Whistleblower did not disclose contact with Schiff’s committee to IG

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The intelligence community whistleblower who alleged misconduct at the White House over President Trump’s call to the Ukrainian president did not disclose contact with House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff’s staff to the intelligence committee inspector general (ICIG), sources told Fox News Friday.

The sources said ICIG Michael Atkinson told lawmakers in a closed session that the whistleblower did not disclose the contact with the California Democrat’s committee and that Atkinson didn’t investigate that contact as he had no knowledge of it.

On Friday, sources also told Fox News that Atkinson also revealed that the whistleblower volunteered he or she was a registered Democrat and that they had a prior working relationship with a prominent Democratic politician.

Whistleblower contacted House Intelligence Committee in advance

White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary Hogan Gidley on report whistleblower contacted House Intelligence Committee in advance and the media keep spreading Adam Schiff’s lies.

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