozens of Federal Operatives Who Infiltrated the Trump Crowds on January 6th (Sept 23, 2022)

ATTENTION ALL PATRIOTS: January 6th Solidarity Truth Rally – Saturday, September 24th, in Washington D.C. (Sept 20, 2022)

Harvard Attorney and TikTok Influencer Says He was Offered $400 to Make Anti-Trump Propaganda Related to Jan 6 – Shows Receipts (VIDEO) (Sept 17, 2022)

Democrat Hank Johnson Alleges American Parents Descended on School Board Meetings Like January 6 Protesters (VIDEO) (Sept 14, 2022)

No, Kevin McCarthy, Voters WON’T STAND for Weak Leadership — Americans Want and Deserve Real Answers to January 6 Investigation — HERE ARE A FEW QUESTIONS WE WANT ANSWERED… (Sept 13, 2022)

America’s Frontline Doctor Simone Gold RELEASED From Florida Prison EARLY for Walking Inside US Capitol on January 6 (Sept 9, 2022)

Judge Removes Cowboys For Trump Co-Founder Couy Griffin From Office, Bars Him From Seeking, Holding Public Office for Walking Inside US Capitol on Jan 6 (Sept 6, 2022)

BULLY GUARD AT DC GITMO ASSAULTS JANUARY 6th PRISONER! Maced in the Face for Not Wearing Mask! LEFT IN CELL FOR OVER 8 HOURS WITHOUT CARE! — Please Donate Below! (Sept 06, 2022)

Raskin Says He Assumes Pence is Going to Voluntarily Testify Before January 6 Committee (VIDEO) (Sept 04, 2022)

PA Gubernatorial Candidate Doug Mastriano Files Lawsuit Against January 6 Committee (Sept 02, 2022)

BREAKING: Trump Tells Megyn Kelly Look-Alike Radio Host He’s Financially Supporting Some Jan 6 Political Prisoners and Will Consider “Full Pardons” If He Runs Again and Is Re-Elected [VIDEO] (Sept 1, 2022)

Calling All Patriots: January 6th Solidarity Truth Press Conference – September 24th, in Washington D.C. (Aug 26, 2022)

Government Admits Oath Keepers Did Not “LEAD” Attack on US Capitol on January 6 (Aug 24, 2022)

January 6 Eyewitness Describes False Flags and Police Brutality when Roseanne Boyland was Killed as She Laid Unconscious on the Ground (Aug 23, 2022)

Crying Capitol Police Officer Aquilino Gonell HUMILIATED AS HE IS CAUGHT IN LIE AFTER LIE UNDER OATH! Likely Committed Perjury at January 6th Criminal Trial! MUST-SEE VIDEO of Officer TROLLED Outside Courthouse! (Aug 20, 2022)

Liz Cheney Says January 6 Committee in “Discussions” with Mike Pence’s Lawyers About Testifying (VIDEO) (Aug 19, 2022)

Trump Calls For Sham January 6 Committee to be Dissolved After Liz Cheney Loses Wyoming Primary by Nearly 40 Points (Aug 17, 2022)

Mother and Daughter Indicted by Corrupt FBI for Jan 6 – Never Went in the Capitol – Escaped Moldova Only to Face FBI Abuse (Aug 13, 2022)

Woman Who Escaped Communism and Arrested for False Crimes on Jan 6 Shows Up Outside Mar-a-Lago to Support President Trump (Aug 9, 2022)

Dirty Chris Wray Says FBI Is Still Investigating Fake Conspiracy Charges related to January 6th — FBI Is Still Looking for 350 Americans to Arrest (Aug 04, 2022)

SICK, EVIL PEOPLE: DC Media Harasses and Abuses Texas Mother Nicole Reffitt After Her Husband is Sentenced to 7 Years for Protesting Outside US Capitol on January 6 (Aug 02, 2022)

Guy Reffitt Sentenced to 7 Years and 3 Months For Protesting Outside Capitol on January 6th. Prosecution’s Request for Terrorism “Upwards Departure” Denied! HIS SON JACKSON ASKED FOR MAXIMUM SENTENCE FOR HIS DAD IN LETTER TO COURT! (Aug 01, 2022)

Can a January 6th Protester Be a Legally Defined As a “Terrorist” for Attending a Rally? We Will Find Out Tomorrow At the Sentencing of Guy Reffitt. FIND OUT MORE HERE! (July 31, 2022)

OUTRAGEOUS: Dr. Simone Gold Checks Into Prison for 60 Days for Trespassing Misdemeanor on Jan 6 (July 29, 2022)

EXCLUSIVE… First Convicted January 6th Defendant PENS LETTER TO JOE BIDEN on Eve of Sentencing! “BE THE PRESIDENT FOR ALL AMERICANS!!” (July 29, 2022)

January 6th Prisoner Held in “Cage Like a Dog” in Penitentiary Yard by the Biden Regime – Desperately Needs Help! EXCLUSIVE AUDIO INTERVIEW!!! (July 26, 2022)

Fake News NYT Claims the Forceful Overthrowing of the Sri Lankan Government Was “Relatively Low Key and Polite… Much More Peaceful” Than January 6th (July 26, 2022)

EXCLUSIVE: Stewart Rhodes Calls on All Fellow Oath Keepers to Sue Jan 6 Committee Witness Jason Van Tatenhove for Defamation! (AUDIO) (July 25, 2022)

VIDEO: Dirty Liz Cheney Gets Caught OPENLY LYING About Trump’s Request for 20,000 National Guard on January 6th (July 24, 2022)

Greg Gutfeld: January 6th Hearings Have Backfired On Joe Biden And The Democrats (VIDEO) (July 24, 2022)

Another Fail: Latest Jan 6th Hearing Flops In The Ratings (July 23, 2022)

BREAKING: DOJ Working on Hunter Biden Plea Deal Despite Millions from China, Russia, Ukraine, etc. When His Dad was Obama’s VP — While Jan 6 Protesters Rot in DC Gulag (July 22, 2022)

Steve Bannon Blasts “Gutless” January 6 Committee Members After Jury Returns Guilty Verdict in Contempt Trial (VIDEO) (July 22, 2024)

POLITICAL PRISONER OF THE BIDEN REGIME Turns to Christ in DC Gitmo – Saved Lives on January 6 but Now Is Suffering in Prison – LYING Jan 6 Committee Continue to Ruin His Chances at a Fair Trial – PLEASE HELP — EXCLUSIVE VIDEO (July 21, 2022)

Can Steve Bannon or January 6th Defendants Get a Fair Trial? POLLS SHOWS EXTREME JURY BIAS!! Tainted Jury! READ THE FULL POLL RESULTS HERE! (July 19, 2022)

NEW: Secret Service Tells Jan 6 Committee it Has No New Text Messages Related to Capitol Protest (July 19, 2022)

Biden-Appointed US Attorney Who Dropped Charges on Colbert’s Crew is Also Prosecutor Investigating January 6 (July 18, 2022)

January 6 Committee to Receive ‘Deleted’ Text Messages From Secret Service This Week (July 18, 2022)

January 6 Committee Subpoenas Secret Service for ‘Deleted’ Jan. 6 Text Messages (July 16, 2022)

Watchdog Claims Secret Service ‘Deleted’ January 6 Text Messages – Secret Service Responds to Absurd Accusations (July 14, 2022)

