Why Biden Picked Xavier Becerra

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Presumptive President-elect Joe Biden is fulfilling predictions that his administration will be the most militantly pro-abortion of any in American history. His nomination of California Attorney General Xavier Becerra for Secretary of Health and Human Services is an expression of Biden’s commitment to force extreme, oppressive abortion policy on the American public. As California AG, Becerra has been a tool of the abortion industry. Biden has rewarded the pro-choice lobby’s support of his candidacy by appointing Planned Parenthood’s unofficial spokesman and advocate. The Becerra pick has nothing to do with health care policy in the United States, and everything to do with enforcing a radical abortion agenda.

With a BA in economics and a law degree from Stanford University, Becerra has no credentials or expertise in medicine, public health, or any other discipline related to health care services. A career politician in California state and federal government, his sole “qualification” for the head of the federal bureaucracy charged with national health care policy is his aggressive pro-abortion activism. And Becerra’s nomination as head of HHS demonstrates that unfettered access to publicly funded abortion will be at the center of a Biden Administration’s public “health” policy agenda. This will be Becerra’s beat, and if confirmed, he will be ruthless in executing it. 

During his twenty-four years in the U.S. House of Representatives, Becerra consistently received perfect scores from Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America. During his tenure, no member of Congress exceeded his enthusiasm for abortion for any or no reason up to, and even during, the birth of a child. It is not surprising that Planned Parenthood giddily endorsed the choice, calling Becerra a “decades-long champion” of “sexual and reproductive health care access.” Planned Parenthood praised Becerra for “fighting to address health care inequities and further critical access care” (read: publicly funded abortion on demand and without exceptions).

By Kenneth Craycraft

About Kenneth Craycraft

Kenneth Craycraft is a licensed attorney and the James J. Gardner Family Chair of Moral Theology at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary and School of Theology.

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