There is some interesting content being posted to the Internet that implies all hell could break loose on January 20, 2025 in Washington, D.C. at the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump into his second term. Some of it is no doubt made up propaganda for content dollars but some of it needs to be taken seriously. The reason for this starts with the bizarre press conference from a Biden Administration official himself. Jake Sullivan, who is the National Security Advisor to vice president Kamala Harris, concluded a nearly hour long presser saying:
“I just will say one last word, which is, this is — I hope this is my last time at this podium — (laughter) — at least for a little while, and I don’t mean that in a negative sense. I mean the only thing that would bring me back is an unexpected event in the next few days, which, as you all know, is totally possible given everything you’ve seen over the course of the past years.
But if it is, in fact, my last time before you, I just want to say thank you for what you guys do every day. And thank you for putting up with me. It’s been an honor to be able to really try to illuminate these issues through tough, probing, and penetrating questioning. And I’ve — can’t say I’ve always enjoyed every moment up here, but I certainly have been privileged to be able to do it. So, thank you guys very much.”
The implication Sullivan seemingly alluded to was “This Biden Administration is not leaving.”
The mainstream media press, always the simpleton saps of the narrative, did not see one of them ask the obvious question, “What do you mean by that, Jake?”
An outstanding survivalist podcaster who has been around for years is Jack Richland who hosts the podcast Black Scout Survival. He is an expert on survival topics and has a very interesting website featuring merchandise for sale ( He just dropped an explosive video that notes a variety of warning signs relative to the upcoming Washington, D.C. inauguration. Some of these we had heard about before and some were new to us.
We knew about the bizarre presser by Jake Sullivan in the White House. We did not know about the HVAC (Heating-Ventilation-Air-Conditioning) lady’s surprising find of C-4 explosives in a Chicago public housing project with other suspicious military provisions!
“Warning Signs! Something BAD Could HAPPEN!” – Black Scout Survival
Another interesting thing Richland highlights is a recent video which just dropped by James O’Keefe whereby he exposes an ongoing conspiracy in the Pentagon to sabotage incoming President Donald Trump.
“Pentagon Advisor Reveals Conversation ‘to Explore What We Can Do to Protect People from Trump’” – O’Keefe Media Group
What O’Keefe captures on video from Jamie Mannina, who claims to be an independent contractor to the Department of Defense (DoD), is nothing less than an admission of treason against President Trump and America. Mannina implicates some of the top military Generals in a plot against Trump within the Pentagon.
Richland also mentions the use of Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) being utilized which has recently been in the news which could see retired General Mark Milley brought up on charges by the new Trump Administration, if true.
“Were ‘DIRECTED-ENERGY WEAPONS’ Used by the Feds on U.S. Citizens? – Blaze TV
Interestingly, if this was done, by General Mark Milley, there is a good chance that President Trump didn’t know about it as it is not legal to use such military type weapons on American civilians.
This time around President Trump is not screwing around. There will be nobody left in D.C. inside the Trump Administration to sabotage it from within. As he has said after the betrayal of former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley after his first term, “I am big on loyalty.”
Trump’s historic second non-consecutive term will be different.
Incoming (NSA) to Trump, Mike Waltz says every Intel official at the (NSC) working for Biden must leave by 12:01 EST on Jan 20th. Congressman Mike Waltz (R) is the first Green Beret to serve in Congress. Waltz is a Florida native, a combat-decorated veteran, former White House and Pentagon advisor.
Even First Lady Melania Trump knew something was amiss in the first term of her husband President Donald Trump. Melania Trump said there were people who work for her husband that she believes he can’t trust.
“Being Melania – The First Lady Part 5: Melania Trump on distrust in the West Wing” – ABC News
One thing that this ABC News special got wrong though is some of those who left the first administration (such as Michael Flynn and Steve Bannon) did so as they realized they were being utilized to hamper what President Trump was trying to accomplish. They did not want to be a distraction.
There are millions of MAGA Americans ready to take up arms to eliminate those within who continue to work to destroy this country. For anybody thinking of causing trouble on January 20th in D.C., you would be well advised to stand down. Think harder.
Biden’s senile rhetoric has no doubt added fuel to many of the rumors relative to the peaceful transition of power as noted in this “X” post.
WTH is he talking about?!
— LD Basler (@ArmaLite15OU812) December 20, 2024
Wrong Joe, you’re definitely going away. You and your entire incompetent administration are GONE in 31 days..
© 2025 by Mark S. Schwendau