Angry AOC Admits Capitol Police Held the Doors Wide Open on January 6 (VIDEO) (July 14, 2022)

EXCLUSIVE: ROGER STONE FIRES BACK at the January 6th Committee’s Smear (July 13, 2022)

LEAKED EMAIL Sent to The Gateway Pundit from The Unselect Committee to January 6th Defendant!! Proof the Committee and the DOJ Are EXTORTING Testimonies Out of Their Witnesses! LIZ CHENEY IS SHAMELESS!! (July13, 2022)

“All of This, It’s Just Been Hell…” – Ray Epps – Jan 6 Instigator Taken Off Most Wanted List – Claims He’s the Victim and It Should Be Illegal to Accuse Him of Being a Fed (July 13, 2022)

“I’m Really Frightened… I’m Scared” – 69-Yr-Old Grandma, Drug Counselor, and Cancer Patient Joins Greg Kelly Before She Is Sent to Prison on Tuesday for Walking Inside US Capitol (VIDEO) (July 12, 2022)

MUST SEE: TGP’s Cara Castronuova and Revolver’s Darren Beattie on The War Room – More Proof of FBI Operatives on January 6 (VIDEO) (July 12, 2022)

THEY ALL LIED AND WE HAVE PROOF! Highly Sensitive DOJ Jan 6. Documents Leaked to The Gateway Pundit – FBI Confidential Human Source INFILTRATED Proud Boys, Ran FBI Operation on J-6, Reported They Were INNOCENT! — See Texts and Documents IN FULL!! (July 11, 2022)

In New Book Never-Trump Liar Paul Ryan Says He “Found Himself Sobbing” on January 6 (July 11, 2022)

INCREDIBLE VIDEO of January 6th Political Prisoner From Inside Prison — Jake Lang From Documentary “The Truth About January 6th” Seen For First Time Since Detainment by Regime 17 Months Ago! (July 9, 2022)

UPDATE: Police Arrest Man Carrying Two Molotov Cocktails Near US Capitol – Suspect Identified (July 6, 2022)

January 6 Committee Announces Next Hearing After Cassidy Hutchinson Falsely Testified Trump Lunged at Secret Service Agent (July 5, 2022)

Beattie on The War Room: January 6th Committee a Pretext To Justify Labeling Trump Supporters As Domestic Terrorists (July 3, 2022)

Liz Cheney: It Is Possible January 6 Committee will Make Criminal Referral Against Trump (VIDEO) (July 3, 2022)

Two More AZ State Legislators Receive Subpoenas from Liz Cheney’s Jan 6 Gang After Arizona Election PROVEN To Be Rigged And Stolen (July 2, 2022)

BREAKING: Internal Memo Reveals Capitol Police Were Warned BLM from Baltimore Was Bussing in Rioters Disguised as Trump Supporters on Jan. 6 (July 2, 2022)

Antifa Terrorist Who was Carrying Loaded Gun at Violent Protest Has Charges Dropped on Day of Sentencing — While Jan. 6 Protesters Rot in Prison for Standing Outside US Capitol (July 2, 2022)

Pat Cipollone Was Not at the White House on Morning of January 6 as Cassidy Hutchinson Testified: Report (July 1, 2022)

EXCLUSIVE Interview With Indicted January 6th PROUD BOY That Released Zoom Call EXONERATING Them From SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY!! TELL-ALL VIDEO!!! (July 1, 2022)

West Virginia Republican Lawmaker to Spend 90 Days in Prison for Walking In US Capitol on Jan. 6th and Fist-Bumping Cop (VIDEO) (June 30, 2022)

DEEP STATE’s Latest Assault on Eric Greitens Who Is Leading Missouri Senatorial Race – Bringing in Jan 6 Investigator to Run as Independent (June 30, 2022)

Cruel and Unusual Punishment: DOJ Instructs VA to Suspend All Benefits of January 6th Prisoner Held in DC Gulag – This is What Happens When “Vindictive Leftists get in Charge” (June 30, 2022)

January 6th Committee Subpoenas Trump White House Counsel Pat Cipollone (June 29, 2022)

Kash Patel Drops Another Truth Bomb — WRECKS Liz Cheney’s Jan 6 Committee and FALLEN STAR Witness Cassidy Hutchinson (VIDEO) (June 29, 2022)

“Fake Stories… No Cross Examination, No Real Republicans, No Lawyers… Unselects Should Be Forced to Disband.” – President Trump on Corrupt Jan 6 Committee (June 29, 2022)

REVEALED: January 6 Committee Didn’t Reach Out to Secret Service in Days Before Cassidy Hutchinson’s Testimony (June 29, 2022)

Ginni Thomas Responds To The Sham January 6 Committee’s Request For Her Appearance (June 29, 2022)

January 6th Committee Spox and Cassidy Hutchinson’s Lawyer Stand by Her Testimony on Trump and Secret Service Driver (June 28, 2022)

January 6 Witness Cassidy Hutchinson Claims Trump Lunged at Secret Service Agent on Jan. 6, Shouted, “I’m the F*cking President!” (VIDEO) (June 28, 2022)

J6 Committee’s ‘Surprise’ Witness Was so Disgusted by Trump and Jan. 6 That She Was Planning to Go Work For Trump in Florida *After* January 6 Protest (June 28, 2022)

J6 Political Prisoner JEFFREY SCOTT BROWN Is Being Tortured By Biden Regime for Standing Outside US Capitol on Jan. 6 – Jailed Since August! – Audio from Inside Prison!! (June 27, 2022)

Michael Stenger, Senate Sergeant-at-Arms on January 6, Reported Dead (June 27, 2022)

January 6th Committee Announces Surprise Hearing for Tuesday: “Recently Obtained Evidence…Witness Testimony” (June 27, 2022)

WHO IS RACHEL POWELL? She Used an Ice Axe and Battering Ram To Break Into Capitol Windows on Jan 6… She Gave ‘Specific’ Directions To People Inside Capitol About How To Navigate… Why Is She Only on House Arrest? [VIDEO] (June 25, 2022)

Mother of Ashli Babbitt CALLS OUT REPUBLICAN CONGRESSMAN MARK WAYNE MULLIN For His Defense of The Capitol Police Officer Who Killed Her Daughter! (June 24, 2022)

President Trump Asks Jan 6 Committee to Look into Why Bill Barr’s Justice Department Wouldn’t Act in PA? (June 23, 2022)

January 6 Political Prisoner Jeremy Brown — Who Turned Down the FBI to Be an Operative on J6 — Status Hearing at 9:30 AM Eastern – Details Below on How to Listen In on the Hearing (June 23, 2022)

President Trump Releases Statement on Phone Call With Arizona RINO Rusty Bowers Hinting It Was Recorded – Did Bowers Lie In Jan 6 Testimony? (June 21, 2022)

“We Cannot Let America Become a Nation of Conspiracy Theories” Liz Cheney Attacks Trump, First Amendment During January 6 Show Trials (VIDEO) (June 21, 2022)

After Ignoring 2020 Election Steal Mike Pence Says He Won’t Let Dems Use Jan 6 to Distract from Their Failed Agenda (June 21, 2022)

