Witch-Hunt: What Was Trump’s Crime?

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What was Donald Trumps real crime? Was it beating Hillary Clinton and The Swamp in 2016. That is why Democrat’s have been trying to impeach him for 3 years, from the moment he took the oath of office. Just look at the evidence. They hate Donald Trump because he is fighting for the American people.

We have a country to run
Based on all the information released about the Fake Whistleblowers attorney, the Impeachment Hoax should be ended IMMEDIATELY!

Nancy Pelosi’s Gift
The Media praised Nancy Pelosi as “brilliant” for fighting AGAINST impeachment—until she lost control of her party and had to allow a totally partisan impeachment vote!

Threat to Democracy
Even before Donald Trump was elected, anonymous, unelected Swamp bureaucrats and leakers were trying to take down Donald Trump.

James Comey Lied!
Comey is a Liar and a Leaker! REFUSED to allow the DOJ Inspector General to question him about classified matters.

AG Barr: Greatest danger is using the government to spy on political rivals
There was NEVER any evidence of collusion. It was all a Democrat Hoax!

AG Barr: FBI’s case collapsed in Jan 2017 but it kept targeting President Trump
The Phony Dossier was a Con Job that was paid for by Crooked Hillary and the DNC. The FBI misled the FISA court!

Hateful Democrats’ Wanted Impeachment From Day 1
What was my real crime? Beating Hillary Clinton and The Swamp in 2016. That’s why Democrat’s have been trying to impeach me for 3 years, from the moment I took the

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