What to Watch in Today’s Primaries and Run-Offs in Virginia, Oklahoma, and Georgia

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House Freedom Caucus chair Bob Good looks to fend off a challenge by Trump-backed John McGuire in one of the most-watched primary contests this season.

Voters in Virginia, Oklahoma, and Georgia will head to the polls for primary and run-off elections on June 18 with the Old Dominion State being front and center.

In Virginia, voters in the Fifth Congressional District will decide between Rep. Bob Good (R-Va.) and state Sen. John McGuire.

Mr. Good is the chairman of the staunchly conservative and influential House Freedom Caucus, while Mr. McGuire has been endorsed by former President Donald Trump.

The battle is viewed as one of loyalty to the former president.

Mr. Good, who has held the seat since January 2021, has come under fire from some of former President Trump’s allies for endorsing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in the GOP presidential primary.

Mr. Good endorsed former President Donald Trump after Mr. DeSantis dropped out of the race.

He was one of eight Republicans to join Democrats to oust Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) as House Speaker in October 2023.

If Mr. Good loses, he will be the first House incumbent to go down to a primary challenge this year, except in one race in which two incumbents faced off due to redistricting.

A Virginia Faith and Freedom Coalition poll from last week shows Mr. McGuire and Mr. Good with 41 percent and 31 percent of the vote, respectively, though 29 percent are undecided.

Additionally, there is the GOP Senate primary to take on two-term Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.).

The candidates are Hung Cao, a Navy veteran who unsuccessfully ran in 2022 against Democrat Rep. Jennifer Wexton in the 10th Congressional District; Scott Parkinson, a former adviser to Mr. DeSantis and the vice president of government affairs at the right-wing fiscal advocacy group Club for Growth; constitutional attorney Jonathan Emord; Army veteran and former congressional aide Eddie Garcia; and Chuck Smith, who unsuccessfully ran in 2022 against Democrat Rep. Bobby Scott in the 3rd Congressional District.

Former President Trump has endorsed Mr. Cao in the race.

By Jackson Richman

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