“We Cannot Let America Become a Nation of Conspiracy Theories” Liz Cheney Attacks Trump, First Amendment During January 6 Show Trials (VIDEO) (June 20, 2022)

WOW! Jan 6th Panel Not Swaying Swing-State Republicans – “Pushed Them In The Opposite Direction” (June 19, 2022)

Rep. Adam Schiff Won’t Rule Out House Committee on January 6 Subpoenaing Mike Pence (VIDEO) (June 19, 2022)

WATCH: Bill Maher Rips NFL For Fine Over January 6 Opinion, ‘He does have the right to voice his opinion as a citizen of the United States… What The F**K’ (June 19, 2022)

TYRANNY: Michigan GOP Candidate for Governor, Ryan Kelley, Has Guns Taken by Judge for Standing Outside the Capitol on Jan 6 (June 18, 2022)

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: After New Mexico County Commissioner Couy Griffin Votes to Decertify Recent Illegitimate Election Results – He’s Sentenced to 14 Days for Peacefully Protesting the Stolen 2020 Election on Jan 6 (June 18, 2022)

READ The Letter The Sham January 6 Committee Sent Ginni Thomas Requesting Her Appearance (June 17, 2022)

INSURRECTION: Colbert Producers Caught by Police Invading US Capitol After Work Hours — Aided by Adam Schiff — Stalk and Harass US Lawmakers (June 17, 2022)

Prince William Meddles In US Politics With Letter to the Deceased U.S. Capitol Police Officer’s Girlfriend (June 17, 2022)

Dr. Simone Gold Sentenced to Prison For Speaking with Megaphone Inside US Capitol on January 6 (June 16, 2022)

Oops! Report Shows Capitol Police Received First Warning About Jan. 6 Violence 2 WEEKS BEFORE Protests! — PELOSI TURNED DOWN NATIONAL GUARD (June 16, 2022)

January 6 Committee Leaks More Ginni Thomas Emails to Washington Post (June 16, 2022)

NEVER FORGET: Antifa-BLM Leader Who Was Filmed Inside US Capitol on Jan. 6, Broke a Window, and Organized Antifa Rally Near Capitol That Day – ONLY SPENT ONE DAY IN JAIL (June 15, 2022)

The Jan 6 Committee Failing Big Time – Even Rachel Maddow Doesn’t Buy It (June 14, 2022)

Lawless DC Mayor Who Turned Down National Guard on Jan 6th – Adds 51st Star to US Flags Displayed on Pennsylvania Avenue in Run-Up to Flag Day (June 13, 2022)

Jan 6 Star Witness Backs Out Last Minute – Corrupt Committee Must Regroup (June 13, 2022)

EXCLUSIVE: From His Prison Cell Oath Keepers Founder Stewart Rhodes Tells REAL STORY behind Meeting with Enrique Tarrio in DC Garage — JAN 6 COMMITTEE LIED (Audio) (June 13, 2022)

FLASHBACK: NEVER FORGET — FBI Admitted to Running Operatives in the Crowd at the US Capitol – IT WAS A SETUP (VIDEO) (June 12, 2022)

Law Professor Jonathan Turley Criticizes FBI Director and Dirty Cop Chris Wray for Labeling Jan 6 “Domestic Terrorism” (June 11, 2022)

Sean Hannity Proposed Hunter Biden Pardon to Trump Spox Following January 6 Capitol Protest (June 11, 2022)

Sham Jan 6th Panel Paying Staffers Double What Regular House Staffers Make – Here Are Their Salaries (June 11, 2022)

Jan 6 Sham Hearings a Ratings BUST for Big Networks – Look How They Compared to Normal Week Night (June 11, 2022)

Washington Commanders Fine Defensive Coach Jack Del Rio $100,000 for Calling January 6 Capitol Riot a “Dust Up” Compared to George Floyd Riots (June 10, 2022)

“Evidence They Want to Ignore” – Trump Spox Liz Harrington Releases Barrage of Inconvenient Truths During Jan 6 Committee State-Run Show Trial (June 9, 2022)

TWO-TIERED JUSTICE: FBI Raids Home of Popular MI GOP Gov Candidate Charged With MISDEMEANORS Related To Jan 6…How Many Antifa/BLM Homes Were Raided After They Threatened Trump on June 9? [VIDEO] (June 9, 2022)

BREAKING: FBI Raids Home of Michigan Gubernatorial Candidate Ryan Kelley for Standing Outside US Capitol on Jan. 6 – On Day of Jan 6 Kangaroo Hearings (June 9, 2022)

NEVER FORGET: Capitol Police Gassed and Beat Trump Supporter Rosanne Boyland til She Died — Then The Government Cremated Her Body So Her Family Could Not See Her Bloody Wounds (June 9, 2022)

Why Were Ukrainian Nazis in the U.S. Capitol on January 6? (June 9, 2022)

BREAKING: Rep. Troy Nehls Calls Out The J6 Committee For Failing To Hold Capitol Police Accountable For The Infamous Riots (June 9, 2022)

BREAKING: FBI Raids Home of Michigan Gubernatorial Candidate Ryan Kelley for Standing Outside US Capitol on Jan. 6 – On Day of Jan 6 Kangaroo Hearings (June 9, 2022)

Political Theater: Pelosi’s Sham Jan 6th Panel Hires TV Network Executive in a Shameless Attempt to Turn Thursday’s Hearing Into “Must See TV” (June 6, 2022)

DOJ Won’t Charge Two Trump Allies – Dealing Blow To Jan 6th Panel (June 4, 2022)

ROGER STONE EXCLUSIVE: NO BOND HEARING AFTER OVER A YEAR! Jon Mellis Is Another Jan 6 Tragedy and He Needs Your Help (June 1, 2022)

Liz Cheney’s Sham Jan 6 Committee Will Hold Public Hearings Starting Next Week to Push Her Anti-Trump Lies (June 1, 2022)

Dr. Peter Navarro Sues Pelosi and Her Unconstitutional Jan 6 Committee (May 31, 2022)

Radical Left Group Releases Plans to Blockade Supreme Court Over Roe vs. Wade – Much Worse than Jan 6 Protesters’ Actions Placing Them in DC Gulag for Years (May 29, 2022)

“A Love Story The Biden Regime Will Not Destroy!” Politically Persecuted January 6th Couple Fights Back!! — Please Help Them Here… (April 8, 2022)

January 6 Panel Moves to Hold Trump Aides Dan Scavino, Peter Navarro in Contempt (March 29, 2022)

WATCH: Joe Rogan On Jan 6 Capitol Protest – “How About The F*cking FBI Agents Who Were Inciting Violence? They Had People That Were There. For A FACT, We Know That.” (May 13, 2022)

Corrupt Obama AG Eric Holder Indicates He is Involved in Jan 6 Sham (May 9, 2022)

EXCLUSIVE: Rudy Giuliani Asks For Live Coverage of His Scheduled Testimony on National TV – But Jan 6 Committee Declines — Sham Jan. 6 Committee Lacks Transparency (May 5, 2022)

Mark Levin on FOX News Calls the Jan 6 Committee “A Front Politburo Type Committee Set Up by Nancy Pelosi…Very Stalinist in its Makeup” (May 2, 2022)

‘What The Feds Are Doing To The January Sixers Is Just A Small Example Of What They Want To Do To All Of You Who Speak Out’ – Jan 6 Protester Dominic Pezzola Sends Letter From Prison (May 2, 2022)

