Wyoming Poised to Do Away With Gun-Free Zones

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Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon has 15 days to decide whether to sign, veto, or let the new law go into effect without his signature.

Whether the state of Wyoming gets rid of its gun-free zones is in Gov. Mark Gordon’s hands.

On March 8, the Legislature passed and sent to Mr. Gordon HB 125. The bill’s primary sponsor, state Rep. Jeremy Haroldson, a Republican, said he is cautiously optimistic that Mr. Gordon will sign the bill but that he knows there are no guarantees.

The bill repeals the designation for most places currently listed as gun-free zones, including public schools, colleges, and public buildings. This includes the state capitol, legislature, and other government buildings. It also makes it a crime to prevent a legal gun owner from carrying a concealed weapon anyplace but in areas that remain off-limits.

Those off-limits areas include hospitals, mental health facilities, and jails.

The law allows private property owners to prohibit weapons on their property and prohibits students of elementary and secondary schools from carrying weapons in their schools.

School administrators can set policies for employees to carry on school property. This includes required training, certification, and annual recertification.

The law also vests all authority for regulating firearms in the state, taking that authority away from county and municipal governments.

An email from Mr. Gordon’s communications director, Michael Pearlman, confirmed on March 8 that the governor had received the bill. But Mr. Pearlman did not indicate the law’s future.

“HB 125 was received by the Governor today,“ Mr. Pearlman told The Epoch Times. ”As our legislative session is scheduled to conclude today, he will have 15 days to act on this bill. He will give this bill careful consideration, as he does all legislation that reaches his desk.”

Under Wyoming law, if the Legislature had remained in session, Mr. Gordon would have had three days to either sign or veto the bill. Since the Legislature completed its work on the state budget and ended the session, Mr. Gordon has 15 days. If he does nothing, the bill becomes law without his signature.

Mr. Haroldson said the bill has been vehemently opposed by teachers unions and the state’s colleges and universities.

By Michael Clements

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