Why Donald J. Trump is the Best President in 70 Years

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses

There are a lot of propaganda fictional lists of the 10 or 12 worst U.S. presidents of all time where we find #45 Donald J. Trump listed as one of the worst U.S. Presidents of all time.

The problems with such lists are twofold:

1. The majority of the American public sees former President Donald Trump as one of the best presidents of all time.

2. The people who prepared the lists ranking former President Donald Trump as one of the worst did so with subjective observations and bias rather than objective measures as they worked an agenda.

The problem with the rankings of presidents that show former President Donald J. Trump as one of the worst of all time is they are opinion hit pieces. They are NOT based on empirical research which relies on data collection and observation to draw objective logical conclusions. Data with conclusions that are the truth.

#44 President Barack H. Obama

So here is an objective video, with empirical evidence, ranking Barack H. Obama as the worst President in American History.

“21 Reasons Barack Obama Is the Worst President in American History” – Conservative News

Since I had two relatives in the Navy during his terms in office, I would add a 22nd point. Obama greatly diminished our military superiority while in office. One of my relatives told me he was flying in a helicopter older than he was at the time (20+ years old) and it had safety issues.

#45 President Donald J. Trump

So after you had 8 years of the darkness of night over this country with the failed presidency of Barack Obama, let’s take a look at the 4 years of the Presidency of Donald J. Trump in contrast as the light of day with objective accomplishments of his administration.

  • Unprecedented Economic Boom
  • Tax Relief for the Middle Class
  • Massive Deregulation
  • Fair and Reciprocal Trade
  • American Energy Independence
  • Investing in America’s Workers and Families
  • Life-Saving Response to the China Virus
  • Great Healthcare for Americans
  • Remaking the Federal Judiciary
  • Achieving a Secure Border
  • Restoring American Leadership Abroad
  • Colossal Rebuilding of the Military
  • Serving and Protecting Our Veterans
  • Making Communities Safer
  • Cherishing Life and Religious Liberty
  • Safeguarding the Environment
  • Expanding Educational Opportunity
  • Combatting the Opioid Crisis

This list with supporting actions of each of the points above is found here:

Trump Administration Accomplishments” – TheThinkingConservative.com

What makes President Donald J. Trump such a remarkable president are other tangible and less tangible factors as follows:

Tangible factors include beating two bogus impeachment efforts led by insider trader and house speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). The outlandish and illegal raid on his Florida home with the FBI authorized to use deadly force. Then we had the Democrat’s tactic of what President Trump has labeled “lawfare” that resulted in 4 civil and criminal trials since he announced his third run for the presidency. And the icing on that cake of socialist Democrats was two recent assassination attempts.

The less tangible factors that prove President Trump to be a better president than many others is his personal life. He has had three marriages resulting three mothers resulting in five children between the three women. All five children have grown up to become successful, decent, independent, people who all have a good relationship with their father. Of all Donald Trump’s accomplishments this one he, and many other Americans, would agree is his greatest accomplishment. He has maintained good relationships with both of his first two wives, the first of whom just passed away recently.

For the most part, Donald J. Trump has a family who mostly stand behind him and up for him.


When it comes to Barack H. Obama, the guy really has no past and is a ghost. That should concern every American of both parties. To me, his meteoric rise from Hawaii, to Illinois, to the White House has always been beyond suspicious.

Contrast him with Donald J. Trump a self-made New York billionaire before he was a politician. He was businessman “capitalist maker” and not a politician “socialist taker”. He is not a lawyer. These factors, alone, make him different from almost every previous president.

Trump is so well loved and respected by the majority of America he is the first president to hold almost 300 rallies in almost every state. A common chant heard at his rallies has been “TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!”, as well as, “WE LOVE YOU! WE LOVE YOU! WE LOVE YOU!”

A “X” (formerly Twitter) user Dave Lalande posted a list of 120 accomplishments of President Trump this summer he took the time to research and compile.

Again, what Dave Lalande did was he engaged in empirical research compiling hard data and not propagating personal opinions and conjectures as fact!

Finally, I would conclude this with two factors none of these liberal “supposed scholars” factor into their lists showing Trump to be one of the worst American presidents of all time.

1. It was recently discovered that out of all 46 presidents, President Donald J. Trump’s family is the only one to have no connection to the slave trade of America.

2. President Donald J. Trump is the first president in history to actually see his own personal wealth go down during and immediately after his term in office.

To me, these two factors alone show him to be the Greatest of All Time (GOAT)!

We at The Thinking Conservative like to use the truthful videos of others to support our positions and claims. Sadly, when you do an Internet search with a string of “trump greatest president of all time” or even something less leading such as “list of president trump accomplishments” it is obvious the search engine algorithms are being rigged against him. It was recently revealed that two of the largest donors to the Kamala Harris campaign were Google and Microsoft.  

This is the very definition of high technology engaging in election interference and this is why this article took twice as long to write as it should have.

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