Chuck Todd Upset That Voters Don’t Care About Jan 6th (April 30, 2022)

Swamp Rat Mitch McConnell Said He Was “Exhilarated” on Jan 6 that President Trump “Had Finally Tarnished His Reputation” (April 26, 2022)

“You Should Be Ashamed of Yourself” – Christina Bobb to Jan 6 Attorneys After Spending 6 Hours Addressing Question Why She Tweeted a Picture of Mel Gibson on Jan 6 (April 23, 2022)

President Trump Shares Tweet He Released on Jan 6 that Twitter Took Down in 5 Minutes (April 23, 2022)

ROGER STONE: Please Help Jan 6er Bobby Gieswein – Held in DC Gulag for 15 Months – Never Committed a Crime In His Life (April 21, 2022)

OUTRAGEOUS: DOJ Advertises for 80 More Attorneys to Assist with Jan 6 Political Showtrials – Deep State’s ‘Reichstag Fire’ Response (April 15, 2022)

Crazed and Biased DC Judge Goes Off on President Trump at Conclusion of His Kangaroo Court and Indictments of Jan 6er (April 15, 2022)

“I Have Heard Many Stories of Horrors and Atrocities in Tiananmen Square. This Was America’s Tiananmen Square.” Jan 6 Victim of Police Brutality and Prosecutorial Misconduct – Marine James McGrew (April 13, 2022)

WE WEAR THIS AS A BADGE OF HONOR: Rolling Stone Lists TGP’s Jim Hoft and American Gulag as Top Donors to Jan 6 Political Prisoners in Weird Hit Piece (April 13, 2022)

BREAKING REPORT…True The Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips: US Intelligence Started Tracking Americans After 2020 Election…Geo Tracking Fence Was Set Up Around Capitol Before Jan 6 To Catch People Likely To Attend Trump Rally [VIDEO] (April 11, 2022)

January 6 Committee Selectively Leaks Don Jr’s Texts with Mark Meadows to CNN (April 8, 2022)

The Sham Jan 6 Committee Grilled Ivanka Trump for Eight Hours Tuesday Looking for Any Angle to Prevent President Trump from Running in 2024 (April 6, 2022)

Jan 6 Defendant Who “Never had a parking ticket” Committed Suicide While Awaiting Trial…Aunt Tells Tucker Carlson: “He pleaded guilty because stress had worn him down” [VIDEO] (April 1, 2022)

The DOJ Expands Jan 6 Investigation into Those Individuals Who Planned the Trump Rally – Same DOJ Continues to Ignore Nefarious Characters who Were Directing the Violence that Day (March 31, 2022)

Clinton-Appointed Judge Rules Trump “More Likely Than Not” Committed Crimes When He ‘Attempted to Obstruct’ Congress on January 6 (March 28, 2022)

Chris Wallace Explains Why He Left Fox News – Blames Tucker’s Jan 6th Documentary (March 29, 2022)

ROGER STONE BLASTS The Jan 6 Committee Report: A Masterpiece of Lies, Hyperbole, Conjecture, Supposition, Fantasy, and “Guilt by Association” (March 28, 2022)

January 6 Committee Leaks Ginni Thomas’ Texts While Husband Clarence Thomas Hospitalized (March 24, 2022)

ROGER STONE EXCLUSIVE: Fake News Media Distortion Never Ends – Jan 6 Smears Now Being Recycled (March 22, 2022)

Democrats Are Admitting The January 6th Committee Is All About The 2022 Midterms (March 20, 2022)

DOJ Claimed Kamala Harris and VP Pence Were in the Capitol on Jan 6 During the So-Called Riots – It Turns Out that Likely Neither Was the Case (March 19, 2022)

President Trump Appeals Obama Judge’s Ruling Over Eric Swalwell and Liz Cheney’s Jan 6 Committee Junk Lawsuits (March 18, 2022)

“Don’t Put Words in My Mouth and Don’t Try to Spin It” – HERO Steve Bannon SHREDS Far Left Reporter Following Jan 6 Lawfare Hearing (March 16, 2022)

SPERRY: Election Overseer Found DNC, Chalupa Broke Rules Over Ukraine, Then Reversed Its Findings After January 6 (March 15, 2022)

“I Forgive My Son for Working with the FBI to Convict Me” – Exclusive Interview with Convicted January 6th Political Prisoner Guy Reffitt from DC Gitmo! – MUST LISTEN HEARTBREAKING AUDIO! (March 15, 2022)

Pelosi Refuses to Hand Over Emails and Videos from Jan 6 Claiming “Sovereign Immunity” (March 14, 2022)

Death of DC Police Officer Who Committed Suicide 9 Days After January 6 Capitol Riot Ruled Line-of-Duty Death (March 10, 2022)

“I NEVER Felt Threatened by My Dad! – The DOJ Wanted Me to Say That!” – MUST READ — Shocking Statement by January 6th Daughter Called by DOJ Prosecution (March 8, 2022)

HORRIFIC! Prosecution Calls Teenage Kids of January 6’er to the Stand As Witnesses Against Him! THE BIDEN REGIME HAS NO CONSCIENCE! Exclusive Letter from Wife!! (March 6, 2022)

Frontline Doctors Founder Dr. Simone Gold Pleads Guilty for Speaking with a Megaphone Inside US Capitol in Jan 6 Case (March 4, 2022)

January 6 Panel Says Trump May Have Engaged in ‘Criminal Conspiracy’ to Overturn 2020 Election (March 2, 2022)

EXCLUSIVE FULL VIDEO INTERVIEW with DERRICK VARGO, Man Suing Capitol Police for Shoving Him off A Building on January 6th! (Feb 24, 2022)

EXCLUSIVE: New York Cop Charged in Jan 6 Witch Hunt Will Face NYPD Trial Tomorrow in NYC – His Crime Is Befriending Roger Stone (Feb 28, 2022)

President Trump On Democratic Election Fraud and the Jan 6 Committee: “It’s a Lot Of Bullsh*t, That’s What It Is.” ( Feb 27, 2022)

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Steve Bannon Replies to Jan 6 Committee – Liz Cheney’s Committee Is After Blood and Want Him Jailed on Bogus Charges (Feb 25, 2022)

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Roger Stone Sues Adam Schiff and the Jan 6 Committee (Feb 23, 2022)

Supreme Court Formally Ends Trump’s Effort to Block White House Records From Jan 6 Committee (Feb 22, 2022)

EXCLUSIVE: “CAPITOL POLICE TRIED TO MURDER ME!” January 6th Viral Victim Who Was Pushed Off Second Story Ledge by Police Speaks Out, Announces LAWSUIT! (Feb 22, 2022)

Shades of Jan 6th Witchhunt: Ottawa Police Chief Announces They Will Be Tracking Down Protesters for Months to Come- “Investigation Will Go On for Months” (VIDEO) (Feb 19, 2022)

Rep. Mark Finchem Receives Subpoena from Liz Cheney’s Jan 6 Gang – He Did Nothing Wrong But That Doesn’t Matter (Feb 19, 2022)

Newly Released Video from Jan 6 Shows NON-CHARGED CONSPIRATOR Changing Clothes, Putting Mask On, and Utilizing Hand Signals Directed at Others Behind Her (Feb 19, 2022)

Mother of January 6th Political Prisoner Whose Son Faces 20 Years for Reporting Inside US Capitol Publishes Must-Read List of Facts (Feb 17, 2022)

Liz Cheney’s Jan 6 Committee Subpoenas Arizona State Rep. Mark Finchem and Arizona GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward (Feb 15, 2022)

Dem Strategist James Carville: Voters Don’t Care About Jan 6th Probe (Feb 12, 2022)

NEW FOOTAGE Shows Trained, Plainclothes Operatives Coordinating Break-In Through Capitol Window on January 6 (VIDEO) ( Feb 12, 2022)

“It’s Open Season on Trump Supporters in the US Capitol” – Jim Hoft, Founder of the Gateway Pundit Discusses Latest Decision to Exonerate Police for Beating Unconscious Female Trump Supporter with Sticks as She Died (Feb 12, 2022)

NEW FOOTAGE Shows Trained, Plainclothes Operatives Coordinating Break-In Through Capitol Window on January 6 (VIDEO) (Feb 12, 2022)

January 6th Prisoner Desperate Letter from THE HOLE of DC Gitmo! HUNGER STRIKE Demand Includes Investigation into Capitol Police! (Jan 30, 2022)

Weak GOP House Leader McCarthy Shows His True Colors – Sides with McConnell and Democrats – Calls Jan 6 a “Violent Insurrection” (Feb 11, 2022)

TUCKER CARLSON: “Who’s Running the FBI Investigation?” Kamala Harris was at the DNC on Jan 6 But She Doesn’t Talk About Her Team Finding a Pipe Bomb There Minutes Before Capitol Riots? (Feb 10, 2022)

West Virginia School Bus Driver Placed on Leave for Attending Jan 6 Trump Rally Announces Run for Office (Jan 30, 2022)

“We Will Treat Them Fairly” – BREAKING: President Trump Vows to PARDON JANUARY 6 Prisoners at DC Gulag (VIDEO) (Jan 29, 2022)

EXCLUSIVE: Jan 6 Prisoner Jake Lang in DC Gulag Announces Hunger Strike Until Capitol Police Officers Are Arrested for Killing Ashli Babbitt and Rosanne Boyland (Jan 28, 2022)

Retaliation Against Jan 6 Prisoners at DC Gitmo- CORRECTIONS OFFICER CALLED OUT BY NAME! Shame on Them! (Jan 28, 2022)

Hansen: Capitol Offense – The Ugly Truth Behind The Five Deaths From January 6th and 7th (Jan 27, 2022)

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW FROM PRISON: American Patriot who Saved Lives on Jan 6th “DOJ IS BREAKING ITS OWN RULES! (Jan 25, 2022)

There Is Video of ‘Protesters’ Flashing Badges to Capitol Police – J6 Prisoner Calls Gateway Pundit, Discloses Damning Information on Likely Federal Operatives on January 6 (VIDEO) (Jan 14, 2022)

Tucker Obliterates Sham Jan 6th Committee: “They Are Lying About Ray Epps” (Jan 2022)

Corrupt and Unconstitutional Jan 6 Committee Leaks Never Issued Trump Order to Seize Voting Machines Based on Information from Deep State (Jan 22, 2022)

IS THIS CONSTITUTIONAL? Glenn Greenwald Asks If Jan 6 Committee Has Absolute Power to Investigate Citizens with No Regard for Judicial Limits? (Jan 21, 2022)

BREAKING: Corrupt and Unconstitutional Jan 6 Committee Releases Text Messages Showing Hannity Encouraging McEnany “No More Stolen Election Talk” (Jan 21, 2022)

VIDEO: Crowd Boos and Yells “Why Do We Need You” When RINO Dan Crenshaw Gives His Lame Excuse For Why He Hasn’t Helped Jan 6th Detainees – Says it Would Be “A Performance” (Jan 20, 2022)

“Please Don’t Forget About Us. We Are Not Terrorists” – Hispanic Jan 6 Political Prisoner Labeled White Supremacist Reveals Shocking Treatment and Racism at DC Gulag (Jan 12, 2022)

UPDATE: Kinzinger Mocks Cruz After House Committee Investigating January 6 Capitol Riot Issues Statement on “Unsupported Claims that Ray Epps Was an FBI Informant” (Jan 11, 2022)

MUST WATCH: Tucker Carlson Questions Sham 1/6 Committee’s Sudden Acknowledgement and Defense of Ray Epps: “It’s Clear the DOJ Had a Role in Jan 6th” (Jan 11, 2022)

“Was Ray Epps A Fed?” – ‘I Can’t Answer That’: FBI Asst. Director Refuses To Answer Any of Ted Cruz’s Questions About Jan 6 in Fiery Exchange on Capitol Hill – (Video) (Jan 11, 2022)

“They’re Using Jan 6 Really as a Way to Not Talk About the 2020 Election” – Ned Ryun on the Ruling Class, Administrative State (Jan 10, 2022)

It’s Time to Ask AOC What She Knew About the Jan 6 ‘Insurrection’ a Week Before and Who Told Her (Jan 10, 2022)

Jan 6 Political Prisoner Troy Smocks Is a Black Man Originally from the KC Housing Projects – Today He Speaks Out from the DC Gulag and Refutes the Narrative That He is Housed with White Supremacists (Jan 10, 2022)

EXCLUSIVE: The First Jan 6 Insurrection Began with Obama and Comey Setting Up President-Elect Trump that Night in 2017 (Jan 9, 2022)

“You Told That Lie On Purpose” – Tucker Carlson GRILLS Ted Cruz For Parroting The Left’s Insurrection Propaganda With His Jan 6th “Terrorist” Comments (Video) (Jan 7, 2022)

CAPITOL PUNISHMENT Producer and Conservative Actor Nick Searcy Reveals Stunning Inside Story About What REALLY Happened On Jan 6th: “It was amazing how much of it was an operation” [VIDEO] (Jan 6, 2022)

WATCH: MTG SLAMS Corrupt DC Swamp During Press Conference About Jan 6th Prisoners – “I Do Not Trust Our Government” (Jan 6, 2022)

MSNBC Guest Likens Capturing Jan 6 Footage to Filming Holocaust Camps (VIDEO) (Jan 6, 2022)

JAN 6 REMEMBERED: PART 3: WE CAUGHT THEM: Deep State Operative Don Berlin Presented Bogus Election Dossier to President Trump Before 1-6, Now Jan 6 Committee is Using This to Claim Insurrection and Take Down President Trump (Jan 6, 2022)

JAN 6 REMEMBERED: The Jan. 6 Mystery Pipe Bombs: Why Were Trump Supporters’ Vehicles Searched and Occupants Arrested and Detained but Antifa Operatives with Guns Allowed to Leave Town? (Jan 6, 2022)

JAN 6 REMEMBERED: Confirmed: Jan. 6 Protest Resulted in Estimated $1.5 Million in Damages — Or 1/1000th of Damages by Black Lives Matter-Antifa Protests in 2020 (Jan 6, 2022)

JAN 6 REMEMBERED: IGNORED BY MEDIA AND FBI: Antifa-BLM Activists Are Posting Photos and Bragging Online About Storming US Capitol on Jan. 6 (Jan 6, 2022)

JAN 6 REMEMBERED: IGNORED BY THE MEDIA ELITES AND FBI: List of 20 Individuals at the Capitol on January 6th – All Appear to be Connected to Antifa or Far Left Groups (Jan 6, 2022)

JAN 6 REMEMBERED: IGNORED BY THE MEDIA ELITES AND FBI: List of 20 Individuals at the Capitol on January 6th – All Appear to be Connected to Antifa or Far Left Groups (Jan 6, 2022)

Psaki Says Joe Biden Will Spend Tomorrow Attacking Trump For Jan 6 “Insurrection” That Never Happened as Everything Around Biden Crumbles (VIDEO) (Jan 5, 2022)

Wounded Iraqi War Veteran and Jan 6 Prisoner Releases Poems from DC “GITMO” in Hopes of Providing a Glimpse at the Goodness and Humanity in Men’s Hearts (Jan 5, 2022)

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Ashli Babbitt’s Mother and Husband Share their Story One Year After Her Jan 6th Shooting Death (Jan 5, 2022)

Several Men Suspected of Being Federal Agents In or Around The Capitol on Jan 6th Are Subpoenaed By Atty For Imprisoned Oath Keeper (Jan 3, 2022)

PART 4: – It Was a Set-Up: As Soon as Jan 6 Committee Obtained Deep State Operative Don Berlin’s Bogus Election Dossier Claims, They Were Leaked to the Mainstream Media to Claim ‘Trump Insurrection’ (Dec 30, 2021)

Jan 6 Prisoner’s Fiancé Speaks Out and an 8-Year-old Boy Misses His Father After 11 Months Pass in the DC Gulag Hell — YOU CAN HELP HERE (Dec 30, 2021)

Part 3: WE CAUGHT THEM: Deep State Operative Don Berlin Presented Bogus Election Dossier to President Trump Before 1-6, Now Jan 6 Committee is Using This to Claim Insurrection and Take Down President Trump (Dec 29, 2021)

“The Anti-Vax Right Are the REAL Snowflakes.” – Says RINO Adam Kinzinger Who’s on Jan 6 Committee with Liz Cheney (Dec 29, 2021)

PART 2: EXPOSING THE DEEP STATE TIES TO JAN 6: Origin of the Russia Sham – Real Russian Collusion with Robert Eringer (Dec 28, 2021)

Nonviolent Jan 6 Prisoner Held 11 Months for ‘Thought Crimes’ in the DC ‘GITMO’ Solitary Hell, Now His Wife Gets Yanked from Plane (Dec 28, 2021)

PART 1: EXCLUSIVE EXPOSING THE DEEP STATE TIES TO JAN 6: The Origin of the Russia Sham – Don Berlin’s Original Russia Dossier (Dec 27, 2021)

MERRY CHRISTMAS: In the Coming Days TGP Will Release a Series of Articles – Will Destroy the Deep State and the Jan 6 Committee – Coming Soon! (Dec 25, 2021)

President Trump Releases Statements Regarding the 2020 Election Steal and the Jan 6 “Unselect Committee” (Dec 23, 2021)

Nick Searcy Reveals the Chilling Truth Behind Jan 6 Live on Sean Hannity’s Show (Dec 18, 2021)

Who Really Benefitted from the Jan 6 Protests? One Reader Shares Her Observations (Dec 18, 2021)

Jan 6 Committee Subpoenas Col Waldron For ‘Playing a Role in Promoting Claims of Election Fraud,’ Communicating with Trump White House (Dec 16, 2021)

Liz Cheney Reads Text Messages in Front of Jan 6 Committee that Prove There Was NO Planned Insurgency – The Corrupt Committee Ignores and Moves On (Dec 15, 2021)

Mark Meadows Case Against the Jan 6 Committee May End Up Shutting Down Pelosi’s Kangaroo Court (Dec 10, 2021)

ROGER STONE EXCLUSIVE: The US House Jan 6 Probe is WITCH HUNT 3.0 (Dec 9, 2021)

Democrats and RINOs Are Upset that Steve Bannon Is “Sabotaging” the Sham Jan 6 Probe (Dec 09, 2021)

EXCLUSIVE: Roger Stone Asserts Fifth Amendment Rights in Jan 6 Probe, Citing Congressional Partisanship and a History of Leaks and Lies (Dec 7, 2021)

“No Intention of Respecting Boundaries Concerning Executive Privilege” – Meadows Will No Longer Appear Before Jan 6 Committee For Deposition (Dec 7, 2021)

Corrupt DC Obama Judge Amy Berman Jackson Tells Jan 6 Protester: “In 1776, the People Who Went on to Form a Democracy Didn’t Do that at the Urging of a Single Head of State” (Dec, 3, 2021)

EXCLUSIVE: DOJ Arrested Members of the Oathkeepers for Conspiring to Commit Crimes on Jan 6 Yet Had Evidence This Wasn’t True (Dec 2, 2021)

Corrupt Politicians Overseeing Jan 6 Committee Are Afraid of the Truth – Bannon’s Subpoenas Scare Them to Death (Dec 2, 2021)

The Same DOJ Attorney Who Oversees Jan 6 Protester Cases, Molly Gaston, Now Oversees Sidney Powell Non-Profit Case (Because She Helped Jan 6 Protesters?) (Dec 1, 2021)

Liz Cheney Threatens Criminal Contempt Charges on Mark Meadows After He Fails to Appear Before Sham January 6 Committee
(Nov 12, 2021)

The Socialist Democrats Won’t Leave Roger Stone Alone – Here’s His Response to the Subpoena from the Jan 6 Committee (Nov 23, 2021)

CAPITOL PUNISHMENT Producer and Conservative Actor Nick Searcy Reveals Stunning Inside Story About What REALLY Happened On Jan 6th: “It was amazing how much of it was an operation” [VIDEO] (Nov 18, 2021)

Federal Appeals Court Temporarily Blocks Release of Trump’s January 6 Records (Nov 11, 2021)

Liz Cheney and the Communist Democrats on the Jan 6th Committee Subpoena Ten More Trump Associates Including Kayleigh McEnany and Stephen Miller (Nov 9, 2021)

Sham January 6 Committee Subpoenas Six Trump Campaign Associates, Including Gen. Flynn (Nov 8, 2021)

EXCLUSIVE: FBI Follows and Questions Citizen Journalist After He Confronted Alleged Jan 6th Fed Informant Ray Epps (Nov 7, 2021)

Jan 6th Political Prisoner Chris Worrell to be IMMEDIATELY Transferred OUT of DC Gitmo After Surprise Inspection Found “Deplorable” Conditions and Denial of Medical Treatment (Nov 4, 2021)

Tucker Carlson Begins Series on How Jan 6 Was Instigated by Federal Provocateurs and Leftwing Radicals – Something TGP Reported Months Ago (Nov 1, 2021)

MUST SEE VIDEO: Suspected Fed Operative Ray Epps Confronted at His Ranch on His Role in January 6 US Capitol Set-Up
(Oct 28, 2021)

GUT WRENCHING PLEA FOR HELP! January 6th Detainee’s TELL ALL Letter to the American Public from DC GITMO — Please Help This Abused Man (Oct 28, 2021)

EXCLUSIVE: International Journalist Shares on Italian Government’s Actions Setting Up Rome Protesters Using Same Tactics as US Capitol Police on Jan 6 (Oct 21, 2021)

CLOWN SHOW: Chairman of Jan 6 Committee, Democrat Rep. Bennie Thompson, Supported Radical Insurrectionists Involved in Death of a Police Officer (Oct 20, 2021)

“They’ve Got Nothing Else to Talk About, This is The Worst Administration In History:” Rep Jim Jordan Drops Bomb on Biden and the Sham Jan 6th Commission During Firey Bannon Contempt Hearing (Oct 20, 2021)

“The Committee Isn’t Seeking the Truth, It’s Seeking Communist-Style Political Persecution of President Trump and the America First Patriots” – President Trump on the Unconstitutional Actions of the Jan 6 Committee (Oct 19, 2021)

January 6 Committee Votes 9-0 to Refer Steve Bannon to DOJ to Face Criminal Contempt Charges (VIDEO) (Oct 19, 2021)

Violent Insurrection? New Security Footage From Jan 6th Shows Capitol Police Officers Herding Protesters Inside As They Enter The Capitol – Then Stood Back (Video) (Oct 18, 2021)

Biden Condemns January 6 Capitol Protest at Memorial for Fallen Law Enforcement Officers (VIDEO) (Oct 16, 2021)

Adam Kinzinger Says January 6 Committee Subpoenaing Trump and Pence is Not Off the Table (Oct 15, 2021)

Breaking: FBI Arrests Retired Green Beret Jeremy Brown for Attending Jan. 6 Protests and Standing Outside Capitol — AFTER HE REFUSED TO BE THEIR INFORMANT! (Oct 1, 2021)

Oklahoma Man Pleads Guilty to Misdemeanor for Taking Nancy Pelosi’s Beer on January 6 — Will Serve 6 Months in Federal Prison for the Crime

G.W. Bush Appointed Judge Says Individual Who Took Selfie in Capitol on January 6 Should Be Locked Up (Sept 25, 2021)

Must Watch: Tucker Carlson Raises Questions About Jan 6th Security Footage Showing Black-Clad Operatives Leading the Charge into The Capitol Building; “How Many Federal Agents Were Involved?” – (Video) (Sept 24, 2021)

Heartbreaking Letter from Jan. 6 Prisoner in Solitary Confinement! DC Gitmo Violates International Codes on Torture (Sept 23, 2021)

January 6 Political Prisoner In DC’s Gitmo Witnesses Attempted Murder of Fellow Patriot By Correction Officer (Sept 17, 2021)

Three California Recall Ballots Sent to Address of Deceased American Veteran and Patriot Ashli Babbitt, Who Was Shot and Killed at Capitol on Jan 6 (Sept 13, 2021)

“Children of the Same Foul Spirit” – George Bush Compares January 6 “Domestic Extremists” to Islamic Terrorists in 9/11 Speech (VIDEO) (Sept 11, 2021)

EXCLUSIVE: Was Rosanne Boyland Beaten By Female Officer Before She Died on January 6th? (Video) (Sept 10, 2021)

EXCLUSIVE: Lawyer for January 6 Clients Released From Hospital, Says Reports That He Was ‘Missing’ Are False (Sept 7, 2021)

The New Witch Hunt: Dem Jan 6 Committee Demands Data From 15 Social Media Companies (Augt 28, 2021)

EXCLUSIVE Jan 6 Political Prisoners Who Refuse COVID Vax Are Denied Razors, Haircuts, Religion Ahead Court Appearances: ‘They’re Trying Make Them Look Like Terrorists’ (Aug 26, 2021)

Pelosi’s January 6 Committee Requests Communications Between Trump WH Officials and Top Conservatives, Including Reporter Jack Posobiec, Scott Presler, Alex Jones and Brandon Straka (Aug 25, 2021)

DOJ Demands Judge Send Jan 6th Protester BACK TO JAIL for “Returning to Conspiracy Theories” After He Violated Restrictions and Watched Mike Lindell’s Symposium Online (Aug 20, 2021)

Demon DOJ Attorney Kathryn Fifield Says She Will Not Have Evidence Ready Against US Reservist, Jan 6. Protester and Political Prisoner Timothy Hale-Cusanelli until 2022 at Earliest (July 30, 2021)

“Formalize Their Departure:” More Republican House Members Call For Cheney & Kinzinger to be Purged From Party for Participating in Pelosi’s Jan 6 Witch Hunt (July 29, 2021)

Crazed Mob of Antifa Thugs Attacks Jan 6th Political Prisoner Rally in NYC; “I’ll Hang a Proud Boy” (July 25, 2021)

Justice for Ashli: Mother of Murdered Jan 6th Patriot Ashli Babbitt Honored at Trump Rally, Speaks Out to Reporters on DC Political Prisoners (VIDEO) (July 25, 2021)

Former DEA Agent Tells Tucker Carlson FBI Informant “Friend” Invited Him To Capitol On Jan 6, Pressured Him To Go Inside [VIDEO] (July 23, 2021)

War Room: Attorney Announces Sidney Powell Will Join Major Movement to Assist Jan. 6 Political Prisoners and Their Families (Video) (July 23, 2021)

Reporter Julie Kelly Exposes Shocking DOJ Abuse of Jan. 6 Political Prisoners on War Room (VIDEO) (July 23, 2021)

Attorney: Jan. 6 Prisoners Brutally Beaten, Stripped, Hogtied, Humiliated by Guards – One Prisoner Blinded in One Eye – Worse Abuse Than Gitmo (VIDEO) (July 23, 2021)

INSURRECTION! Dem. Rep. Hank Johnson Arrested During Black Lives Matter Protest at Capitol (VIDEO) (July 23, 2021)

BRAVO! Greg Kelly Airs Photos of All of the Jan. 6 Political Prisoners Still in Gulag without Trial (VIDEO) (July 22, 2021)

JUST IN: Pelosi Rejects McCarthy’s GOP Picks Jim Jordan, Jim Banks For January 6 Committee (July 23, 2021)

LIZ CHENEY GOES ROGUE: Holds Presser, Trashes McCarthy and GOP Reps, Says She Agrees with Pelosi for Blocking Jim Jordan and Jim Banks from Jan. 6 Commission (July 21, 2021)

New: GOP Leader McCarthy Pulls His 5 Republican Members From Jan. 6 Committee After Pelosi Rejects Jordan, Banks
(July 21, 2021)

McCarthy Announces GOP House Members for Pelosi’s Sham Jan. 6 Investigation Including 2 RINOs (July 19,2021)

Jan. 6th Trump Supporter Sentenced, Will Serve 8 Months in Jail; Peacefully Walked Inside and Took Selfie with “Q Shaman”
(July 19,2021)

Jan 6 Patriot Faces 20-Years In Prison For Standing In Capitol For 10 Minutes – Wife Launches GiveSendGo (July 19, 2021)

Philip Anderson: Capitol Police Killed Rosanne Boyland on Jan. 6 – “She Was Holding My Hand When She Died” (AUDIO)
(July 18, 2021)

IT WAS ALL A LIE: Congress Was Evacuated on Jan. 6 Due to Pipe Bomb Threat — Not Because of Trump Supporters Walking Halls (July 16, 2021)

TODAY’S DOUBLE STANDARD JUSTICE SYSTEM: Dem Rep Joyce Beatty STORMS US Capitol, Arrested and Released Soon After While Trump Supporters Languish in Isolation in Prison for 6 Months for Same Offense (July 16, 2021)

Capitol Police Arrest Democrat Congresswoman For Storming Hart Senate Building Chanting “End the Filibuster!” (VIDEO)
(July 15, 2021)

FLASHBACK: Demon Joe Biden Broke into US Capitol and Was Arrested — Now He Holds Hundreds of Trump Supporters in Isolation in Prison Without Trial for Very Same Crime (VIDEO) (July 15, 2021)

Vicious and Unhinged Liz Cheney Slapped Jim Jordan’s Hand Away as He Tried to Help Her During Jan. 6 Protests (July 15, 2021)

Trump-Appointed Judge Releases January 6 Protester, Says Defendant Did Not Engage in Violent Behavior (July 14, 2021)

Feds Arrest 5 Members of Same Texas Family For Walking Through Capitol on Jan. 6 – Leaving Behind One Minor Child Alone and Parentless (July 13, 2021)

Capitol Police Will Use Military Surveillance Equipment on Citizens to “Identify Emerging Threats” (July 12, 2021)

DOJ Lied About ‘Fully Constructed’ US Capitol Lego Set Found in January 6 Protester’s Home (July 12, 2021)

DOJ Is Creating a Database of Americans and Related Data Collected from the January 6th Protest at the Capitol (July 10, 2021)

NEW VIDEO: Black-Clad Hoodlums Were First Up the Stairs, First to Smash Windows at US Capitol — But FBI Refuses to Look for Them – Weird, Huh? (July 9, 2021)

Judge Denies Release of “Q Shaman” – He’s Been in Jail For Several Months with No Trial Date and Suffers Mental Health Issues for Walking in US Capitol (July 6, 2021

Bill Cosby: ‘Mainstream Media Are the Insurrectionists Who Stormed the Capitol,’ ‘Trying To Demolish the Constitution’
(July 6, 2021)

ANOTHER SETUP: On Jan 6 the Secret Service Offered to Escort Roger Stone to the Front of the Capitol March and Into the Capitol – Stone Smartly Declined (June 28, 2021)


First Oath Keeper to Plead Guilty in Jan 6 Charges, Including “Document Tampering” For Deleting Facebook Account
(June 23, 2021)

Senator Ron Johnson’s Staff is Looking thru 14,000 Hours of Jan 6th Video Footage – 38% of 800 Protesters Were Waved in West Terrace Door by Capitol Police (VIDEO) (June 13, 2021)

After Tormenting General Flynn with Judicial Acts Never Seen Before, Corrupt Judge Sullivan Now Is Persecuting Trump Supporters from Jan 6 Protest (June 12, 2021)

DEEP STATE DOJ and Corrupt Politicians Are Refusing to Release Thousands of Hours of Video of Jan 6 at the Capital – Is This Short VIDEO the Reason Why? (June 11, 2021)

Confirmed: Jan. 6 Protest Resulted in Estimated $1.5 Million in Damages — Or 1/1000th of Damages by Black Lives Matter-Antifa Protests in 2020 (June 6, 2021)

HUGE: MORE VIDEO SURFACES of Capitol Police Waving Protesters Inside, Moving Barricades Aside, Standing By as Protesters Walk In (May 20, 2021)

More on the Democrats’ Plans to Cleanse America from American-Loving Patriots (April 2, 2021)

Chuck Schumer And RINO Susan Collins Have Heated Exchange Before Jan 6 Commission Vote — Then She Votes With Dems! (March 29, 2021)

Hillary Clinton Lashes Out at Republicans For Blocking Jan 6 Commission, Falsely Claims Trump Supporters Killed Police Officer – Twitter Users Respond (May 28, 2021)

Pure Marxism: Democrats to Target Patriotic Americans as ‘Domestic Terrorists’ in New Bill – “Security Clearance Improvement Act of 2021” (March 27, 2021)

CAUGHT ON VIDEO: FBI and DHS Attempt To Recruit Former Green Beret to Infiltrate and Spy on Oath Keepers, Proud Boys – But He Recorded The Conversation! (March 23, 2021)

Retired 30-Yr Navy Chaplain Volunteered To Speak With FBI About Protest At Capitol On Jan 6th… What Happened Next Is Terrifying [VIDEO] (March 11, 2021)

Oath Keepers Leader Seen With Roger Stone Near DC Hotel on Jan 6 Is Arrested By FBI – Never Set a Foot Inside US Capitol (March 8, 2021)

NOT MAKING HEADLINES: Antifa Members Caught with Gun at Jan 6th Protests, Arrested then Released — SOMEONE NOTIFY CROOKED CHRIS WRAY (March 4, 2021)

IGNORED BY THE MEDIA ELITES AND FBI: List of 20 Individuals at the Capitol on January 6th – All Appear to be Connected to Antifa or Far Left Groups (Feb 6, 2021)

IGNORED BY MEDIA AND FBI: Antifa-BLM Activists Are Posting Photos and Bragging Online About Storming US Capitol on Jan. 6 (Feb 26, 2021)

President Donald Trump Calls For Protest in DC on Jan 6., Says ‘Be There, Will Be Wild’ (Dec 19, 2020)

The National Pulse Header

A National Embarrassment. An Unadulterated Farce. The January 6th Committee Makes a Mockery of America. (July 28, 2021)

GOP Leader McCarthy Opposes Commission Investigating January 6th “Insurrection.” (May 18, 2021)

The Q Lie: The Power-Grab After January 6th Was the Real Insurrection. (March 21, 2021)

Episode 29: The January 6th Conspiracy Theory is Officially Dead. (March 16, 2021)

REPORT: Pelosi’s ‘Conversations’ With Sgt At Arms Responsible For Lack Of National Guard On January 6 (Feb.14, 2021)

The Insurrection Lie II: False Reports From January 6th Continue to Unravel. (Feb. 14, 2021)

Half of America Says Jan 6 Protesters are ‘Persecuted, Political Prisoners’. (Sept. 14, 2021)

FBI “Finds Scant Evidence” of Jan 6 Insurrection Plot, Killing Off Another Anti-Trump Media Hoax. (August 20, 2021)

Poll Reveals Jan 6 Committee Cry Babies Undermined Support for Their Own ‘Investigation’. (July 31, 2021)

NEW: Capitol Authorities Had Advance Warning of Jan 6th Riot, But Refused to Act on Intelligence. ( April 28, 2021)

Trump Confirms He Called For 10,000 National Guard for Jan 6th… Pelosi Refused. (March 1, 2021)

Dems Want Mayor Bowser – Who REFUSED Troops for Jan 6 – to Have Full ‘Commander-in-Chief’ Powers in DC. (Feb. 23, 2021)

BLOOD MONEY: CNN, NBC, etc Paid BLM/Antifa Activist Who Broke into Capitol on Jan 6 $77,000 (Feb. 17, 2021)

‘Inconsistent, Conflicting’ And Ignored Threat Assessments Ahead of Jan 6 Capitol Attack. (Feb 6, 2021)

Episode 5: No, AOC Wasn’t “Near Death” on Jan 6th (Feb 4 2021) (Feb. 4, 2021)

January 6 Articles on TheThinkingConservative.com

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses